Displaying 701 - 750 of 1188

Maternal and Umbilical Cord Blood Levels of Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Essential Trace Elements in Arctic Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jody Butler Walker
Jan Housemen
Laura Seddon
Ed McMullen
Karen Tofflemire
Carole Mills
André Corriveau
Jean-Philippe Weber
Alain LeBlanc
Mike Walker
Shawn G. Donaldson
Jay Van Oostdam
Environmental Research, vol. 100, no. 3, March 2006, pp. 295-318
Presents the first human tissue monitoring program encompassing the entire Northwest Territories and Nunavut for multiple contaminants.
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Maternal Ethnicity and Risk of Neural Tube Defects: a Population-based Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joel G. Ray
Marian J. Vermeulen
Chris Meier
David E. C. Cole
Philip R. Wyatt
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 171, no. 4, August 17, 2004, pp. 267-285
Findings showed First Nations women are at an increased risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) compared to other ethnic groups.
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Maternal-Infant Health Outcomes and Nursing Practice in a Remote First Nations Community in Northern Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Denise S. Tarlier
Joy L. Johnson
Annette J. Browne
Sam Sheps
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 45, no. 2, Broadening the Dialogue, 2013, pp. 76-100
Discusses the need for optimal maternal-infant health care to minimize risk factors that predispose individuals to chronic health challenges later in life.
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Mavis J. Adams Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Mavis J. Adams
Mick Burrs
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Adams is a retired white schoolteacher and was 69 years old at the time of the interview. She tells of her induction as an honorary chief of the Blackfoot reserve and shares her experiences among the Blackfoot.
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MCH Screening Tool Project: Final Report

Alternate Title
Maternal Child Health Screening Tool Project
Documents & Presentations
Madeleine Dion Stout
Nadine Jodoin
Evaluation of program aimed at developing effective methods of screening and assessing families during pregnancy, postpartum, and early childhood, For use by Family Visitors working with First Nations.
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Measurement Equivalence of Osteoporosis-specific and General Quality-of-life Instruments in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Women

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lisa M. Lix
Colleen Metge
William D. Leslie
Quality of Life Research, vol. 18, no. 5, June 2009, pp. 619-27
Discusses a First Nations Bone Health study that looks at different types of measurement equivalence in two HRQOL instruments among Canadian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women from rural and urban sites in Manitoba.
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Articles » General
Patricia Fagan
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 23, no. 3, May/June 1999, pp. 11-13
Looks at menopause from the perspective of Australian Aboriginal women.
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Métis Women Gathering: Visiting Together and Voicing Wellness for Ourselves

Alternate Title
Metis Women Gathering: Visiting Together and Voicing Wellness for ourselves
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anna Corrigal Flaminio
Janice Cindy Gaudet
Leah Marie Dorion
AlterNative, vol. 16, no. 1, March 2020, pp. 55-63
Authors examine the ways that gathering to share knowledge and community affects the wellness of Métis women; focus on themes of (a) Importance of Métis women gathering together; (b) Visiting is changing; (c) Learning-by-doing and kinship; (d) Métis women’s gatherings, community, and wellness; (e) Métis-specific spaces to share stories; and (f) Pride in Métis women’s identity.
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Métis Women’s Health and Wellbeing

Documents & Presentations
Discusses the concerns, ideas and recommendations of Métis women regarding health and well-being, from their own perspectives as Métis women.The paper also discusses the making of policy and research to ensure that they are more relevant to Métis women, their families and communities.
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Midwifery and Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada

Documents & Presentations
National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO)
Discusses the need for maternity care services in Aboriginal communities including the recruitment of Aboriginal women into the profession of midwifery.
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Midwifery and the Aboriginal Health Worker

Articles » General
Pauline Glover
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, 1987, pp. 21-24
Reports Aboriginal health workers should receive training in antenatal care as well the female anatomy and sociology, the menstrual cycle, conception and diagnosis of pregnancy.
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Midwifery Inservice Training

Articles » General
Rhonda Simons
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, September 1987, pp. 18-20
Relates experiences of an Aboriginal health worker while a participant in an inservice training program on a labour ward.
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A Million Tears: One Woman's Story

Articles » General
Carol-Ann Bell
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 31, no. 4, July/August 2007, pp. 23-25
Autobiographical essay of a woman's journey through childbirth, removal from the family, and re-acquaintance with her daughter.
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Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors Associated with HPV Vaccine Decision-Making among American Indian Women College Students

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine Samuel-Nakamura
Felicia Schanche Hodge
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 40, no. 4, 2016, pp. 71-81
Thirty-four female and 23 male participants were asked about human papillomavirus perceptions, experiences and vaccination decision-making strategies. Knowledge level, access barriers, fear of side effects, and poor risk perception were modifiable while cultural influences and adverse historical events were not.
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Mood and Anxiety Problems in Perinatal Indigenous Women in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States: A Critical Review of the Literature

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Angela Bowen
Vicky Duncan
Shelley Peacock
Rudy Bowen
Laura Schwartz
Diane Campbell
Nazeem Muhajarine
Transcultural Psychiatry, vol. 51, no. 1, Indigenous Mental Health, February 2014, pp. 93-111
Reviewed quantitative and qualitative studies published between 1980 and March 2010. Identified four areas which required further research: longitudinal, population-based studies; validation and modification of appropriate screening tools; cultural diversity and meaning of lived experiences; and development of evidence-informed practices through collaborations with communities.
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Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
John Hellson
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he tells of the Blood legend about the origin of the moon, sun and morning star.
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Mortality Comparisons of First Nations to All Other Manitobans: A Provincial Population-Based Look at Health Inequalities by Region and Gender

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patricia J. Martens
Doreen Sanderson
Laurel S. Jebamani
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 96, no. Supplement 1, Aboriginal Health Research and Policy: First Nations-University Collaboration in Manitoba, January/February 2005, pp. S33-S38
Study conducted to compare premature mortality and potential years of life lost between the two groups. Entire issue on one pdf, To access article, scroll down to appropriate page.
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Mother's Wisdom

Articles » General
Synthesis, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring/Summer, 2006, p. [?]
Looks at a program developed to address the prevention needs of American Indian women with breast cancer.
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Mrs. Lucinda Froman Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jocelyn Keeshig
Lucinda (Mrs.) Froman
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with Mrs. Lucinda Froman, who is a Mohawk Indian originally from the Six Nations Reserve, Ontario. She gives an account of migration from the United States to Canada. She also talks of encounters with evil spirits and how to ward them off.
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Mrs. Marion Dillon Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Marion Dillon
Mary Mountain
Indian History Film Project
An interview that includes stories of hunting, trading and food gathering. Also included are stories about the Frog Lake massacre and Wihtiko (cannibal monster)
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Multiple Exposures: An Environmental Scan of Miwayawin Health Services Regarding Healthy Body Weight and Body Image: Executive Summary

Alternate Title
Iskwĕwak Mīwayawak: Women Feeling Healthy
Documents & Presentations
[Carolyn Brooks
Janice Kennedy
Jan Baxter-Jones
Roanne Thomas-Maclean
Laurie Schimpf
Sylvia Abonyi
Jennifer Poudrier
Jenn Shea
Karen Chad]
Identifies importance of goals related to infrastructure, recreation, information and education, and social supports. Part of a larger project "The Cultural and Visual Context of Healthy Body Weight and Body Image Among Aboriginal Women in the Battlefords Tribal Council Region".
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The Murders of Indigenous Women in Canada as Feminicides: Toward a Decolonial Intersectional Reconceptualization of Femicide

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paulina García-Del Moral
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 43, no. 4, Summer, 2018, pp. 929-954
An argument against the use of femicide as means to analyze murdered Indigenous women, rather it must go beyond the radical feminist definition to an intersectional framework to make gender as a necessary but not a definitive analytical category.
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