Displaying 101 - 126 of 126

"Reading" Rock Art: One Sense/Many Senses

Book Reviews
Wendy Wickwire
Michael M'Gonigle
BC Studies, no. 108, Winter, 1995, pp. 75-93
Review essay of, They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever: Rock Writings in the Stein River Balley of British Columbia by Annie York, Richard Daly and Chris Arnett.
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Refusing Settler Epistemologies and Maintaining an Indigenous Future for Tolay Lake, Sonoma County, California

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter A Nelson
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 2, Spring, 2020, pp. [221]-242
Uses a response justice framework to discuss research done in collaboration with the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria which provides a more culturally relevant understanding of history that can also be used to speak about modern issues.
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Shamanism and Rock Art

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Francis Joy
Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, vol. 32, no. 1, Spring, 2007, pp. 77-89
Explains the connection between Sami shamanism and rock art at Hossa on Lake Somerö in northern Karelia.
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The Shield Motif in Plains Rock Art

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David Gebhard
American Antiquity, vol. 31, no. 5, Part 1, July 1966, pp. 721-732
Explains the emergence and distribution of shield drawings.
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Story in Stone

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Darlene Polachic
The Beaver, vol. 78, no. 6, December/January 1998/1999, pp. 29-[?]
Description of the ancient petroglyph discovered in a ravine along Eagle Creek, Saskatchewan.
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Underwater Panthers, Thunderbirds, and Anishinaabe Star Knowledge

Alternate Title
Stellar Connections: Explorations in Cultural Astronomy
Media » Film and Video
Michael Wassegijig Price

Speaker relates seven star stories: Ojiig - The Fisher which encompasses the Big Dipper; Maang - The Loon, the inverted Little Dipper; Bishi Bizhiw - the Great Underwater Panther whose tail is the head of the Leo and its head which is the head of Hydra;  Animikii Binesii  - Thunderbird, the constellation Cignus; Nanboozhoo or Nanabush, the constellation Orion; Gwiingwa'aage "The One who Came from a Falling Star" - Wolverine which refers to a meteor striking the Earth and creating a lake; and No'aachige'anang - the Prophecy Star which refers to Halley's Comet.

Duration: 26:20.

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Visions on the Rocks

Articles » General
Bruce Bower
Science News, vol. 150, no. 14, October 5, 1996, pp. 216-217
Contends that rock and cave art may offer insights about the trance-induced, supernatural journeys and spiritual sightings of shamans around the world.
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Water Jar Boy: A Petroglyph and Story From La Cienga Pueblo

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carol Patterson-Rudolph
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, 1990, pp. 1-23
Paper presents a culturally specific perspective, from the aspect of the myth itself, as a guide towards understanding images as metaphors.
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