Displaying 1 - 50 of 1674

1981 Elders' Conference 1/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing Indian and Christian creation myths, reflections on education and religion, comparison of Indian and non-Indian values, and the loss of traditional values and beliefs and the movement to recover them.
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1981 Elders' Conference 2/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss: loss of values; loss of language; the role of the old ceremonies; the responsibility of the elders to teach the young people.
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1981 Elders' Conference 3/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss the loss of traditional religion and values; the relationship between traditional religions and Christianreligions; some stories of the creation and the flood.
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1981 Elders' Conference 4/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
A conference about prophecies and the recovery of traditional values, the role of Elders in the community, and the philosophy and practice of traditional medicine.
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1982 Elders Conference 2/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss traditional religion, it's relationship to Christian religions and its place in traditional healingpractices.
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1982 Elders Conference 3/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
Elders stress the importance of tradition and, in particular, the religious and medical traditions of the Indian people.Accounts of two visits to the world of the dead.
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1982 Elders Conference 5/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angust Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A discussion of Cree funeral songs. Includes a story of a woman's vision of the afterlife.
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1983 Elders' Conference 1/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Fox
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Chief Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Return to traditional ceremonies ; traditional vs. non-Indian education ; story of a trickster (Woojy Panaquad) ; electoral attitudes and responsibilities.
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1983 Elders' Conference 3/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Box
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Talks of a prophecy about serpents which will fight over the Earth ; Hopi prophecies about the coming of the white man ; emphasis for unity among Indian peoples ; importance of living in harmony with nature ; and biblical stories through Indian eyes.
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1983 Elders' Conference 4/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Fox
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Chief Carl Robert
Indian History Film Project
The role of education in the loss of spiritual and cultural values ; evidence of previous and planned oppression by non-Indians ; revival of interest in traditional values and the role ofelders as a source of knowledge.
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Aboriginal Australian and Canadian First Nations Children's Literature

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Angeline O'Neill
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, vol. 13, no. 2, Thematic Issue: About Indigenous Literatures , June 2011, pp. 1-10
Uses comparative methodology to look at children's picture books and unique features highlighting the combining of oral and written traditions.
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Aboriginal Camps as Urban Foundations?: Evidence from Southern Queensland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ray Kerkhove
Aboriginal History, vol. 42, December 2018, pp. 141-172
Author explores oral traditions which document what is now Musgrave Park in South Brisbane, Queensland as a pre-settlement Aboriginal camp and meeting place; offers critical assessment of settler narratives surrounding Indigenous camps as inaccurate and marginalizing.
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Aboriginal Elders: A Grade 12 Unit Lesson Plan

Documents & Presentations
Shelley Janvier
Erica Mohan

Discusses the importance of respect for Elders, their role as sources of knowledge, community leaders and carriers of culture, and the value of orality and learning through stories and conversation.

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Aboriginal Oral Traditions of Australian Impact Craters

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Duane W. Hamacher
John Goldsmith
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, vol. 16, no. 3, [2013], pp. 295-311
Examines how Aboriginal stories and artworks relate to scientific accounts of Australian meteorite craters.
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Aboriginal Youth & Media Conference at MOA (Part One)

Alternate Title
Assert, Defend, Take Space: Aboriginal Youth Conference on Identity, Activism and Film
Claiming Space: Voices of Urban Aboriginal Youth
Napi: Creation
Media » Film and Video
Video presentation of Assert, Defend, Take Space: Aboriginal Youth Conference on Identity, Activism and Film, hosted by the Museum of Anthropology. Shows short films followed by discussion and question period with filmmakers and artists. Companion to exhibition Claiming Space: Voices of Urban Aboriginal Youth. Part 2. Duration: 1:52:21.
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Accord or Discord: Returning to Oral Traditions?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Satoru Nakagawa
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, 2007, pp. 451-477
Considers how oral and written texts have contributed to the construction of societies and the foundational differences between societies.
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Ada Clegg Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ada Clegg
David Stevenson
Indian History Film Project
Brief description of the Hamatsa ritual.
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Adam Solway Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Adam Solway
Christine Welsh
Tony Snowsill
Indian History Film Project
This is a continuation of an interview with Adam Solway on January 29, 1983 on the Blackfoot Reserve.
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Adawx, Spanaxnox, and the Geopolitics of the Tsimshian

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Susan Marsden
BC Studies, no. 135, Perspectives on Aboriginal Culture, Autumn, 2002, pp. 101-135
Discussion of two strains of oral history and how the combination relates to tribal territory and political association among tribes.
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African Indigenous Proverbs and the Question of Youth Violence: Making the Case For the Use of the Teachings of Igbo of Nigeria and Kiembu of Kenya Proverbs for Youth Character and Moral Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George J. Sefa Dei (Nana Sefa Atweneboah I)
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, vol. 59, no. 3, Fall, 2013, pp. 344-362
Discusses philosophies found in selected African Indigenous proverbs to talk about traditions, power and authority, relationships, and responsibilities and the individual in the context of youth violence.
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Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jo-Ann Episkenew
English Studies in Canada, vol. 35, no. 1, [Special Issue: Aboriginal Redress], March 2009, pp. 193-200
Discusses issues of reconciliation, the consequences of government policies, and its standards for measuring Indigenous peoples’ cultures, beliefs, and practices.
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ah-ayitaw isi e-ki-kiskeyihtahkik maskihkiy They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew

Book Reviews
Rosalyn Ing
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 25, no. 1, Sharing Aboriginal Knowledge and Aboriginal Ways of Knowing, 2001, pp. 86-88
Book review of: ah-ayitaw isi e-ki-kikeyihtahkik maskihkiy They Knew Both Sides of Medicine Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing, Told by Alice Ahenakew edited and translated by H.C. Wolfart and Freda Ahenakew.
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Akicita of the Thunder: Horses in Black Elk's Vision

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Julian Rice
MELUS, vol. 12, no. 1, Native American Literature , Spring, 1985, pp. 5-23
Examines the underlying symbolism through the metaphor of the horse as messenger and contends that because of editing by Neihardt (the transcriber), much of spirit of the medicine man's autobiography is missed.
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Alaska Native Writers, Alaska Native Identities

Alternate Title
University of Alaska Anchorage Books of the Year, 2008-2009: Supplemental Readings
Documents & Presentations
Jeane Breinig

Looks at the way four Alaska Native writers (Elsie Mather, Robert Davis, Diane Benson, and Mary TallMountain) have expressed how language, land, and religion are central to Alaska Native identities. 

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Alex Cywink Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Max Ireland
Alex Cywink
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he tells of legends concerning the arrival of white men in North America; Parallels to the Norse (Viking) sagas -- (Is this possibly an example of the oral tradition presenting the Indian view early Viking settlement?). He tells of prophecies concerning the arrival of white men and the eventual return of Indian ways; describes the role of women in pre-Columbian America; and gives accounts of native medical practices and the linguistic evolution.
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[Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics, Memoir 21, 2010]

Book Reviews
Jeff Muehlbauer
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 31, no. 2, 2011, pp. 209-210
Book review of: Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics, Memoir 21, 2010 exactly as told by Cecilia Masuskapoe, in a critical edition by H.C. Wolfart, Freda Ahenakew.
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Algonquin Indian Tales

Documents & Presentations
Egerton R. Young
A volume of Algonquin folklore collected by Egerton R. Young. Young compiled a large collection of stories and edited some of them into what he percieved to be their "purest" forms. The book was written to appeal to both the serious scholar and young readers for entertainment value.
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Alienation and Broken Narrative in Winter in the Blood

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kathleen M. Sands
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 2, A Special Symposium Issue on James Welch's , 1978, pp. 97-105
An examination of James Welch's episodic narrative style and its effectiveness in the novel.
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Ambigere: The Euro-American Picaro and the Native American Trickster

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Franchot Ballinger
MELUS, vol. 17, no. 1, Native American Fiction: Myth and Criticism , Spring, 1991-1992, pp. [21]-38
Contends that despite commonalities between the two figures, many more dissimilarities exist due to differences in Aboriginal and Western cultures and worldviews.
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American Histories, Native American Narratives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arnold Krupat
Early American Literature, vol. 30, no. 2, January 1, 1995, pp. 165-174
Looks at the differences between Native American and Euro-american ideas of history.
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