Aboriginal Documentary Heritage: Historical Collections of the Canadian Government
Aboriginal Mortality in Canada, the United States and New Zealand
Aboriginal Peoples - Guide to the Records of the Government of Canada.
Indian Affairs Inventory
"An Administered People": A Contextual Approach to the Study of Bureaucracy, Records-Keeping and Records in the Canadian Department of Indian Affairs, 1755-1950
Administrators of Indian Affairs / Historic Sketch
The Advocate's Archive: Walter Rudnicki and the Fight for Indigenous Rights in Canada, 1955 - 2010
American Indian Histories and Cultures
American Indian Records in the National Archives
Annotated Bibliography of Native American History from United States Federal Documents: Print and Online Resources
Arranged under general information, laws and treaties, education, and culture and history.
Archival Records Relating to Native People in the Public Archives of Canada and National Library of Canada and the National Museum of Man: A Thematic Guide
Basic Departmental Data: 2002
Batoche National Historic Site / Public Comment on the Plan Alternatives - Report. - August 1981.
Historical note:
Canada-Red River Settlement
Transcript of House of Commons (United Kingdom) debate about the conflicts between the Lord Selkirk's colony and the North West company.
The Canadian Indian / A Brief Outline / Les Indiens du Canada / Un bref expose - Booklet. - 1975.
The Citizenship of the Five Civilized Tribes
Colonialsim, Archives and Yukon First Nations: A Guide to Public Records in Yukon Archives Documenting the History Colonization in Yukon
A Community Development Project Among the Churchill Band at Churchill, Manitoba / September 1959 - March 1960 - Walter M. Hlady. - Report. - December 1960.
Conducting Research on Residential Schools: A Guide to the Records of the Indian and Inuit Affairs Program and Related Resources at Library and Archives Canada
Copy of Treaty Made 3rd October 1873 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibeway Indians, at the North-west Angle of the Lake of the Woods - 1873.
Correspondence Relative to the Recent Disturbances in the Red River Settlement
Data Sovereignty and the Tribal Law and Order Act
[Decolonizing Archives]
The Evolution of the Department of Indian Affairs' Central Registry Record-Keeping Systems: 1872-1984
Exploration of the Impact of Canada’s Information Management Regime on First Nations Data Sovereignty
An examination of the conflict between Canada's information management regime and Indigenous data sovereignty rights, suggesting the need for Indigenous sovereignty recognition and to treat Indigenous data with the same respect as data received from other nations.
Guide to Indian Affairs Field Office Organization in Ontario
Designed to assist researchers and archivists by cross-referencing field offices to names of bands and the duration of their responsibility.
Halfbreeds: Primary Source Material
Historical Métis Communities in Region One of the Métis Nation of Alberta, 1881-1916
Investigation into whether there was a Métis presence in the Wood Buffalo region uses descriptive narrative records from the Geological Survey of Canada and the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, census data, surnames of enumerated individuals in Fort Chipewyan, Fort McMurray, Lac La Biche, and North West Halfbreed Scrip applications.
Imagining the Great White Mother and the Great King: Aboriginal Tradition and Royal Representation at the “Great Pow-wow” of 1901
The Impact of Tax Exemptions for First Nations Reserves
Indexes of Western First Nations Bands: Languages, Agencies, Inspectorates, and Regional Offices
The Indian Act - 1876.
Historical note:
In 1876, the first consolidated Indian Act reflected the Canadian government's preoccupation with land management, First Nations membership and local government, and the ultimate goal of assimilation of Canada's Aboriginal population.Indian Affairs Annual Reports 1864-1990