Displaying 651 - 700 of 1385

Indians and Income Tax: A Case Comment on Nowegijick v. The Queen

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donald John Purich
Saskatchewan Law Review, vol. 48, 1983-1984, pp. 122-128
Explains that section 87 of The Indian Act has been interpreted as exception from income tax, but Nowegijick v. The Queen held that section 87 did not exempt people from income tax.
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Indians Off Track: Cody's Wild West and the Melrose Park Train Wreck of 1904

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cindy Fent
Raymond Wilson
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 18, no. 3, 1994, pp. 235-249
Discusses the fallout from the lack of proper medical treatment from railway physicians, after a horrific train crash, and the intense legal battle that followed.
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Indigenous Feminism: Theorizing the Issues

Alternate Title
Indigenous Women and Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture
Women and Indigenous Studies Series
E-Books » Chapters
Shari M. Huhndorf
Cheryl Suzack
Women and Indigenous Studies Series
Overview of diverse topics and issues explored in the book to underscore debate and importance of emerging Indigenous feminist endeavours. Introduction from Indigenous Women and Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture edited by Cheryl Suzack, Shari M. Huhndort, Jeanne Perreault, and Jean Barman. Introduction located by scrolling to page 1.
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Indigenous Law 2018: Year in Review

Documents & Presentations
Norton Rose Fulbright [Canada LLP]
Summarizes decisions which spoke to the relationship between Aboriginal title claims and fee simple title, the duty to consult and injunctive relief.
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Indigenous Law Update: Review of Recent Cases

Documents & Presentations
Norton Rose Fulbright [Canada LLP]
Summarizes key decisions dealing with: consultation, projects and decision making; injunctions; procedural matters; and Section 35, treaty and other issues during 2019 and the first half of 2020.
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Indigenous Laws and Legal Orders Case Reference List

Documents & Presentations
Federal Court [of Canada]

For each case provides information about judge, legal context, Canadian Legal Concepts, overview, Indigenous laws and legal orders, evidence considered, treatment and comments.

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Indigenous Legal Traditions in Canada

John Borrows
Topics covered are: characteristics of traditions, examples of law (Hodinohso:ni, Anishinabek, Cree, Métis, Carrier, Nisga’a, Inuit, Mi'kmaq), multi-juridical legal culture, challenges and opportunities in recognizing Indigenous traditions, and entrenching multi-juridicalism in Canada.
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Indigenous North American Jurisprudence

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pat Lauderdale
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, vol. 38, no. 1-2, June 1997, pp. 131-148
Indigenous law emphasizes nature, diversity and freedom using civil sanctions rather than criminal.
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Indigenous People and Sentencing in Canada

Alternate Title
Background Paper (Legal and Social Affairs Division, Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; no 2020-46-E
Documents & Presentations
Graeme McConnell
Overview of the Gladue framework and implementation of Gladue principles and associated criticisms and challenges.
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Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights under the International Conventional Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Alternate Title
Torkel Oppsahls minneseminar ; April 28, 2004
Documents & Presentations
Martin Scheinin
Discussion based on cases decided under the Optional Protocol to the Convent, on the Human Rights Committee's general comments and consideration of periodic report by States parties. Focuses on Article 1: the right of all peoples to self determination; and Article 27: the protection afforded under the notions of 'culture' and 'minority'.
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Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Their (New) Mobilizations in Russia

Alternate Title
EURAC Research
European Diversity and Autonomy Papers ; EDAP 02, 2015
Documents & Presentations
Anna Koch
Alexandra Tomaselli
Looks at gap between legal protection and its implementation, role of organizations such as the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, and case law dealing with fishing rights.
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Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and Native Title

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kristin Howden
University of NSW Law Journal, no. 12, 2001
Looks at traditional knowledge as a living system of information management which has its roots in ancient traditions, and looks at how the Western legal traditional knowledge is virtually unprotected.
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[Indigenous Treaty Rights: Overfishing, Out of Season]

Alternate Title
As It Happens ; September 23, 1990
[Aboriginal Rights: Overfishing, Out of Season]
Media » Sound Recordings
Rick MacInnes-Rae
Arthur Bull
Broadcast discusses after-effects of ruling in the Donald Marshall, Jr. case and concerns about aggressive lobster fishing. Includes synopsis and "Did You Know?" section. Duration: 7:30.
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Indigenous Women and Sexual Assault in Canada

Alternate Title
Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women's Activism
E-Books » Chapters
Tracey Lindberg
Priscilla Campeau
Maria Campbell
Examines four prominent cases involving sexual violence perpetrated against Indigenous women and girls by white men to demonstrate how the Canadian legal system has failed both to protect Indigenous women and to properly punish those responsible. The four cases are: R v Edmondson, R v Jordan, R v Ramsay, and R v Ramsay. Chapter from Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women's Activism edited by Elizabeth A. Sheehy.
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The Indigenous World 2018

[Pamela Jacquelin-Andersen
Laila Susanne Vars
Olga Murashko
Johannes Rohr
Tim Aqukkasuk Argetsinger ... [et al.]]
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Individual Property Rights on Canadian Indian Reserves

Alternate Title
A Fraser Institute Occasional Paper
Public Policy Sources ; no. 60
Documents & Presentations
Tom Flanagan
Christopher Alcantara
no. 60
Focus on four regimes: customary rights, certificates of possession under the Indian Act, First Nations Land Management Act, and leases.
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Ingenious Governance Amidst the Forced Federalism Era

Articles » General
Jeff Corntassel
Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol. 19, no. 1, 2009, pp. 101-115
Looks at Indigenous-state compact system resulting from the 1988 Indian Gaming and Regulatory Act (IGRA).
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Interpreting Sui Generis Treaties

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Youngblood Henderson
Alberta Law Review, vol. 36, no. 1, Symposium on Aboriginal Legal Issues, December 1997, pp. 46-96
Explores the "interpretive principle introduced by the Supreme Court of Canada"; analyzes rights in the context of and intent of Treaty and concludes the Court is affirming Aboriginal worldviews and diversity within the Constitution.
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Intertribal Integration: The Ethnological Argument in Duro v. Reina

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
William W. Quinn
Ethnohistory, vol. 40, no. 1, Winter, 1993, pp. 34-69
Discussion of the 1990 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that a tribal court may not assert criminal jurisdiction over a non member Native American. Provides historical context for extending law over those within their "community."
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Alternate Title
Our Box Was Full: An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs
E-Books » Chapters
Richard Daly
Anthropologist who was one of the expert witnesses in the land rights case involving the validity of oral history discusses the contesting viewpoints about it. Excerpt from Our Box Was Full: An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs.
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Introduction: Advocacy Research and Native Studies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Frank Tough
Native Studies Review, vol. 6, no. 2, Advocacy and Claims Research, 1990, pp. 1-12
Introduction to this volume of the Native Studies Review, which focuses on research strategies that support Native rights and claims.
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Introduction [BC Studies, No. 95, Autumn, 1992]

Articles » General
BC Studies, no. 95, Anthropology and History of the Courts, Autumn, 1995, pp. 3-6
Introduces issue which focuses on the British Columbia Supreme Court's use of materials from historians and anthropologists in Delgamuukw v. B.C. case.
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Introduction: The Marriage of History and Law in R. v. Sioui

Alternate Title
[Document One]: The Murray-Huron Treaty of 1760
[Document Three]: Supreme Court of Canada, Reasons For Judgement, R v. Sioui
[Document Two]: Factum of the Intervenor: National Indian Brotherhood (Assembly of First Nations)
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Franklin S. Gertler
Peter W. Hutchins
J. A. Murray
Native Studies Review, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 132–150
Introduction and three archival items dealing with case of four brothers charged with offences under the Quebec Parks Act after a spiritual excursion into the forest. Documents highlight historical guarantees, a treaty of peace and friendship, and land use rights.
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The Iron Cold of the Marshall Trilogy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Matthew L.M. Fletcher
North Dakota Law Review, vol. 82, no. 3, The Pedagogy of American Indian Law, 2006, pp. 627-695
Re-examines the three decisions that make up the bases for Indian common law known as the "Marshall Trilogy": Johnson v M'Intosh, Cherokee Nations v. Georgia, and Worcester v. Georgia.
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