Displaying 1 - 50 of 222

Aboriginal Land Rights History: Western Australia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Claudio Pierluigi
Aboriginal Law Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 52, October 1991, p. 56
Examines the three forms of land tenure in Western Australia, 99 year leases, small plots of land on pastoral leases, and 50 or 25 year special purpose leases, with no provision for Aboriginal or Native title.
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Aboriginal Law 2016: Year in Review

Documents & Presentations
Norton Rose Fulbright [Canada LLP]
Summarizes key decisions relevant to industry and project proponents and discusses how they effect carrying out the duty to consult with Indigenous peoples.
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Aboriginal Perspectives Unit Guide for the Theme Sovereignty and Resistance

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Perspectives: Thematic Unit Sovereignty and Resistance
Documents & Presentations
Michael Gatin

Lesson plan for Grades 7-12 uses excerpts from four documentaries: You Are on Indian Land, Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance, Our Nationhood, and Dancing Around the Table, Part 1.

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Aboriginal Rights and Title in British Columbia

Alternate Title
Historical Thinking Project
Web Sites » Organizations
Liz Krieg
Peter Seixas
Resources for lesson intended for Grade 11. Contains links to: lesson plan, rubric, worksheets, primary sources, background material, etc.
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Aboriginal Rights and Title in Canada after Delgamuukw: Part Two: Anthropological Perspectives on Rights, Tests, Infringement & Justification

Alternate Title
Anthropological Perspectives on Rights, Tests, Infringement and Justification
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian Thom
Native Studies Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2001, pp. 1-42
Reviews the 1997 Delgamuukw decision by the Supreme Court of Canada critical to determining the nature and extent of Aboriginal rights and title; and provides insight into the anthropological and legal approaches to title and rights.
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Aboriginal Title and Mining in Canada: More Questions Than Answers

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute
E-Books » Chapters
Robin M. Junger
Discussion of the ramifications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia. Chapter 17A from Proceedings of the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute published by the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.
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Aborigines and Land Rights in Tasmania – the Deep South

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Denise Gardner
Aboriginal Law Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 52, October 1991, p. 53
Rejection of the Tasmanian Government's Land Rights Bill in the Upper House and the weak efforts at redress the issue of land rights.
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An Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians, the Better Management of Indian Affairs, and to Extend

the Provisions of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 42.[Assented to 22nd June, 1869.]

Alternate Title
CAP VI: An Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians, the Better Management of Indian Affairs, and to Extend the Provisions of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 42 [Assented to 22nd June, 1869.]
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Act discusses the lawful possession of lands, proceedings used to eject people not in lawful possession, penalty for persons selling liquors, and much more. The Act has 24 sections in total.
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Algonquian Land Tenure and State Structures in the North

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adrian Tanner
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 1983, pp. 311-320
Describes differences in the hunting territory between the Eastern James Bay Area and Southern Labrador and also notes distinctions regarding land tenure and rights.
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Allotment Knowledges: Grid Spaces, Home Places, and Storyscapes on The Way to Rainy Mountain

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marcel Brousseau
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring, 2018, pp. 136-167
Looks at Kiowa responses to allotment by comparing N. Scott Momaday’s canonical literary work to Mark Palmer's "Indigital" cartography in terms of understanding, recording and remembering the process and effects of the United States government’s policy in the Oklahoma territory.
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Anthropology, Tsilhqot’in Nation, and Decolonization

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marc Pinkoski
Native Studies Review, vol. 20, no. 2, 2011, pp. 51-89
Study of Tsilhqot’in Nation v. B.C. in terms of anthropological testimony and its interpretation by the courts. Case involved forestry practices and resource extraction.
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Archiving Force: Ethics and Consignation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Drew Mildon
Indigenous Law Journal, vol. 16/17, no. 1, 2018, pp. 67-84
Discusses the role archival material plays in common law and the consolidation of state power, and questions whether this circumscribes the courts’ ability to address historical injustices. Uses the case of R v Van der Peet to illustrate two different approaches to the question of Aboriginal title. Refers to cases: R v Van der Peet Delgamuukw v British Columbia
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Best Practices for Consultation and Accommodation

Documents & Presentations
Meyers Norris Penny
Guide provides Aboriginal perspective on "consultation in good faith" and outlines practices needed to gain positive results for First Nations in British Columbia.
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The Black Hills Case: On the Cusp of History

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Frank Pommersheim
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 4, no. 1, Spring, 1988, pp. 18-23
Illustrates the history of the Sioux Nation and United States government's legal relationship, the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, and the protection of the Black Hills for Sioux people.
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Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State

Book Reviews
Sarah Nickel
BC Studies, no. 191, Autumn, 2016, pp. 165-167
Book review of: Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State edited by Yale D. Belanger and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. Entire book review section on one pdf. To access this review scroll to p. 165.
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Book Review

Book Reviews
Janice Gray
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, 1997, pp. 381-385
Book review of: Indigenous Legal Issues by Heather McRae, Garth Nettheim and Laura Beacroft
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Sally M. Weaver
R. W. Brockway
John Charlot
Arthur W. Blue
D. N. Sprague
et al.
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, 1982, pp. 395-414
Reviews of 10 books: Handbook for Aboriginal and Islander History edited by Diane Barwick, Michael Mace and Tom Stannage. The Ballad of Alice of Alice Moonchild...and Others by Aleata E. Blythe. My Spirit Soars by Chief Dan George and Helmut Hirnschall. Indian Healing: Shamanic Ceremonialism in the Pacific Northwest Today by Wolfgang G. Jilek. Métis Land Rights in Alberta: A Political History by Joe Sawchuk, Pat Sawchuk and Theresa Ferguson. Long Lance, The True Story of an Impostor by Donald B.
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[Book Reviews]

Book Reviews
Lesley McBain
Native Studies Review, vol. 12, no. 2, Aboriginal Peoples and National Rights Issues in Quebec, 1999, pp. 151-153
Review of: Pleasure of the Crown by Dara Culhane.
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The Calder Decision, Aboriginal Title, Treaties, and the Nisga'a

Alternate Title
Law and Society Series
Let Right Be Done: Aboriginal Title, the Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights
E-Books » Chapters
Christina Godlewska
Jeremy Webber
Law and Society Series
Commentary on the pivotal case which established that title was a right recognized by Canadian law. Chapter from: Let Right Be Done: Aboriginal Title, the Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights edited by Hamar Foster, Heather Raven, Jeremy Webber.
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Canada - The Nisga'a Final Agreement in Brief

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Australian Indigenous Law Reporter, vol. 3, no. 4, December 1998, p. 37
Agreement that transfers ownership of traditional lands to the Nisga'a and affirms their right to self-government.
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Challenges of Treaty Interpretation No. 2

Alternate Title
Treaty Interpretation 2 - Treaty Conference
Vancouver Island Pre-Confederation Treaties Conference, 2012
Media » Film and Video
John Lutz
Cole Harris
Raymond Frogner
Louise Mandell
Speakers discuss: ambiguity in both oral accounts and written versions of the Douglas Treaties; litigation arising from treaties; archival treatment of colonial documents pertaining to the treaties and the bound register; contradictory views about the issue of treaty annuities versus lump sum payments. Followed by question and answer period. Duration: 2:01:00.
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Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry: Beausoleil First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Chippewas of Mnjikaning (Rama) First Nation: Coldwater-Narrows Reservation Surrender Claim

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Historical background of claim presented to the Indian Claims Commission (ICC) concerning the validity of the surrender of the reserve to the Crown. No inquiry was conducted as the claim was accepted for negotiation under the Specific Claims Policy. Commissioners include: Roger J. Augstine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Renée Dupuis. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Chippewas Tri-Council Coldwater-Narrows Reservation, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Contains historical documents, draft reports and both the English and French inquiry reports relating to a claim alleging that the reservation had never been properly surrendered to the Crown. Commissioners include: Roger J. Augustine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Renée Dupuis. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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