Displaying 1 - 50 of 878

2019 Climate Change Report

Documents & Presentations
Carole Brazeau
Naomi George
Rebekah Elkerton
Based on interviews with Indigenous women and Elders about relationships to the environment, observed changes, traditional practices on the land, and the health of their families and communities.
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Aboriginal and Quebec Self-Determination under an MAI Regime

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
René R. Gadacz
Native Studies Review, vol. 12, no. 2, Aboriginal Peoples and National Rights Issues in Quebec, 1999, pp. 93-110
Discusses how global economic and political developments such as the Multilateral Agreement on Investment can affect traditional concepts of state territorial sovereignty.
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Aboriginal Health in the Aftermath of Genocide: Healing and Reconciliation after the Indian Residential Schools Experience in Canada

Documents & Presentations
David B. MacDonald
Looks at a claim concerning the violation of the United Nations Genocide Convention in the Indian Residential Schools system, some of the effects of genocide on survivors and their families, and concludes by suggesting ways to move forward. Article located by scrolling down page.
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Aboriginal Law 101

Alternate Title
Saturday Morning at the Law School
Documents & Presentations
David Laidlaw
Power point provides overview of history, facts about current situation, Constitutional rights, the Crown's duty to consult and accommodate, and Canada's international obligations.
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Aboriginal Law and Legislation

Web Sites » Organizations
Bill Henderson
Discusses federal laws, court decisions and specific land claims commissions in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia.
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Aboriginal People: History of Discriminatory Laws

Alternate Title
[Background Paper (Research Branch, Library of Parliament] ; BP-175E
Documents & Presentations
Wendy Moss
Elaine Gardner-O'Toole
Focuses of laws dealing with enfranchisement, self-government, property rights (including right to sell agricultural products), and criminal offences.
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Aboriginal Title

Media » Film and Video
Lisa Fainstein
Discusses the tests used by the Supreme Court of Canada to determine whether Aboriginal title exists. Uses the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia case as example of the principle of first occupancy. Duration: 7:17.
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Aesthetics of Indigenous Affinity: Traveling from Chiapas to Palestine in the Murals of Gustavo Chávez Pavón

Alternate Title
Aesthetics of Indigenous Affinity: Traveling from Chiapas to Palestine in the Murals of Gustavo Chavez Pavon
Articles » General
Amal Eqeiq
Transmotion, vol. 5, no. 1, Native American Narratives in a Global Context, July 11, 2019, pp. 152-165
Essay in which the author summarizes a series of interviews they conducted with Zapatista cultural promoter and artist Gustavo Chávez Pavón; considers how the murals speak to Indigenous solidarity between Mexico and Palestine, and to similarities across the Global South.
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Along The Line. British Columbia

Archival » Archival Items
A. E. Green
Letter from Rev. A.E. Green, 1 November 1887, relating to the exodus of Aboriginals from Metlakhatla [Metlakatla], BC, to Alaska, because of the Canadian Government's refusal to provide larger reserves and a treaty for payment for land surrendered. Letter in The Missionary Outlook newsletter.
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American Indian Policy in the Old Northwest, 1783-1812

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Reginald Horsman
The William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 18, no. 1, 3rd Series, January 1961, pp. 35-53
Outlines methods used by U.S. government to acquire lands between Ohio and the Mississippi from unwilling Native Americans.
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Ancestors’ Times and Protection of Amazonian Indigenous Biocultural Heritage

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pirjo Kristiiana Virtanen
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 4, Indigenous Notions of Cultural Heritage, December 2019, pp. 330-339
Discusses how the Apurinã community in Brazil create and maintain relationships with different non-human actors forms an intergenerational way of managing and relating to the land; critically examines how these relationships are protected by international law.
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Annotated Bibliography: Examples of Traditional Knowledges in Climate Research: Version 1.0 - September 2014

Documents & Presentations
Carson Viles
Resources divided under seven topic headings: resolutions, policy and law, protocols, case studies, intellectual property, traditional knowledges and climate change, and ethics and traditional knowledge. To accompany Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives.
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Apartheid Pressures Push Aboriginal Peoples to Edge of Extinction

Articles » General
Matthew Coon-Come
Canadian Speeches, vol. 15, no. 3, July/August 2001, p. 37
Speech by Matthew Coon-Come, The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, criticizes the United Nations' Draft Declaration of the Indigenous Rights of Aboriginal Peoples and argues that Aboriginal people continue to be marginalized in Canada.
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Appendix H: Relevant International Law Sources

Alternate Title
Families First: A Manitoba Indigenous Approach to Addressing the Issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Documents & Presentations
[Joëlle Pastora Sala
Byron Williams]
Highlights documents produced by the Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, United Nations and the UN Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Part of Families First: A Manitoba Indigenous Approach to Addressing the Issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
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Applying Deloria’s Challenge: Indigenous and Mass Society’s Conceptions of Indian Self-determination

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard M. Wheelock
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall, 2019, pp. 26-45
Author draws on Vine Deloria Jr.’s work on the role that a difference in worldviews plays in communication to examine the distance between what Indigenous peoples mean by self-determination and what policy makers mean by it.
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Applying Indigenous Peoples' Customary Law in Order to Protect Their Land Rights in Africa

Articles » General
George Mukundi Wachira
Indigenous Affairs, no. 1-2, Development and Customary Law, 2010, pp. 6-15
Argues customary and traditional laws of communal stewardship over land as opposed to individual land tenure systems should be recognized and protected for future land development. To access this article, scroll down to page 6.
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Approaches to Settlement of Indian Title Claims: The Alaskan Model - Kenneth Lysyk. - Reprint. - 1973.

Articles » General
Kenneth Lysyk
The author, a member of the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, examines the Alaskan model of settlement claims and suggests that this model would be useful with Yukon and Northwest Territories claims, but not with southern Canadian claims, because of the dense population and existence of a reserve system. Item found within folder 'XXXII-39'.
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Appropriation of Aboriginal Oral Traditions

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cynthia Callison
University of British Columbia Law Review, Special Issue: Material Culture in Flux: Law and Policy of Repatriation of Cultural Property, 1995, pp. 165-181
Discusses various aspects of appropriation: historical and modern methods, justifications given, political implications, current legal framework and proposals for protection.
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The Arctic Council and “Law-Making”

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalia Loukacheva
Northern Review, no. 50, Law in the Canadian North, April 07, 2020, pp. 109-135
Article describes the Arctic Counsel as a “high-level international intergovernmental forum founded by the Ottawa Declaration of 1996” and examines its role in supporting and contributing to international laws that pertain to the arctic.
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