Displaying 1 - 50 of 2484

1885 / Fur Trade - 1970-1985. - Folder 1.

Alternate Title
Alberta's Past Comes Alive During Visit to Fort Pitt
Frog Lake - The North/South Conflict
Frog Lake and How It Really Happened
Frog Lake Massacre Story Retold
Oldtimer Recalls Oxcart, Indian Days
Archival » Archival Items
J. S. Buller
John M Reoch
Grant MacEwan
Eugene Steinhauer
Mrs. Andrews
File contains newspaper articles, journal article, and personal narrative relating to the Frog Lake Massacre and the Frog Lake Reserve.
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1914 Reports on Cree Bands

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
D.G. (Dr.) Mandelbaum
Indian History Film Project
Note: this document lists various Cree bands. Mandelbaum is not the author, but this document is part of his file.
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1978 Education and Elders Conference 1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Dominic Eshkawkogan
Norman Agounie
Jim McGregor
Wilfred Owl
Ron Wakegijig
Smith Atimoyoo
Indian History Film Project
A conference where several speakers discuss the role of elders in educating young people and the loss of respect for the elders in modern Indian society. Transcribed by Joanne Greenwood.
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1978 Education and Elders Conference 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jim McGregor
Leonard Nokis
Ed Newberry
Lawrence Mahdabee
Wildred Owl
Chief Chiblow
Violet Pitwanikwat
Indian History Film Project
A conference where several speakers discuss the role of the elders in guiding the younger generation and in preserving the past. Transcribed by Joanne Greenwood.
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1980 Elders Conference

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George Daniels
Max Assinewia
Ernest Benedict
Moses David
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Ted Wheatley
Indian History Film Project
A conference where elders discuss the philosophy and practice of traditional medicine. Stress role of elders in passing on this tradition. Transcribed by Joanne Greenwood.
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1981 Elders' Conference 1/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing Indian and Christian creation myths, reflections on education and religion, comparison of Indian and non-Indian values, and the loss of traditional values and beliefs and the movement to recover them.
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1981 Elders' Conference 2/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss: loss of values; loss of language; the role of the old ceremonies; the responsibility of the elders to teach the young people.
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1981 Elders' Conference 3/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss the loss of traditional religion and values; the relationship between traditional religions and Christianreligions; some stories of the creation and the flood.
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1981 Elders' Conference 4/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
A conference about prophecies and the recovery of traditional values, the role of Elders in the community, and the philosophy and practice of traditional medicine.
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1982 Elders Conference (1/5)

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A discussion about the construction of log and birch canoes ; the tuberculosis epidemic ; the effects of non-Indians on Indian life style : spiritual values, hunting; fishing; land use, etc.
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1982 Elders Conference 2/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss traditional religion, it's relationship to Christian religions and its place in traditional healingpractices.
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1982 Elders Conference 3/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
Elders stress the importance of tradition and, in particular, the religious and medical traditions of the Indian people.Accounts of two visits to the world of the dead.
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1982 Elders Conference 4/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing comparison of Indian and Christian religions and religious ceremonies, traditional songs and dances, and history of Europeans in North America from the Indian viewpoint.
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1982 Elders Conference 5/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angust Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A discussion of Cree funeral songs. Includes a story of a woman's vision of the afterlife.
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1983 Elders' Conference 1/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Fox
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Chief Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Return to traditional ceremonies ; traditional vs. non-Indian education ; story of a trickster (Woojy Panaquad) ; electoral attitudes and responsibilities.
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1983 Elders' Conference 2/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Fox
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Talks about the traditional teacher in the University setting ; proposal for friendship ceremony between Iroquois and Ojibway ; the Iroquois confederacy ; Kootenay plains initiative to return to traditional lifestyles ; reflections on past and future wars ; and the importance of elders in recovery of traditional values.
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1983 Elders' Conference 3/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Box
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Talks of a prophecy about serpents which will fight over the Earth ; Hopi prophecies about the coming of the white man ; emphasis for unity among Indian peoples ; importance of living in harmony with nature ; and biblical stories through Indian eyes.
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1983 Elders' Conference 4/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Fox
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Chief Carl Robert
Indian History Film Project
The role of education in the loss of spiritual and cultural values ; evidence of previous and planned oppression by non-Indians ; revival of interest in traditional values and the role ofelders as a source of knowledge.
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1983 Elders' Conference 5/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Fox
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Chief Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
With increasing interest in traditional culture, the Elders are becoming teachers ; speeches of thanks to organizers and participants.
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Aaron Soney Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Aaron Soney
Gladys Tooshkenig
Burton Jacobs
Indian History Film Project
Discusses the role of the Walpole Island band council.
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Abby Simon Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Abby Simon
Louis P. Crier
Phillip Redcrow Joe
Indian History Film Project
A very brief account of some changes which followed the coming of the white man.
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Aboriginal Archives Guide

Alternate Title
Occasional Paper (Canadian Church Historical Society) ; no. 8
Edward Atkinson
Patricia Kennedy
Wilma MacDonald
Sheree Bonaparte
Krisztina Laszlo
Warren Sinclair
Discusses the importance of preserving oral traditions, oral histories and written archival records.
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Aboriginal Camps as Urban Foundations?: Evidence from Southern Queensland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ray Kerkhove
Aboriginal History, vol. 42, December 2018, pp. 141-172
Author explores oral traditions which document what is now Musgrave Park in South Brisbane, Queensland as a pre-settlement Aboriginal camp and meeting place; offers critical assessment of settler narratives surrounding Indigenous camps as inaccurate and marginalizing.
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Aboriginal Oral Traditions of Australian Impact Craters

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Duane W. Hamacher
John Goldsmith
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, vol. 16, no. 3, [2013], pp. 295-311
Examines how Aboriginal stories and artworks relate to scientific accounts of Australian meteorite craters.
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Aboriginal Rights and Canadian Environmental Policy:

Enhancing Sustainability or a Justification of Deregulation?

Alternate Title
Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference; 79th, 2007
Documents & Presentations
Frances Widdowson
Looks at the arguments put forward in support of the claim that Aboriginal peoples exhibit an inherent ecological consciousness; and examines the policy implications of expanding Aboriginal jurisdiction over environmental protection.
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Aboriginal Rights and Title in Canada after Delgamuukw: Part Two: Anthropological Perspectives on Rights, Tests, Infringement & Justification

Alternate Title
Anthropological Perspectives on Rights, Tests, Infringement and Justification
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian Thom
Native Studies Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2001, pp. 1-42
Reviews the 1997 Delgamuukw decision by the Supreme Court of Canada critical to determining the nature and extent of Aboriginal rights and title; and provides insight into the anthropological and legal approaches to title and rights.
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Abram Williams Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Abram Williams
Alex Cywink
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with Abram Williams where he gives an account of divining for water as well as an account of Longhouse ceremonies.
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Abstracts of Omaha and Ponka Myths. II

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. Owen Dorsey
Journal of American Folklore, vol. 1, no. 3, October-December 1888, pp. 204-208
Three versions of the adventures of Haxige.
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Across Time and Tundra: The Inuvialuit of the Western Arctic

Book Reviews
Peter Collings
American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 35, no. 1, Spring, 2005, pp. 187-189
Book review of: Across Time and Tundra: The Inuvialuit of the Western Arctic by Ishmael Alunik, Eddie D. Kolausok, and David Morrison.
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Ada Clegg Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ada Clegg
David Stevenson
Indian History Film Project
Brief description of the Hamatsa ritual.
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Ada Clegg Interview #2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ada Clegg
David Stevenson
Indian History Film Project
Discusses attitudes toward the dead and traditional medicine.
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Adam Boucher Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Adam Boucher
J. Deranger
Indian History Film Project
80-year-old Adam Boucher discusses the scene of Treaty #8 negotiations ; and choice of treaty or scrip.
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