Displaying 1 - 50 of 362

Aboriginal Conference in Ottawa

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 21, no. 9, December 1992, p. 6
Reviews the November 1992 conference on the need for an Aboriginal justice system.
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Aboriginal Courts in Canada

Alternate Title
Research Paper (Scow Institute)
Fact Sheet (Scow Institute)
Documents & Presentations
Karen Whonnock

Research paper looks at federal and provincial legislation, inherent Aboriginal rights and negotiated agreements, and different Aboriginal courts in Canada.

Related Material: Fact Sheet.

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Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: A Continuing Systematic Abuse

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chris Cunneen
Social Justice, vol. 33, no. 4 (106), Deaths in Custody and Detention, 2006, pp. 37-51
Looks at Aboriginal over-representation in all aspects of the criminal justice system in Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Uses the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody to focus on deaths in police custody and prison in Australia.
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Aboriginal Healing Program Evaluation: Success Through Negotiation

Articles » General
Allen Benson
Randy Sloan
Patti LaBoucane
FORUM on Corrections Research, vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal People in Corrections, January 2000, pp. 51-52
Formative evaluation monitors program activities, tests for progress in achievement and identifies areas for improvement throughout the process of program delivery.
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Aboriginal Incarceration in Canada since 1978: Every Picture Tells the Same Story

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Julian V. Roberts
Andrew A. Reid
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice , vol. 59, no. 3, July 2017, pp. 313-345
Looks at current and historical trends at provincial/territorial and federal levels using data from the Adult Correctional Services Survey conducted by Statistics Canada.
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Aboriginal Inmates: Demographic Trends and Projections

Articles » General
Roger E. Boe
Forum on Corrections Research, vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal People in Corrections, January 2000, pp. 7-9
Argues that the growth of youth population concentrated in urban cores and off reserve increases risk for incarceration.
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Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Justice Inquiry
Public Inquiry into the Administration of Justice and Aboriginal People
Web Sites » Governmental
Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission
Government of Manitoba created this Commission as a result of the Public Inquiry into the Administration of Justice and Aboriginal People. The Public Inquiry was a response to the deaths of Helen Betty Osborne in The Pas and John Joseph Harper in Winnipeg. Includes links to: Final Report, Quarterly Reports, Recommendations and Consultation Papers from the Implementation Commission.
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Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission: Final Report

Web Sites » Governmental
Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission
Recommendations are made to government of Manitoba, Federal and Aboriginal governments as well as joint initiatives. Increased Aboriginal participation in the administration of justice and sentencing alternative development are among priority suggestions.
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Aboriginal Justice Uses Healing Approach

Articles » General
Penni Mitchell
Herizons, vol. 12, no. 4, Winter, 1999, pp. 9-[?]
Reports on the launch of an Aboriginal program that offers an offender in Canada an alternative form of justice in a culturally appropriate environment.
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Aboriginal Offenders and the Criminal Code: There is a Good Reason Why the Sentencing Provisions Refer Specifically to Natives

Articles » General
Jonathan Rudin
The Globe and Mail, February 9, 1999
Examines section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code which states that a judge is to consider "all available sanctions other than imprisonment that are reasonable in the circumstances for all offenders, with particular attention to the circumstances of Aboriginal offenders."
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Aboriginal Offenders in Federal Corrections: A Profile

Articles » General
Larry Motiuk
Mark Nafekh
FORUM on Corrections Research, vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal People in Corrections, January 2000, pp. 10-15
Comparison of North American Indian, Metis and Inuit/Innu offenders; based on data gathered by Correctional Service of Canada’s Offender Management System (OMS), Offender Intake Assessment (OIA) process, and Community Intervention Scale (CIS).
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Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System

Alternate Title
Criminal Law Reference Materials, Chapter 14
Documents & Presentations
Krista Yao
Patrick Nadjiwan
Discusses on-reserve and off-reserve jurisdiction, as well as advising the Aboriginal accused of their rights and other procedural matters.
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Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System

Documents & Presentations
Canadian Criminal Justice Association
Covers: historical factors, demographics, socio-economic factors, aboriginal people and the justice system, changes within the present system, and points for discussion.
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Aboriginal Women of Québec and Canada: Path Toward Equality

Alternate Title
Cahier DIALOG ; no. 2007-04. Proceedings
Cahiers DIALOG
Marie France Labrecque
Carole Lévesque
Jeannette Corbière Lavell
Evelyn O'Bomsawin
Diana Soroka
Cheryl Knockwood ...
Merilda St.-Onge
Christine Sioui Wanwanoloath ...
Michèle Taïna Audette
Karente Horn-Miller ...
Linda Jean ...
Marceline Picard-Kanapé
Manon Tremblay
Janet Mark
Chantelle Richard
Kahá:wi Jacobs
Roberta Stout
Sheila Swasson
Evelyne St. Onge
Noat Einish
Dolorès André ... [et al.]
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Aboriginal Women's Healing Lodge

Documents & Presentations
Sky Blue Morin
Illustrates how a healing lodge functions as a place of restoration and growth for Aboriginal women in prison.
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Aboriginal Women, The Constitution and Criminal Justice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna Greschner
University of British Columbia Law Review, vol. 26, Special Edition on Aboriginal Justice, July 1992, pp. 338-359
Comments on the Constitution and the historical indifference of the criminal justice system toward Indigenous women.
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Aboriginal Youth Justice: Teacher's Resource

Documents & Presentations
Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan
Resource meant to assist teachers in giving an overview of law as a whole, as well as procedures, rights, meaning of custody, consequences and sentencing.
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An Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians, the Better Management of Indian Affairs, and to Extend

the Provisions of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 42.[Assented to 22nd June, 1869.]

Alternate Title
CAP VI: An Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians, the Better Management of Indian Affairs, and to Extend the Provisions of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 42 [Assented to 22nd June, 1869.]
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Act discusses the lawful possession of lands, proceedings used to eject people not in lawful possession, penalty for persons selling liquors, and much more. The Act has 24 sections in total.
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An Act to further amend The Indian Act. [Assented to 23rd July, 1894].

Alternate Title
57 - 58 Victoria. Chap. 32. An Act to Further Amend the Indian Act. [Assented to 23rd July, 1894].
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Legislative changes include issues relating to the death of a person dying intestate (without a will), bequeathing property, punishments for those found gambling or drunk, and punishments for failing to send children to school.
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Addendum to the Factum of the Respondent in R. v. Rope

Articles » General
Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond
Justice as Healing, Winter, 1995, p. [?]
Arguments supporting the sentencing or healing circle as a "valid vehicle for reflecting Aboriginal culture and traditions in the criminal justice system." Note: This is a sample article from the publication. Subscriptions are available from the Native Law Centre.
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Allan Quandt Interview 1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Allan Quandt
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Allan Quandt has lived in northern Saskatchewan for over 30 years. He was a friend of Malcolm Norris and Jim Brady.
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Alternative Justice Issues for Aboriginal Justice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donald Clairmont
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, no. 36, Popular Justice: Conflict Resolution within Communities, 1996, pp. 125-157
Argues that there must be internal community development of structures and institutions before initiatives can be effectively carried out. In addition, the article discusses four specific programmes in: Indian Brook, Nova Scotia, Sandy Lake and Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario, and Metropolitan Toronto.
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Alternative Justice, Testing the Waters

Articles » General
Steven Point
Justice as Healing, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring, 2001, p. [?]
Author, a provincial court judge in British Columbia, discusses his experiences with alternative justice. Note: This is a sample article from the publication. Subscriptions are available from the Native Law Centre.
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Alternative Sentencing for Hunting Charges

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 23, no. 6, July-August 1994, p. 14
First Nations Justice System provides future opportunity to apply alternative forms of treatment in correcting the behaviour of First Nations people who violate Provincial Wildlife Regulations/Law.
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American Indians and Crime

Documents & Presentations
Lawrence A. Greenfeld
Steven K. Smith
A comprehensive statistical analysis of the effect and repercussions of violent crime among Native Americans as both victims and offenders.
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Antoine Lonesinger 1 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview with the respected storyteller and singer Antoine Lonesinger. Interview includes the Legend of Cut Knife Hill and stories of BlackRock and Chokecherry Wood.
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Antoine Lonesinger 11 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes two stories: the first about a boy who saves a boy and wins a wife in the process; a second about a boy who upon returning to his band with a wife becomes chief.
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Antoine Lonesinger 5 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes a biographical account of Antoine Lonesinger's life that includes stories about farming, trapping, house construction and the making of charcoal and lime. He also tells of the murder of an Indian Agent at the hands of a Blackfoot named Owl Eyes.
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