Displaying 1 - 50 of 139

2015 U.S. Transgender Survey: Report on the Experiences of American Indian & Alaska Native Respondents

Documents & Presentations
[Sandy E. James
Trudie Jackson
Mattee Jim]
Reports responses of 319 individuals who were asked questions about family life, income nd employment, education, housing and homeless, public accommodation, harassment and violence, police interactions and prisons, health and identity documents. Related material: 2008 Survey Results.
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Aboriginal Federal Offender Surveys: A Synopsis

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joseph C. Johnston
FORUM on Corrections Research , vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal People in Corrections, January 2000, pp. 25-27
Presents findings from two studies of male offenders serving federal sentences and some of the differences between these two studies.
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Aboriginal Women's Healing Lodge

Documents & Presentations
Sky Blue Morin
Illustrates how a healing lodge functions as a place of restoration and growth for Aboriginal women in prison.
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American Indian Adolescent Suicidal Behavior in Detention Environments: Cause for Continued Basic and Applied Research

Alternate Title
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, [Monograph No. 4, pp. 189-221]
Calling From the Rim: Suicidal Behavior Among American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents
[Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health] ; Monograph 4
Articles » General
Christine Wilson Duclos
Warren LeBeau
Gail Leslie Elias
Comments on the pertinent need for information on juvenile suicide prevention in detention settings.
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A Call to Action: Reconciliation with Indigenous Women in the Federal Justice and Correctional Systems: Report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women

Karen Vecchio
Pam Damoff
Sheila Malcolmson
Sean Fraser
Rachael Harder ... [et al.]
Report provides overview of women's experiences in the systems, suggestions for policy changes, examination of access to and treatment in justice system, examination of women in the correctional system, and 96 recommendations to the Government of Canada for improvements.
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Colonial Policies and Indigenous Women in Canada

Alternate Title
Neo-Colonial Injustice and the Mass Imprisonment of Indigenous Women
Dawn M. Smith
Chapter from Neo-Colonial Injustice and the Mass Imprisonment of Indigenous Women edited by Lily George, Adele N. Norris, Antje Deckert, Juan Tauri. Discusses the connection between colonialism and the large incarceration rates of Indigenous women in Canada.
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Confronting Power: Aboriginal Women and Justice Reform

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patricia A. Monture
Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 25, no. 3/4, Canadian Feminism in Action, Summer, 2006, pp. 25--33
States that power, control and isolation are key components in maintaining "good order" and are also key components of colonialism.
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A Culturally Safe and Trauma-Informed Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infection (STBBI) Intervention Designed by and for Incarcerated Indigenous Women and Gender-Diverse People

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chaneesa Ryan
Abrar Ali
Hollie Sabourin
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 108-118

Looks at cultural relevant programs, such as the RED Path project, to address Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infection (STBBI) prevention.

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Detailed Position of the Native Women's Association of Canada on the Complaint Regarding the Discriminatory Treatment of Federally Sentenced Women by the Government of Canada Filed by the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies on May 05, 2003

Documents & Presentations
Sharon D. McIvor
Ellisa C. Johnson
Examines options for decarceration of Aboriginal women once they have been arrested, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of two-years-plus-a-day.
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Estimating Institutionalization and Homelessness for Status First Nations in Canada: A Method and Implications

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna L. Feir
Randall Akee
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, October 2018, p. Article 2
Uses a combination data from 2001 and 2006 Censuses, 2011 National Household Survey, and the Indian Register to calculate incidence and demographics for the two groups. Comments on implications of the high rates for young First Nations men, which could result in distortion of the male-female gender ratio and affect the continued legal existence of Status First Nations.
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Federally Sentenced Aboriginal Women in Maximum Security: What Happened to the Promises of "Creating Choices"?

Documents & Presentations
SkyBlue Morin
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, pp. 92-128

Reprint of a contracted report including recommendations, based on 1997-1998 interviews in the Springhill Institution, Prison for Women, the Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairies) and the Saskatchewan Penitentiary. Report notes significant drop in percentage of Aboriginal women incarcerated during period of report writing.

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Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education

Book Reviews
Curtis F. Foxley
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 2, no. 2, 2015, pp. 176-177
Book review of: Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education by Diane Glancy.
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Growing Beyond Nutrition: How a Prison Garden Program Highlights the Potential of Shifting from Food Security to Food Sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kelsey Timler
Colleen Varcoe
Helen Brown
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 14, no. 2, Growing Roots of Indigenous Wellbeing, October 31, 2019, pp. 95-114
Author describes a prison garden program in BC which aims to provide both meaningful and rehabilitative work for men within the prison system, and fresh produce to rural and remote communities suffering from food insecurity.
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Guide to Statistics on Native Offenders

Documents & Presentations
M.A. Rahim
Identifies and documents existing databases, on-going or proposed studies, selected studies carried out prior to 1977, and existing literature at that time.
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Health, Time and Doing Time: Potential Impacts of the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Former Bill C-10) on the Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in BC

Alternate Title
Office of the Provincial Health Officer Special Report
Documents & Presentations
P.R.W. Kendall

Looks at the interrelationships between social determinants of health, risk and protection factors and the multi-generational impact of residential school experiences and argues that the Bill will worsen the over-representation of Aboriginal peoples in the correctional facilities. Concludes with nine recommendations which focus on relationships, crime prevention and diversion, and monitoring and evaluation.

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