Displaying 1601 - 1650 of 2717

Memorandum of Understanding Between the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada) and the State Committee on Northern Affairs of the Russian Federation Concerning Cooperation on Aboriginal and Northern Development - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Documents & Presentations
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada)
State Committee on Northern Affairs of the Russian Federation
Agreement between Canada and Russia that acknowledges common interests and issues that pertain to the Arctic and northern regions of both countries, including sustainable development and environmental protection.
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Memory, Apology and Reconciliation

Documents & Presentations
Michael A. Murphy
Argues that while the role of official apologies is controversial, it nevertheless plays a part in the broader reconciliation process. Uses Canadian and the Australian experience as case studies.
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[Mercury Poisoning and the Cree]

Alternate Title
CBC Television News ; Oct. 18, 1976
Media » Film and Video
Susan Copeland
Explains how the Federal government initially failed to inform people about the mercury poisoning of fish. Programs are now in place to say what species are most poisonous, and where it is safe to fish. Duration: 5:15
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The Metaphysics of Hating and Public Policy

Articles » General
Michael (Mickey) Posluns
Indigenous Policy Journal , vol. 17, no. 3, [2006?], p. [?]
Discusses the importance of language when framing Indigenous issues. Scroll down to access article.
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Métis-Crown Relations Through an International Treaty Lens

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brenda Gunn
Bryn Rieger
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 4-25
Argues the agreement that led to the passing of the Manitoba Act in 1870 is a viable treaty according to international law.
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Métis Leaders Take Positive Business Message to the Grassroots Level

Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 4, April 2011, p. 18
Comments on the first of a series of Economic Development Forums being held in Northern Saskatchewan to discuss topics ranging from forming partnerships and procurement to community economic development. Article found by scrolling to page 18.
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Metis, Mennonites and the 'Unsettled Prairie,' 1874-1896

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donovan Giesbrecht
Journal of Mennonite Studies, vol. 19, 2001, pp. [103]-111
Discusses example of how Mennonites have played a role in oppressing Manitoba's Native people even though they may be perceived as the spokespeople for the oppressed.
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Métis Resistance Part 1

Alternate Title
Métis Resistance Part 2
[Cluster 3: Becoming a Sovereign Nation (1867-1931]
Documents & Presentations
[Kerri Martin]

Part 2. Social Studies Grade 10.  Power points look at the issues and events that were the impetus for the Red River and the North-West Resistance.

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Métis Rights, Daniels and Reconciliation

Alternate Title
"Les Métis de l'Est": Outlining the Intellectual Currents at the Basis of 'Métis" Self-identification in Québec
Daniels: In and Beyond the Law
You Cannot "Blow Hot and Blow Cold": The Contradictions of Colonialism and the Disregard for Mé Agency in Daniels]
["Get your application in!: Post-Daniels Pitfalls, Self-Identification and the Rush to Become Métis]
[Promises and Pitfalls of Daniels]
Media » Film and Video
Thomas Isaac
Adam Gaudry
Darryl Leroux
D'Arcy Vermette
Keynote speaker discusses his report A Matter of National and Constitutional Import: Report of the Minister's Special Representative on Reconciliation with Métis: Section 35 Métis Rights and the Manitoba Metis Federation Decision. Duration: 1:03:28. Second part (beginning at 1:08:32) consists of panel presentations on "Promises and Pitfalls of Daniels". Speakers discuss implications of decision for Métis self-identification, Métis in Quebec, and the Métis nation. Presentations are part of the conference "Daniels: In and Beyond the Law" held at University of Alberta, Jan.
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Métis Scrip

Web Sites » Organizations
Camie Augustus
Argues that the scrip policy was created to extinguish Métis Aboriginal title.
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Métis Scrip in Alberta

Alternate Title
Métis Archival Project
Documents & Presentations
Nathalie Kermoal
Frank Tough
Jenn Rossiter
Leah Hrycun
Provides brief history of "Half-breed Scrip", its meaning and origins. Focuses on the community of Lac La Biche as an example of the process.
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[Métis Scrip]: Lesson Plan

Alternate Title
[Homeland History]
[Foundational Knowledge Resource]
Documents & Presentations
[Rupertsland Institute, Education Team]

Designed for Grades 10-12.

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The Métis Status Decision

Media » Film and Video
William Wicken
History professor discusses the significance of Daniels v Canada with regards to identity of non-status Indians. Duration: 5:16.
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A Métis Treaty Through the Lens of International Law

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brenda L. Gunn
Bryn Rieger
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 4-25
Argues that the agreement reached leading up to the Manitoba Act meets requirements for a valid treaty in international law as it was at the time.
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Métis Veterans Launch Class Action Lawsuit

Media » Film and Video
David Common
CBC reports on the lawsuit initiated by veterans after the Federal government excluded them from compensation offered to Status Indians. Broadcast date: August 12, 2002. Duration: 2:18.
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Mi'kmaq Women and Our Political Voice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patricia Doyle-Bedwell
Atlantis, vol. 27, no. 2, Health Panic and Womens Health, 2003, pp. 123-127
Comments on the issues facing Mi'kmaq women and the healing process that needs to occur.
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[Micheal Mascarenhas: White Privilege and Neo-liberalism]

Alternate Title
At the Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research
Media » Sound Recordings
Micheal Mascarenhas
Robert-Falcon Ouellette
Interview with the author of the book, Where the Waters Divide: Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada. Duration: 29:45.
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'The Mighty Life-Creating and Transforming Power' of Carnival: Why the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission Does Not Seem to Have It, but Indigenous Resurgence Does

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bridget Storrie
International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 9, no. 3, November 2015, pp. 469-485
Contends that "the transpower of the Canadian TRC may therefore lie not in the public events themselves, but in the more carnivalesque movements that are growing in its wake".
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Militia to North-West Fifty Years Ago Today - Newspaper clippings. - 5 July 1923.

Articles » General
Folder of clippings relating to the 50th anniversary of the Northwest Resistance. All clippings from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix except where noted. Clippings glued to paper: 1. Almighty Voice's Prison; 2. Poundmaker's Surrender Highlight of Rebellion; 3. Last Buffalo Herds Seen On Western Plains in 1881; 4. Poundmaker's Forces Had Advantage at Cut Knife; 5. Surrender of Big Bear Marked End of Rebellion. Loose clippings: 6. Back in the Bone Age (clipping and photograph); 7. Bloody Massacre, Fifty Years Ago, at Frog Lake Climax of Indian Revolt; 8. Mounties in Riel Rebellion (photograph); 9.
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Mind the Gender Gap: Policy Paper

Documents & Presentations
Nina Larsson
Identifies ways in which the Government of the Northwest Territories can ensure access and decision-making roles for Indigenous women. Discusses human resource policies, educational opportunities, role of the Women's Advisory Office, and the need for affordable and accessible child care.
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Minding the Gaps: Property, Geography, and Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian Egan
Jessica Place
Geoforum, vol. 44, Global Production Networks, Labour and Development, January 2013, pp. 129-138
Discusses fee simple ownership on Indigenous lands, getting land rights through modern treaties, and matrimonial real property rights on reservations.
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Mineral Rights on Indian Reserves in Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard H. Bartlett
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 1983, pp. 245-275
Reviews the establishment of reserves in Ontario, differences in mineral rights and the implications of the 1924 Canada-Ontario Indian Reserve Lands Agreement.
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Minister Refuses to Back Down on Panel Representation

Articles » General
Shayne Morrow
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 4, July 2012, pp. 10-11

Comments on the lack of Aboriginal presence on a national hunting and fishing advisory panel.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.10.

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Ministerial Transition Book: November 2015

Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)]
"The material provides an overview of the mandate and history of the Department, the parliamentary environment, the Minister's portfolio, key relationships, and departmental sectors and their mandates. It also includes an overview of First Nation, Métis and Inuit protocols, cultures and traditions."
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Minority Health Care Remains a Problem for Canada's Leaders

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul Webster
Lancet, vol. 365, no. 9470, April 30, 2005, pp. 1531-1532
Examines the promise of doubling the amount of Federal funding for health care and looks at some of the grim and stark realities for Aboriginal people in Canada.
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Miskito Coast Damage Likely Worse Than Reported

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, September 7, 2007, p. A11
Cuthand reports on three events: the aftermath of Hurricane Felix; Judge Steven Point becomes the first Aboriginal Lt.-Gov. in B.C.; Canadian government fails to show support to the Kelowna Accord.
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Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women and Girls in British Columbia and Canada

Documents & Presentations
Lawyers' Rights Watch
B.C. CEDAW [Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women] Group
Identifies areas of persistent discrimination and highlights Canada's ongoing failure to address rights violations. Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the occasion of its review of Canada’s 19th and 20th reports.
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Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women and Girls: Revealing the Numbers Game

Media » Film and Video
Lillian Dyck
Speaker talks about how some of the data has been misinterpreted or ignored by the RCMP, federal government, and media. Implication has been that most women were murdered by their spouse, family member, or intimate partners on-reserve and disregarded the role of acquaintances. Duration: 45:34.
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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: A Historiographical Paper

E-Books » Chapters
Shubreet Jessel
"This essay will explore the historic roots that have influenced the growing violence against MMIW, the contemporary social movements that have take place, and today's political influences on the issue". Chapter One article from Empowering Emerging Voices in Undergraduate Research. Conference Proceedings edited by Jessica Riddell, Tabitha Hartropp, Rosemin Nathoo, Antoine Airoldi, Delphine Belhumeur ... [et al.] Entire book on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 37.
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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: The Role of Media and Political Administrations/Campaigns in Undermining Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada

Articles » General
Melika Khajeh
Politicus, vol. 6, no. 1, 2020, pp. 26-39
A discussion of the how the political rhetoric and lack of action from government officials has served to diminish the importance of the crisis. The author focuses on the Harper and Trudeau governments.
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