Displaying 151 - 200 of 560

Deconstructing the British Columbia Treaty Process

Alternate Title
Indigenous Peoples in the International Sphere
[Balayi Culture, Law and Colonialism ; vol. 3]
Documents & Presentations
Taiaiake Alfred
Looks at the intellectual, structural and political attributes of the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC) process in order to see why it failed. Provides recommendations for future collaboration between governments and Indigenous Nations. Paper from Indigenous Peoples in the International Sphere.
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Delgamuukw and Others v The Queen

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter R. Grant
Aboriginal Law Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 52, October 1991, p. 26
Reports on the longest Aboriginal land claim trial in Canadian history. The court found that the difficulty faced by First Nations was not due to the unlawful dispossession of lands.
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Delgamuukw and the Protection of Aboriginal Land Interests

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gordon Christie
Ottawa Law Review, vol. 32, 2000-2001, pp. 85-116

Argues that determining the "extent to which title-holders have control over Aboriginal title lands," requires that the fiduciary responsibility of the Crown be considered as well.

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A Discourse-Theoretic Approach to Aboriginal Rights

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kenneth L. Avio
Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 29, Special Issue, April 1996, pp. 619-621
Focuses on two approaches to Aboriginal property rights and governance rights; conclusions are similar in relation to property and diverge regarding governance.
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Discovering Differences: Maaori-White Relationships in New Zealand

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, Special Issue on International Year of Indigenous Peoples: Discovery and Human Rights, 1993, pp. 55-78
Focuses on the Tainui people's efforts to seek redress for the confiscation of their lands in the mid 1860s.
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Documents: Introduction

Alternate Title
[Document One]: Lake of Two Mountains Petition
[Document Two]: Response By the Under Secretary of State
[Document Two]: Response [to Lake of Two Mountains Petition] by the Under Secretary of State
Archival » Archival Items
F. Laurie Barron
E. J. Langevin
Native Studies Review, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 129-131

Introduction and documents regarding Lake of Two Mountains Petition which speak to the social gulf, that by the mid-1870's, separated the Mohawks and Oka townspeople

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Documents Two and Three: Dene/Metis Agreement in Principle with the Federal Government and Introduction

Alternate Title
[Document Three]: The Dene/Métis Decision on the Agreement-In-Principle: July 1988
[Document Two]: Notes For An Address by Bill Erasmus, President of The Dene Nation, On The Signing Of The Agreement-In-Principle With The Government Of Canada, Fort Rae , Denendeh, September 5, 1988
Archival » Archival Items
Bill Erasmus
James B. Waldram
Native Studies Review, vol. 4, no. 1 & 2, pp. 202-229

Introduction and two documents related to the signing of the Agreement-In-Principal between the Déne and Métis of the North West Territories and Government of Canada resolving a land claim of the Native people.

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Duty to Consult

Media » Film and Video
Gerald Heckman
Discusses the right of Aboriginal title and duty to consult. Presents examples where Aboriginal people and the Crown have come together to reach an agreement. Duration: 7:30.
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Duty to Consult

Documents & Presentations
BearPaw Legal Education & Resource Centre
Deals with rulings issued by the courts stating that government and private companies must consult with communities when their actions could potentially affect Treaty or Aboriginal rights.
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The Duty to Consult and Accommodate Aboriginal Groups in Canada

Alternate Title
Policy Brief (Ivey Business School) ; September 2014
Documents & Presentations
[Guy Holburn
Margaret Loudermilk
Andre Wilkie]
Overview of the development of Aboriginal rights beginning with the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and general discussion of consultation practices in Canada.
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The Economic Urgency of Water Rights

Articles » General
Lee Ahenakew
Windspeaker, vol. 27, no. 10, January 2010, p. 13

Brief article discusses the issues surrounding water allocation to First Nations and the difficulties in resolving the problem due to conflicting jurisdictions.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.13.

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Edwin Forrest, Metamora, and the Indian Removal Act of 1830

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
B. Donald Grose
Theatre Journal, vol. 37, no. 2, May 1985, pp. 181-191
Investigation into John August Stone's Metamora, also known as The Last of the Wampanoags, and how this play and the Removal Act are intertwined with United States history.
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Esketemc First Nation: Wright's Meadow Pre-Emption Inquiry

Alternate Title
Indian Claims Commission: Esketemc First Nation: Wright's Meadow Pre-Emption Inquiry
Indian Claims Commission
p. 103
At issue is the pre-emption of a meadow used by the Esketemc First Nation or as it was then known the Alkali Lake Band. The inquiry found that Canada breached its fiduciary duty by not protecting the meadow, which was clearly in the band's settlement lands. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Evidence and Oral History

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael Riordon
The Beaver, vol. 84, no. 6, December/January 2004/2005, pp. 11-12
Discusses the impact of the Delgamuukw decision with respect to acceptance of verbal versus written accounts in land title lawsuits.
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Fact, Narrative, and the Judicial Uses of History: Delgamuukw and Beyond

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eric H. Reiter
Indigenous Law Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, 2010, pp. 56-79
Argues that judges' interpretations of history, which cannot be separated from the context from which it arises, does indeed become "fact" because of the nature of the legal process.
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Federal Constitutionalism and Aboriginal Difference

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean LeClair
Queen's Law Journal, vol. 31, 2006, pp. 521-535
Author outlines a new approach which he calls Federal Constitutionalism, which he thinks will open up avenues for resolution of many legal issues.
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Fiduciary Obligations and Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
The Law of Trusts: A Contextual Approach
E-Books » Chapters
Kent McNeil
Chapter sixteen in book: The Law of Trusts: A Contextual Approach 2nd edition, edited by Jeffrey Bruce Berryman, Mark R. Gillen, and Faye Woodman.
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Fieldwork in Courtroom 53: A Witness to Delgamuukw v. B.C.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robin Ridington
BC Studies, no. 95, Anthropology and History of the Courts, Autumn, 1992, pp. 12-24
Discusses court case and Justice Allan McEachern's rejection of expert testimony showing Aboriginal land ownership through oral histories.
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First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879-'80

J. W. Powell
Report includes the following papers: Report of the Director by J. W. Powell On the Evolution of Language by J. W. Powell Sketch of the Mythology of the North American Indians by J. W. Powell Wyandot Government: A Short Study of Tribal Society by J. W. Powell On Limitations to the Use of Some Anthropologic Data by J. W. Powell A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians by Dr. H. C. Yarrow Studies in Central American Picture-Writing by Edward S.
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First Nations and Aboriginal Rights

Articles » General
Andrew Bear Robe
Constitutional Forum, vol. 2, no. 2, 1991, pp. 46-49
Discusses Federal land claim policy and Indian title.
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