Displaying 2301 - 2350 of 2551

Time Trend by Region of Suicides and Suicidal Thoughts among Greenland Inuit

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Bjerregaard
Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, Special Issue: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations , 2015, p. article no. 26053
Results of study show suicide rates were higher for men than women while the prevalence of suicidal thoughts was higher among women.
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To' Kee Skuy' Soo Ney-Wo-Chek' = I Will See You Again in a Good Way: A Year 1 Project Report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two Spirit People of Northern California

Alternate Title
To' Kee Skuy' Soo Ney-Wo-Chek' = I Will See You Again in a Good Way Progress Report
To' Kee Skuy' Soo Ney-Wo-Chek' = I Will See You Again in a Good Way: Year 2 Progress Report
Year 2 Progress Report: Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls & Two Spirit People of Northern California
[Abby Abinanti
Angi Cavaliere
Alanna Nulph
Blythe K. George
Annita Lucchesi … [et al.]]
Related material: Year 2 Progress Report.
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To Our Readers

Articles » General
Marion Simon
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, December 1983, p. 5
Introduction to issue mentions Task Force on Aboriginal Health report and the September Aboriginal Health Conference.
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To Our Readers

Articles » General
John Cawte
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, September 1981, p. 3
Brief introduction to themed issue on disability in Aboriginal population of Australia.
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To Our Readers

Articles » General
John Cawte
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, December 1981, p. 3
Brief introduction to journal issue highlights two of the main articles on gifted children and stressed children.
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To Our Readers

Articles » General
John Cawte
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, September 1988, p. 2
Short introduction to journal featuring articles on smoking, effects of Kava on the body and mental health, and ethnobotany.
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To Our Readers

Articles » General
John Cawte
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, December 1988, p. 2
Brief introduction to issue to inform the Royal Commissioners on the lack of mental health care for Aboriginal people.
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Toku Toa, He Toa Rangatira: A Qualitative Investigation of New Zealand Māori End-of-Life Care Customs

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Rawiri Wharemate
Stella Black
Kathleen Mason
Janine Wiles ... [et al.]
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 2, Death and Dying, December 2018, pp. 30-46
Reports on Pae Herenga pilot study undertaken to explore how care customs contribute towards strengthening extended family (whānau) resilience and bereavement. Results indicate a need for further study, wider understanding of whānau practices among health professionals, and a digital resource centre.
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Tools of Resiliency: Addressing the Wellbeing Needs of Indigenous People by Honouring Culture as Treatment

Alternate Title
Tools of Resiliency: Addressing the Well-Being Needs of Indigenous People by Honouring Culture as Treatment
Tools of Resiliency: Addressing the Wellbeing Needs of Indigenous People by Honoring Culture as Treatment
Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council

Purpose of study was to collect and analyze data on Indigenous community-governed Mental Health and Addictions programs in Ontario.

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Total Health

Articles » General
Anthony Dillon
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 23, no. 6, November/December 1999, pp. 3-4
Contains suggestions for Indigenous health workers in Australia when working with others.
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Toward a Better Tomorrow: Addressing the Challenge of Aboriginal Youth Suicide

Documents & Presentations
Del Graff
Child and Youth Advocate for Alberta reports on seven suicides which took place in 2013-2014. Each individual was either involved with Child Intervention Services at the time of their death, or had been within the previous two years. Includes 12 recommendations for improvements to provincial services and programs.
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Toward an Understanding of Suicide in First-Nation Canadians

Alternate Title
Clinical Insight: Toward an Understanding of Suicide in First-Nation Canadians
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John R. Cutcliffe
Crisis, vol. 26, no. 3, 2005, pp. 141-145
Argues that to understand suicide in First Nations there must be more of a shift away from the current quantitative methods to that of qualitative, including listening to the voices of the people themselves.
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Toward More Effective, Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention in Nunavut

Alternate Title
Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects in Canada's North
[Art of the state (Montréal, Québec) ; v. 4]
E-Books » Chapters
Jack Hicks
Looks at statistical trends in number of suicides, age, sex, region and community. Discusses past and current research, areas for future study, and seven working hypotheses. Excerpt from Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects in Canada's North edited by Frances Abele, Thomas J. Courchene, F. Leslie Seidle and Frances St-Hilaire.
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Towards A Deeper Understanding of the Indigenous Experience of Urban Homelessness

Alternate Title
Research on the Intergenerational Impact of Colonialism and Aboriginal Homelessness in Edmonton
Documents & Presentations
Blue Quills First Nations College
IRM Research and Evaluation Inc.
Study focused on: linkages between intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools and involvement in child protection systems and homelessness; the effect on sense of identity and connection to heritage; promising practices in providing supports and services; and life factors and experiences which mitigate effects of intergenerational trauma.
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Towards An Aboriginal Model of Community Healing

Articles » General
Bonnie Freeman
Bill Lee
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, Resistance and Resiliency: Addressing Historical Trauma of Aboriginal Peoples, March 2007, pp. 97-120
Looks at a community development model that focuses on traditional knowledge and cultural practice to assist Aboriginal communities to heal from historical and ongoing trauma, and for the restoration of health and well being.
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Towards an Experiential Analysis of Shamanism

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Larry G. Peters
Douglass Price-Williams
American Ethnologist, vol. 7, no. 3, August 1980, pp. 397-418
Examines shamanic ecstatic states from a psychiatric and comparative perspective.
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Towards Mauri Ora: Examining the Potential Relationship Between Indigenous-Centric Entrepreneurship Education and Māori Suicide Prevention in Aotearoa, New Zealand

Alternate Title
Towards Mauri Ora: Examining the Potential Relationship Between Indigenous-Centric Entrepreneurship Education and Maori Suicide Prevention in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine Love
Keri Lawson-Te Aho
Shamia Makarini
Jan McPherson
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing - Te Mauri: Pimatisiwin, vol. 2, no. 2, September 2017, pp. 116-128
Participants of the Ahikaa programme shared stories of hope and reported the programme as both life-changing and healing.
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Towards the Development of a Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy: A Summary Report on the 2009 Community Consultations

Alternate Title
Documents & Presentations
Ellen Bobet
Concludes that Nunavummiut desire a range of prevention services, from community initiatives focused on primary prevention through to professional care for people at higher risk.
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Towards Understanding and Supporting Marginalized Children and Youth in Ontario: The Case of Growing Up Indigenous

Alternate Title
Supports for Success
Documents & Presentations
Stephanie Elliott
Malaika Hill
James Iveniuk
Rumaisa Khan
Angela Mashford-Pringle
Emma Ware
Presents evidence gathered from focus groups involving youth, parents, service providers and community leaders, as well as statistical information, program inventory, and social network analysis. Focuses on indicators related to education, employment, health and mental health, and sense of belonging.
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Traditional Living and Cultural Ways as Protective Factors Against Suicide: Perceptions of Alaska Native University Students

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christopher R. DeCou
Monica C. Skewes
Eleen D. S. López
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 20968
Interviews conducted with 25 university students indicated that those who had a greater levels of traditional practice and subsistence activities tended to be less prone to suicide.
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The Trail of Stress

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arthur W. Blue
Meredith A. Blue
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, 1981, pp. 311-327
Survey of Aboriginal university students and their experience with stress.
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Trance, Possession, Shamanism and Sex

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
I. M. Lewis
Anthropology of Consciousness, vol. 14, no. 1, March-June 2003, pp. 20-39
Reviews the role of altered states of consciousness (ASC) in the anthropology of religion.
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Transcending the Borderlands: Elements of the Anzalduan Mestiza Consciousness in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony

Alternate Title
Images, Imaginations, and Beyond: Proceedings of the Eighth Native American Symposium
Native American Symposium ; 8th, 2009
E-Books » Chapters
Rachael Price
Describes how elements from these novels serve as a mirror of hybridity theory with an emphasis on stories and the idea of journeys for true cultural unity.
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The Transition from the Historical Inuit Suicide Pattern to the Present Inuit Suicide Pattern

Alternate Title
Moving Forward, Making a Difference ; vol. 2
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 4
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 2nd, 2006
E-Books » Chapters
Jack Hicks
Peter Bjerregaard
Matt Berman
vol. 4

Traces trends in Nunavut, Nunavik, Alaska, Greenland and the Circumpolar region, and discusses possible explanations for increases in the suicide rate.

Chapter three from Moving Forward, Making a Difference, vol. 2, which is also vol. 4 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.

Originally presented at the second annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2006.

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Trauma and Healing in Aboriginal Families and Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Lederman
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 2, Applying Circles in Aboriginal Social Work Practice, April 1999, pp. 59-90
Looks at how a continuing history of repeated traumatic events, that have affected entire Aboriginal communities, make it difficult for the process of healing to take place.
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