Documents & Presentations
[Sandy E. James
Trudie Jackson
Mattee Jim]
Reports responses of 319 individuals who were asked questions about family life, income nd employment, education, housing and homeless, public accommodation, harassment and violence, police interactions and prisons, health and identity documents.
Related material:
2008 Survey Results.
Aboriginal Federal Offender Surveys: A Synopsis
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joseph C. Johnston
FORUM on Corrections Research , vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal People in Corrections, January 2000, pp. 25-27
Presents findings from two studies of male offenders serving federal sentences and some of the differences between these two studies.
Aboriginal Health Workers at Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service Caring for the Needs of Aboriginal People in the New ACT Prison and the Needs of Their Families
Articles » General
Nerelle Poroch
Julie Tongs
Eddie Longford
Steven Keed
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, February 2012, pp. 6-17
Looks at the relevancy of a holistic health care model for prisoners and their families.
Aboriginal Initiatives: Working Together: Healing Lodges for Aboriginal Federal Offenders
Documents & Presentations
Correctional Service Canada
Listing of the healing lodges operated by Correctional Service of Canada; positive results have been observed in the areas recidivism, conditional release and revocation.
Aboriginal Prison Releases in New South Wales –
Preliminary Comments Based on Ex-Prisoner Research
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eileen Balladry
Peter Maple stone
Indigenous Law Bulletin, vol. 4, 2003
Examines the increase in incarceration from 1991 to 2001, and found that Aboriginal people were not being assisted while in prison or when released from prison.
Aboriginal Sentencing Reform in Canada - Prospects for Success: Standing Tall With Both Feet Planted Firmly in the Air
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Susan Haslip
Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, vol. 7, no. 1, March 2000
Looks at the limited role that the sentencing process plays in trying to correct the over incarceration of Aboriginal peoples in Canadian penal institutions.
Aboriginal Women and the Legal Justice System in Canada: An Issue Paper
Documents & Presentations
Native Women’s Association of Canada
Discusses the current situation, alternatives to practices, and makes recommendations to address the high incarceration rate of Aboriginal women.
Aboriginal Women's Healing Lodge
Documents & Presentations
Sky Blue Morin
Illustrates how a healing lodge functions as a place of restoration and growth for Aboriginal women in prison.
Aboriginal Youth: A History of Inequity in the Delivery of Australian Justice
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fay Gale
Aboriginal History, vol. 11, no. 1, 1987, pp. 91-97
Discusses the high rate of Aboriginal death while in custody and the some ways the justice system is failing Aboriginal people.
Acculturation, Personality and Alaska Natives
Melinda Hann Glass
Psychology Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wyoming, 1995.
Adversity and Resiliency for Chicago’s First: The State of Racial Justice for American Indian Chicagoans
Documents & Presentations
William Scarborough
Faith R. Kares
Iván Arenas
Amanda E. Lewis
Janeen Comenote … [et al.]
Focuses on racial equality in five areas: housing, stereotyping, education, economics, and justice.
Against "Improvement," Toward Relations: Meditations on a Prison Writing Program
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nancy Van Styvendale
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, pp. 78-88
Commentary on a creative writing program for Saskatchewan and Alberta prisoners called Inspired Minds.
Alaska Native Inmates: Survey of Institutional Evaluation, Correctional Programming, and Post-Incarceration Release Conditions
Diane Burnham
Behavioral Health Evaluation and Research Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Alaska Anchorage, 2004.
American Indian Adolescent Suicidal Behavior in Detention Environments: Cause for Continued Basic and Applied Research
Alternate Title
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, [Monograph No. 4, pp. 189-221]
Calling From the Rim: Suicidal Behavior Among American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents
[Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health] ; Monograph 4
Articles » General
Christine Wilson Duclos
Warren LeBeau
Gail Leslie Elias
Comments on the pertinent need for information on juvenile suicide prevention in detention settings.
Anthropology in Prison: Negotiating Consent and Accountability with a "Captured" Population
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Waldram
Human Organization, vol. 57, no. 2, Summer, 1998, pp. 238-244
Looks at how anthropological research in a Canadian penitentiaries can provide empowerment to Indigenous inmates.
Apache Prisoners in Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida
Herbert Welsh
Arctic Justice: On Trial for Murder, Pond Inlet, 1923
Alternate Title
McGill-Queen's Native and Northern Series ; 33
Shelagh D. Grant
Blackfoot Redemption: A Blood Indian's Story of Murder, Confinement, and Imperfect Justice
William E. Farr
Blackfoot Redemption: A Blood Indian's Story of Murder, Confinement, and Imperfect Justice
Book Reviews
Jameson R. Sweet
Great Plains Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 1, Winter, 2014, pp. 98-99
Book review of: Blackfoot Redemption by William E. Farr.
Book Learning and Life Lessons: Chris Sindone of Haskell Indian Nations University
Articles » General
Barbara Sorensen
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 28, no. 3, Indigenous Peoples History, Spring, 2017, p. [?]
Looks at a young man who turned his life around after making some poor choices.
A Call to Action: Reconciliation with Indigenous Women in the Federal Justice and Correctional Systems: Report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women
Karen Vecchio
Pam Damoff
Sheila Malcolmson
Sean Fraser
Rachael Harder ... [et al.]
Report provides overview of women's experiences in the systems, suggestions for policy changes, examination of access to and treatment in justice system, examination of women in the correctional system, and 96 recommendations to the Government of Canada for improvements.
A Case for an Indigenous Court: A Realisation of Self-Determination?
Valmaine Toki
Law Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Waikato, 2015.
The Cedar Project: Exploring the Health Related Correlates of Child Welfare and Incarceration Among Young Aboriginal People in Two Canadian Cities
Adam Clarkson
Health Care and Epidemiology Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of British Columbia, 2009.
Colonial Policies and Indigenous Women in Canada
Alternate Title
Neo-Colonial Injustice and the Mass Imprisonment of Indigenous Women
Dawn M. Smith
Chapter from Neo-Colonial Injustice and the Mass Imprisonment of Indigenous Women edited by Lily George, Adele N. Norris, Antje Deckert, Juan Tauri. Discusses the connection between colonialism and the large incarceration rates of Indigenous women in Canada.
Coming Home to Waasagomach: A Community Assisted Hearing
Media » Film and Video
Marjorie Beaucage
Discusses traditional hearings, Elder assisted hearings and community hearings.
Duration: 25:09.
Confronting Power: Aboriginal Women and Justice Reform
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patricia A. Monture
Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 25, no. 3/4, Canadian Feminism in Action, Summer, 2006, pp. 25--33
States that power, control and isolation are key components in maintaining "good order" and are also key components of colonialism.
Contextualising the Social Capital of Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Men in Prison
Alternate Title
Contextualizing the Social Capital of Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Men in Prison
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lise Lafferty
Carla Treloar
Georgina M. Chambers
Tony Butler
Jill Guthrie
Social Science & Medicine, vol. 167, October 2016, pp. 29-36
Discusses bonding, bridging, and linking social capital.
Cramming Jails Proven Failure at Fighting Crime
Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, October 3, 2008, p. A13
Explains that incarcerated Aboriginal youth are at risk for gang activity and affiliations.
A Culturally Safe and Trauma-Informed Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infection (STBBI) Intervention Designed by and for Incarcerated Indigenous Women and Gender-Diverse People
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chaneesa Ryan
Abrar Ali
Hollie Sabourin
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 108-118
Looks at cultural relevant programs, such as the RED Path project, to address Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infection (STBBI) prevention.
Culturally-Specific Correctional Programming: A Quantitative Analysis of the CSC Program "In Search of Your Warrior"
Kristopher Brian Naclia
Justice Studies Thesis (M.A.)--University of Regina, 2009.
Decriminalizing Race: The Case for Investing in Community and Social Support for Racialized Women in Canada
Heather Lawson
Detailed Position of the Native Women's Association of Canada on the Complaint Regarding the Discriminatory Treatment of Federally Sentenced Women by the Government of Canada Filed by the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies on May 05, 2003
Documents & Presentations
Sharon D. McIvor
Ellisa C. Johnson
Examines options for decarceration of Aboriginal women once they have been arrested, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of two-years-plus-a-day.
Detention Conditions, Adminstration of Justice and Crime Prevention in Nunavik
Alternate Title
Special Report by the Québec Ombudsman
Raymonde Saint-Germain
Diverting Indigenous Offenders From the Criminal Justice System
Alternate Title
Resource Sheet (Closing the Gap Clearinghouse) ; no. 24
Closing the Gap Clearinghouse
Estimating Institutionalization and Homelessness for Status First Nations in Canada: A Method and Implications
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna L. Feir
Randall Akee
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, October 2018, p. Article 2
Uses a combination data from 2001 and 2006 Censuses, 2011 National Household Survey, and the Indian Register to calculate incidence and demographics for the two groups. Comments on implications of the high rates for young First Nations men, which could result in distortion of the male-female gender ratio and affect the continued legal existence of Status First Nations.
Excess Mortality, Institutionalization and Homelessness among Status Indians in Canada
Alternate Title
IZA Discussion Paper Series ; no. 10416
Documents & Presentations
Randall Akee
Donna Feir
Uses information from the 2001 and 2006 long-form Census, and 2011 National Household Survey along with Indian Register population counts and records of death for individuals aged 5 to 64.
Federally Sentenced Aboriginal Women in Maximum Security: What Happened to the Promises of "Creating Choices"?
Documents & Presentations
SkyBlue Morin
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, pp. 92-128
Reprint of a contracted report including recommendations, based on 1997-1998 interviews in the Springhill Institution, Prison for Women, the Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairies) and the Saskatchewan Penitentiary. Report notes significant drop in percentage of Aboriginal women incarcerated during period of report writing.
Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education
Book Reviews
Curtis F. Foxley
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 2, no. 2, 2015, pp. 176-177
Book review of: Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education by Diane Glancy.
From Christian Maternalism to Risk Technologies: Penal Powers and Women's Knowledges in the Governance of Female Prisons
Kelly Hannah-Moffat
Criminology Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Toronto, 1997.
From Hunting to Drinking: The Devastating Effects of Alcohol on an Australian Aboriginal Community
David McKnight
p. xii, 239
From the Iron House: Imprisonment in First Nations Writing
Book Reviews
Nancy Van Styvendale
Great Plains Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 2, Spring, 2010, pp. 154-155
Book review of: From the Iron House by Deena Rymhs.
Good Intentions, Disappointing Results: A Progress Report on Federal Aboriginal Corrections
Documents & Presentations
Michelle M. Mann
Outlines Correctional Service of Canada obligations and commitments, and focuses on progress in the following areas: financial capacity, access to programs, security and classification, parole, data collection, human resources, Northern Correctional Framework, and healing lodges.
Growing Beyond Nutrition: How a Prison Garden Program Highlights the Potential of Shifting from Food Security to Food Sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kelsey Timler
Colleen Varcoe
Helen Brown
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 14, no. 2, Growing Roots of Indigenous Wellbeing, October 31, 2019, pp. 95-114
Author describes a prison garden program in BC which aims to provide both meaningful and rehabilitative work for men within the prison system, and fresh produce to rural and remote communities suffering from food insecurity.
Guide to Statistics on Native Offenders
Documents & Presentations
M.A. Rahim
Identifies and documents existing databases, on-going or proposed studies, selected studies carried out prior to 1977, and existing literature at that time.
Guilty by Design: A Critical Race Analysis of the Over-Incarceration of Indigenous Peoples in an Era of Reconciliation
Karlie Gurski
Political Science Thesis (M.A.)--University of Alberta, 2017.
The Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture
Alternate Title
Contemporary Urban Indigenous Placemaking in Canada
Timothy O’Rourke
Elizabeth Grant
Kelly Greenop
Deidre Brown
Albert L. Refiti ... Sarem Nejad
Ryan Walker ... [et al.]
Health, Time and Doing Time: Potential Impacts of the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Former Bill C-10) on the Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in BC
Alternate Title
Office of the Provincial Health Officer Special Report
Documents & Presentations
P.R.W. Kendall
Looks at the interrelationships between social determinants of health, risk and protection factors and the multi-generational impact of residential school experiences and argues that the Bill will worsen the over-representation of Aboriginal peoples in the correctional facilities. Concludes with nine recommendations which focus on relationships, crime prevention and diversion, and monitoring and evaluation.
Ideology and Dangerousness: The Case of Lisa Colleen Neve
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Matthew G. Yeager
Critical Criminology, vol. 9, no. 1-2, Autumn, 2000, pp. 9-21
Looks at the reversal of a Dangerous Offender designation.
The Impact of 'Life' Behind Bars: Understanding Space, Impression Management and Masculinity Through Former Inmate Narratives
James Gacek
Sociology Thesis (M.A.)--University of Manitoba, 2015.