Displaying 1 - 50 of 125

[2006 May Status Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons]: Chapter 5: Management of Programs for First Nations

E-Books » Chapters
[Sheila Fraser]
Follow-up audit assessed progress in responding to 37 recommendations contained in seven reports published from October 2000 to November 2003. Federal agencies evaluated were Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing, Treasury Board Secretariat, and Industry Canada.
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Aboriginal Self-Government

Alternate Title
In Brief (Parliamentary Research Branch) ; PRB 99-19E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Jill Wherret
Revised version. Originally published 1999.
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Acts, Agreements, Treaties and Land Claims

Web Sites » Governmental
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

Includes links to laws, regulations, land claims, treaty-making, self-government agreements and rights information system.
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Archives and Native Claims

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Morrison
Archivaria, vol. 9, Winter, 1979-80, pp. 15-32
Comments on the government's "White Paper" of June 1969.
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Les Assistants de Recherche Amérindiens en Tant que Médiateurs Culturels: Expériences en Milieux Innu et Atikamekw du Québec

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul Charest
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 29, no. 1-2, Préserver la Langue et les Savoirs / Preserving Language and Knowledge, 2005, pp. 115-129
Examines projects which involved collaborations between non-Aboriginal researchers and local Aboriginal research assistants. .
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Bill C-28: An Act to amend the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-642E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which address two issues: enhancement of the Cree Regional Authority's powers of governance and the inclusion of the Oujé-Bourgoumou Crees in the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement regime. Revised version.
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Claims Status Maps by Province

Documents & Presentations
Comprehensive Claims Branch
Specific Claims Branch
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
p. 16
Presents various maps of Canadian provinces with the status of claims.
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Co-Management: Managing Relationships, Not Resources

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David C. Natcher
Susan Davis
Clifford G. Hickey
Human Organization , vol. 64, no. 3, Fall, 2005, pp. 240-250
Explores whether cultural differences either enhance or hinder the working-group effectives or resource co-management boards established under Canada's comprehensive land claims process.
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Contemporary Aboriginal Land, Resource and Environment Regimes: Origins, Problems, and Prospects: A Report Prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
Land, Resource, and Environment Project
Documents & Presentations
Peter J. Usher
Focuses on integrated resource management throughout comprehensive claim territories in the Arctic and Subarctic, with special attention on the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.
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Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Scott Clark
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, 1981, p. [?]
Letter to the editor commenting on the article Native Settlements and Native Rights: A Comparison of the Alaska Native Settlement, the James Bay Indian/Inuit Settlement, and the Western Canadian Inuit Settlement. by J. S. Frideres (vol. 1, no. 1, p. 59).
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Decolonizing Hydrosocial Relations: The River as a Site of Ethical Encounter in Alan Michelson's TwoRow II

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shaun A. Stevenson
Decolonization, vol. 7, no. 1, Indigenous Peoples and the Politics of Water, 2018, pp. 94-113
Uses the Mohawk artist's video art installation to highlight differences in settler and Indigenous attitudes towards water in general and the Grand River in particular; explores contested agreements, and considers possibilities for a decolonized relationship between Canada and Indigenous nations.
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[Dene, Métis Ink Historic Land Claim Agreement]

Alternate Title
Midday ; April 9, 1990
[1990: Dene, Métis Sign Historic Land Claim Agreement]
Media » Film and Video
Gary Bohnet
Bill Erasmus
Valerie Pringle
Settlement gave groups control over 180,000 sq. km. of land, plus $500 million over 20 years. Includes synopsis. Duration: 8:03.
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Development and the Changing Gender Roles of Gwich'in Women

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the CRIAW-ICREFF Conference 1995
E-Books » Chapters
Karim-Aly S. Kassam
Wanda Wuttunee
Based on interviews in two northern communities and looks at traditional wage economy, leadership role and impacts of Land Claim Agreement. Chapter three in book: Proceedings of the CRIAW-ICREFF Conference 1995 edited by Deborah Poff and Toni Fletcher.
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The Difficulties with Devolution: Community-Based Forest Management Planning in the Yukon Under Comprehensive Land Claims

Alternate Title
Project Report (Sustainable Forest Management Network) ; 2001-28
Documents & Presentations
Debra Wortley
Naomi Krogman
Debra Davidson
Final project report. Examines the role of the Alsek Renewable Resource Council in Yukon’s first forest management plan, and the challenges associated with the devolution of forest management planning responsibilities.
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Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Resolution of Comprehensive Aboriginal Claims: Power Imbalance Between Aboriginal Claimants and Governments in Negotiation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrea Gaye McCallum
Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, vol. 2, no. 1, April 1995, p. 13
The article discusses the dispute resolution process regarding comprehensive land claims in Canada and the power imbalance that exists between Aboriginal claimants and Euro-Canadian governments. (Part of an Australian Masters' thesis submitted by the author who is a Senior Case Manager for the Australian National Native Title Tribunal)
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The Facts: What are Indian Land Claims?

Alternate Title
The Facts on Claims
Web Sites » Organizations
Indian Claims Commission
Brief introduction to the two types of land claims. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Feds to Abandon 30 Negotiation Tables: Minister Robert Nault Encourages Lively Debate on Proposed Legislation

Alternate Title
Feds to Abandon Thirty Negotiation Tables: Minister Robert Nault Encourages Lively Debate on Proposed Legislation
Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 20, no. 6, October 2002, p. 3

Focuses on Minister of Indian Affairs’ decision to end ongoing negotiations with First Nations leaders largely due to time already spent and the inability to reach an agreement.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.2.

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Finding Voice in a Changing Ecological and Political Landscape: Traditional Knowledge and Resource Management in Settled and Unsettled Claim Areas of the Northwest Territories, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brenda Parlee
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012, pp. 56-87
Explores the question "what ecological and social (institutional) factors affect how, when, and to what extent Traditional Knowledge holders have in decisions about key resource management issues?"
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Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the Yukon: Established Practice or Untraveled Path?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Emily M. W. Martin
Ben Bradshaw
Northern Review, no. 47, Dealing with Resource Development in Canada's North, August 03, 2018, pp. 113-134
Uses a process of document review and interviews with key members of governance institutions to evaluate territorial engagement with the practice of FPIC as per the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Documents Reviewed include the Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA) the Quartz Mining Act, the Placer Mining Act, the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act, the Environment Act, the Wildlife Act, the Yukon Waters Act, the Historic Resources Act, the Yukon Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Act (YESAA), the Y
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