Displaying 551 - 600 of 950

Life Expectancy in the Inuit-Inhabited Areas of Canada, 1989 to 2003

Articles » General
Russell Wilkins
Sharanjit Uppal
Philippe Finès
Sacha Senécal
Éric Guimond
Rene Dion
Health Reports, vol. 19, no. 1, March 2008, pp. 1-13
Used a geographic-based approach, rather than standard data sources, to estimate life expectancy for the entire Inuit population.
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Likelihood of Coronary Angiography Among First Nations Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lauren C. Bresee
Merril L. Knudtson
Jianguo Zhang
Lynden (Lindsay) Crowshoe
Sofia B. Ahmed ... [et al.]
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 186, no. 10, July 08, 2014, pp. E372-E380
Findings indicated First Nations people were less likely to undergo angiography and experienced worse long-term survival compared to non-First Nations people.
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Living Stories through a Sweet Grass Porcupine Quill Box Methodology: An Innovation in Chronic Kidney Disease

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mary Smith; Carol McDonald
Anne Bruce
Jacquie Green
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 14, no. 2, Growing Roots of Indigenous Wellbeing, October 2019, pp. 276-292
Author discusses their own experience as a kidney donor and with supporting family and community members with Chronic Kidney Disease, and how the experiences helped to shape their feelings about relational research.
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LivingMyCulture.ca: [First Nations}

Web Sites » Organizations
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Information on palliative care. Contains links to four general videos, print document Coming Full Circle: Planning for Your Care, and series of brief videos created specifically for First Nations peoples arranged under the headings traditions, rituals and spirituality, expectations of care, care for patient and family, talking about illness, emotions and support, and after death and ceremonies.
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LivingMyCulture.ca: [Inuit]

Web Sites » Organizations
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Information on palliative care. Contains links to four general videos, print document Coming Full Circle: Planning for Your Care, and series of brief videos created specifically for Inuit people arranged under the headings traditions, rituals and spirituality, expectations of care, care for patient and family, talking about illness, emotions and support, and after death and ceremonies.
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LivingMyCulture.ca: [Métis]

Web Sites » Organizations
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Information on palliative care. Contains links to four general videos, print document Coming Full Circle: Planning for Your Care, and series of brief videos created specifically for Métis people arranged under the headings traditions, rituals and spirituality, expectations of care, care for patient and family, talking about illness, emotions and support, and after death and ceremonies.
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Liz Canner

Articles » General
Maureen Latta
Border Crossings, vol. 23, no. 3, August 2004, pp. 125-126
Review of the video Bridges which is set against the backdrop of the Stonechild Inquiry.
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Long-Term-Care Residents: Concerns Identified by Population and Care Trends

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna M. Wilson
Corrine D. Truman
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 95, no. 5, September-October 2004, pp. 382-386
Data indicated the Eskasoni Mi'kmaq study group was at a greater risk for diseases and the need for long-term care is increasing. Results have implications for the health care system and health prevention measures that should be targeted for this group.
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The Long-Term Risks of End Stage Renal Disease and Mortality among First Nations and Non-First Nations People with Youth-Onset Diabetes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Roland F. Dyck
Ying Jiang
Nathaniel D. Osgood
Canadian Journal of Diabetes, vol. 38, no. 4, August 2014, pp. 237-243
Used Saskatchewan Ministry of Health data covering the period between 1980 and 2005. Concluded that First Nations people experience higher long-term risks for both contracting the disease and death, and that primary prevention initiatives were needed to delay onset and reverse trends.
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Looking at Aboriginal Mental Health in Western Australia

Articles » General
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, December 1988, p. 51
Talks about the newly formed social and cultural section of the W.A. Branch of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.
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Lung Cancer among American Indians and Alaska Natives, 1990-2009

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marcus Plescia
Sarah Jane Henley
Anne Pate
J. Michael Underwood
Kris Rhodes
American Journal of Public Health , vol. 104, no. S3, Supplement 3, June 2014, pp. S388-S395
Looks at regional differences using Indian Health Services and mortality data sets.
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Making Connections, Making Sense: The Land, Body and Spirit Classification

Articles » General
Tarun Weeramanthri
Ada Perry
Norma Benger
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 19, no. 5, September/October 1995, pp. 23-25
Looks at results from the Menzies Mortality Project on adult deaths and the classification system used to present the information to communities.
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Maria Littlewolfe Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Maria Littlewolfe
Mary Mountain
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes a story of Maria Littlewolfe's grandfather who died and then returned to life.
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Marie Osecap 2 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Marie Osecap
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes a description of life on the reserve that describes milking, sheep-shearing and fishing weirs. It also consists of stories about a woman whose husband turned into a lizard; a story of Wisakedjak; and how Thunder Blanket killed his wife and then himself.
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Marie Osecap Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Marie Osecap
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes a story of an evil spirit which caused an epidemic that killed many people. She also tells of the sale of their reserve and the subsequent moves to Sweet Grass Reserve and then to Moosomin Reserve.
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Marion Carter Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Marion Carter
Mary Mountain
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Carter tells a story of her life. She talks of the traditional way of living; residential schools and tells how she was given her name. During the interview she also relates a tale from her grandfather about the Cree raiding Blackfoot camps.
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Maternal Health Education Program For Health Workers

Articles » General
Jenny Darr
Hanni Gennat
Jacinta Elston
Lynore Geia
Adrian Miller
Vicki Saunders
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 26, no. 2, March/April 2002, pp. 10-12
Describes a program offered at James Cook University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in Queensland, Australia.
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Mavis J. Adams Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Mavis J. Adams
Mick Burrs
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Adams is a retired white schoolteacher and was 69 years old at the time of the interview. She tells of her induction as an honorary chief of the Blackfoot reserve and shares her experiences among the Blackfoot.
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Max Ireland Interview #2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Max Ireland
Alex Cywink
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he gives accounts of storytelling amongst the Oneida; accounts of the educational system and its abuses.
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Medical and Clinical Issues for Indigenous Men

Articles » General
Noel Hayman
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, January/February 2000, pp. 4-6
Discusses statistical evidence revealing that Indigenous men in Australia have shorter life expectancy and poorer general health outcomes than the general population.
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Medical Survey of Nutrition among the Northern Manitoba Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
P.E. Moore
H.D. Kruse
F.F. Tisdall
R.S.C. Corrigan
Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 54, no. 3, March 1946, pp. 223-233
Study conducted by assessing records of purchases of staple food from the Hudson's Bay Company and physical examination of 400 individuals for diseases, concluded that malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies existed. Authors concluded characteristics of the "Indian race" such as"shiftlessness, indolence, improvidence and inertia" might be attributable to lack of suitable food.
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Methods for Improving the Quality and Completeness of Mortality Data for American Indians and Alaska Native

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David K. Espey
Melissa A. Jim
Thomas B. Richards
Crystal Begay
Don Haverkamp ... [et al.]
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 104, no. S3, Supplement 3, June 2014, pp. S286-S294
Looks at improving race classification data and analyzing deaths by region in order to plan programs for reducing health disparities.
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Métis Killed During the 1885 Resistance

Documents & Presentations
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
List based on names taken from monument at Batoche National Historic Park, with further information from Lawrence J. Barkwell of the Manitoba Métis Federation.
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Métis Women and Disease: A Preliminary Examination

Documents & Presentations
Métis Centre of the National Aboriginal Health Organization
Fact sheet summarizes data from the Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) on Métis women and disease prevalence, treatment, screening behaviours, and preventive measures.
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Minimising The Harm From Nicotine Addiction

Articles » General
Ron Borland
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 21, no. 5, September/October 1997, pp. 23-26
States that, unlike other drugs, most of the harm from tobacco comes from long term use, not from an overdose.
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Misguided Medicine

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adam Kuper
Foreign Policy, Jan-Feb 2007, pp. 96-98
Critique of a series of six papers about the health of the world's Indigenous peoples, that appeared inThe Lancet, and were authored by its Editor in Chief Richard Horton.
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Missing Children & Unmarked Burials: Research Recommendations

Documents & Presentations
The Working Group on Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Paper's purpose was to make recommendations to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission regarding research for the Missing Children Research project . The project is to consider four questions: how many students died?, what did they die from?, where are they buried?, and who went missing?
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