Displaying 1 - 50 of 67

Aboriginal Census Data in Canada: A Research Note

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James C. Saku
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 19, no. 2, 1999, pp. 365-379
Examines issues concerning accuracy of Aboriginal census data, specifically changes to the ethnic questions and terminologies used and how this has caused problems with the total count.
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Aboriginal Documentary Heritage: Historical Collections of the Canadian Government

Web Sites » Governmental
Library and Archives Canada
Website deals with the relationship between the federal government and Aboriginal peoples from the late 1700s to the mid-20th century. Site is divided into three sections: Red and Black Series, Treaties, Surrenders and Agreements, and Aboriginal Soldiers in the First World War.
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Administrators of Indian Affairs / Historic Sketch

Documents & Presentations
Department of Indian Affairs
Department of Indian Affairs document listing administrators of the Department and Lieutenant-Governors of Upper and Lower Canada; written by G.M. Matheson, registrar.
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American Indian Histories and Cultures

Web Sites » Organizations
Adam Matthew Digital
Contains links to extensive list of full-text documents pertaining to Canada, United States and Mexico, maps, visual galleries, online exhibitions, brief biographies, and features cross-searching capability with the American West website. Material is drawn from the Newberry Library's Edward E. Ayer Collection.
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American Indian Records in the National Archives

Alternate Title
Native American Heritage
Web Sites » Governmental
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Information about Native Americans who maintained their association with the federally recognized tribes.
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Basic Departmental Data: 2002

First Nations and Northern Statistics Section
Corporate Information Management Directorate
Information Management Branch
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Demographics provided include, health, education, social conditions, housing, self-government of First Nations and Canadians living north of the 60th parallel.
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Batoche National Historic Site / Public Comment on the Plan Alternatives - Report. - August 1981.

Documents & Presentations
Results from public meetings of persons interested in the development of Batoche, site of an important battle during the Northwest Resistance. Aspects of development that are favored include a visitor's centre, preservation of nearby buildings relevant to the Battle of Batoche, and preservation of the landscape as native vegetation.

Historical note:

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Canada-Red River Settlement

Alternate Title
HC Deb 24 June 1819, vol 40, cc1351-73
Documents & Presentations
James Montgomery
[Edward] Ellis
[James] Scarlett
[Henry] Bennett
[Henry] Goulburn

Transcript of House of Commons (United Kingdom) debate about the conflicts between the Lord Selkirk's colony and the North West company.

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Colonialsim, Archives and Yukon First Nations: A Guide to Public Records in Yukon Archives Documenting the History Colonization in Yukon

Documents & Presentations
Yukon Archives
Guide developed in anticipation of request from National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls to identify relevant records with a focus on material created by the Yukon government. Divided into five thematic sections: early colonization, education, justice, health and social programs and intergovernmental relationships.
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A Community Development Project Among the Churchill Band at Churchill, Manitoba / September 1959 - March 1960 - Walter M. Hlady. - Report. - December 1960.

Documents & Presentations
Walter M. Hlady
Report on the feasibility of applying community development principles to the problems of the Churchill Band of Chipewyan Indians located in the Churchill, MB area. Aspects needing improvement according to the report are employment placement, band government, and animal hide tanning.
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Conducting Research on Residential Schools: A Guide to the Records of the Indian and Inuit Affairs Program and Related Resources at Library and Archives Canada

Documents & Presentations
Library and Archives Canada
Topics include: tracing changes in administration of a Band, First Nation, or residential school; filing systems, school file series; finding records; using archives search; consulting records; and accessing records from a remote location.
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Data Sovereignty and the Tribal Law and Order Act

Articles » General
Christopher B. Chaney
The Federal Lawyer, vol. 1080-675X, April 2018, pp. 22-25, 67
Discusses the ways in which data collected about criminal justice and legal services interacts with the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) and how that affects notions of tribal sovereignty.
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[Decolonizing Archives]

Alternate Title
[5th Annual Critical Conversations Series]
[Critical Conversations on Truth and Reconciliation]
[Critical Conversations Series]
Media » Sound Recordings
[Greg Bak]
Podcast discusses the destructing of archives which amounted to lost records of residential school students experiences. Duration: 25:29 Accompanying material.
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Exploration of the Impact of Canada’s Information Management Regime on First Nations Data Sovereignty

Alternate Title
Discussion Paper: Exploration of the Impact of Canada's Information Management Regime on First Nations Data Sovereignty
Documents & Presentations
First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC)

An examination of the conflict between Canada's information management regime and Indigenous data sovereignty rights, suggesting the need for Indigenous sovereignty recognition and to treat Indigenous data with the same respect as data received from other nations.

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Halfbreeds: Primary Source Material

Alternate Title
Claims and Historical Research Centre ; B.27
Half-Breeds: Primary Source Material
Documents & Presentations
Dennis Madill
Sources include Record Group 10 records relating to Indian Affairs (1872-1950), Sir John A. Macdonald Papers, Alexander Mackenzie Papers, David Laird Papers, Alexander Morris Papers, Edgar Dewdney Papers, and L. Vankoughnet Letterbooks.
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Historical Métis Communities in Region One of the Métis Nation of Alberta, 1881-1916

Documents & Presentations
Frank Tough
Jonathan Anuik

Investigation into whether there was a Métis presence in the Wood Buffalo region uses descriptive narrative records from the Geological Survey of Canada and the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, census data, surnames of enumerated individuals in Fort Chipewyan, Fort McMurray, Lac La Biche, and North West Halfbreed Scrip  applications.

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Imagining the Great White Mother and the Great King: Aboriginal Tradition and Royal Representation at the “Great Pow-wow” of 1901

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Wade A. Henry
Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, vol. 11, no. 1, New Series, 2000, pp. 87-108
Discusses the Royal visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York (later George V and Queen Mary), the ceremonies held and review of the extensive related archival records.
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The Indian Act - 1876.

Documents & Presentations
Documents relating to the Indian Act, established in 1876; includes index. Excerpt from bound volume of Canadian Government annual reports.

Historical note:

In 1876, the first consolidated Indian Act reflected the Canadian government's preoccupation with land management, First Nations membership and local government, and the ultimate goal of assimilation of Canada's Aboriginal population.
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Indian Affairs Annual Reports 1864-1990

Alternate Title
Indian Affairs Sessional Reports 1864-1990
Sessional Reports 1864-1990
Web Sites » Governmental
National Library of Canada
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern
Searchable collection, includes the full text of the Annual Reports of the Department from 1967 to 1990, “the Indian Affairs portfolio” from 1864-1966, and the Schedules of Indian Bands, Reserves and Settlements from 1902 to1992. Reports for the Northern Affairs Department prior to 1967 are not available at this site.
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Indian Affairs Documents: MG H54

Archival » Collections (primary materials)
Government of Canada. Indian Affairs
Contains 90 documents, donated from the Lord Beaverbrook collection, dating from the 18th and 19th centuries relating to early New Brunswick which includes some concerning land disputes.
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Indian Department Canada, 1860

Documents & Presentations
Canadian House of Commons
Subtitled: "Copies or Extracts of recent Correspondence respecting Alterations in the Organization of the Indian Department in Canada (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 247, of Session 1856)." Includes map of land purchases between Lake Huron and Lake Simcoe.
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Indian Department Canada, 1860

Documents & Presentations
Edward Head
H. Labouchere
Subtitled: "Copies or Extracts of recent Correspondence between the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the Governor General of Canada respecting Alterations in the Organization of the Indian Department in Canada (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 247, session 1856)."
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"Indian policy ... Where Does It Stand?" - Hon. Jean Chretien. - Speech. - 16 October 1969.

Documents & Presentations
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
This speech discusses the Aboriginal reaction to the Federal government's 'White Paper', released in June 1969. Chretien stresses that Canadian society "must break down the barriers of misunderstanding and discrimination" for Aboriginal people to be accepted in Canadian society.
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Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephanie Russo Carroll
Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear
Andrew Martinez
Data Science Journal, vol. 18, no. 1, July 2019, pp. 1-15
Article examines the data inequities of Indigenous communities and how that affects those communities in contemporary, data centric contexts; argues for returning authority over Indigenous data back to Indigenous peoples.
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Indigenous Data, Indigenous Methodologies and Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Maggie Walter
Michele Suina
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, vol. 22, no. 3, 2019, pp. 233-243
Authors examine the lack of an Indigenous presence in the field of Indigenous data production; interrogate Western frameworks for statistical data collection and maintenance, and advocate for the development and implementation of Indigenous methodologies for managing quantitative data.
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[Indigenous People and Archives: Best Practices and Protocols]

Alternate Title
[5th Annual Critical Conversations Series]
[Critical Conversation Series]
[Critical Conversations on Truth and Reconciliation]
Media » Sound Recordings
Camille Callison
Podcast discusses the Truth and Reconciliation Commission archive and how to make the information accessible for future generations. Duration: 21:28. Accompanying material.
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Jack Wilson and the Indian Service: The Response of the BIA to the Ghost Dance Prophet

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
L. G. Moses
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 5, no. 4, 1979, pp. 295-316
A history of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs' investigation into the Ghost Dance prophet Jack Wilson in the late eighteenth century. The investigation was filled with miscommunication, disinterest and confusion regarding the Ghost Dance and the identity of the "Indian Messiah".
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Library on 20th Officially Opens in Saskatoon

Articles » General
Andréa Ledding
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 9, September 2009, p. 12
Reports on the grand opening of a new library in Saskatoon that will service the needs of the community of Riversdale. Article found by scrolling to page 12.
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Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Web Sites » Governmental
Nova Scotia Archives & Records Management
A “fully-searchable database containing information about 2200 Mi'kmaq and Mi'kmaq-related textual records and published items” held by Nova Scotia Archives & Records Management. Includes records for treaties, photographs, other archival and library holdings.
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Native American Historical Resources

Web Sites » Organizations
Brandon Burnette
Resource page containing links to federal department documents, census data, Department of Education materials and tribes in Oklahoma.
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