Displaying 1351 - 1400 of 2717

Institutional Abuse and Public Response: A Paper for Discussion

Documents & Presentations
Native Women's Association of Canada
Analyzes investigations into non-Aboriginal residential schools in British Columbia, Ontario, and Newfoundland, and the federal government's settlement with Japanese Canadians who were interred during World War II.
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An Integrated Arctic Strategy

Documents & Presentations
[Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami]
Submitted to the Canadian Federal Government to ensure that the Inuit are involved in any Arctic strategies that would affect their destinies. Seven themes are explored, as well as key pressures and key risks.
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Inter-National Affairs: Indigeneity, Globality, and the Canadian State

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. Marshall Beier
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, 2007, pp. 121-131
Highlights potential problems and pitfalls which foreign policy analysts and practitioners should be aware of when seeking to learn from and about Indigenous diplomacies.
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Interior Salish - Booklet. - 1966.

Alternate Title
British Columbia Heritage Series. Series 1, Our Native Peoples ; vol. 3
Social Studies Bulletin
Documents & Presentations
Provincial Archives [of British Columbia]
Booklet relating to the Interior Salish people of coastal BC, describing various aspects of Interior Salish culture such as daily subsistence, spirituality, shamanism, family life and legends.
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International Best Practices for Indigenous Engagement in Major Energy Projects: Building Partnerships on the Path to Reconciliation: Report of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources

Documents & Presentations
James Maloney
Richard Cannings
Shannon Stubbs
Ted Falk
David de Burgh Graham … [et al.]
Discusses principles that should be used when building consensus including: early and ongoing consultation, meaningful dialogue, and inclusivity, accessibility and capacity enhancement. Fostering partnerships based on the application of Indigenous knowledge, sustainable and equitable development, infrastructure modernization and energy independence. "June 2019, 42nd Parliament, 1st Session"
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International Comparison of Solutions to Aboriginal Rights Issues Associated With Mineral Development: Free, Prior and Informed Consent: The Canadian Context

Documents & Presentations
Alexandria J. Pike
Sarah V. Powell
Contends that Impact and Benefit Agreements (IBAs) can help to build constructive and mutually beneficial relationships between mining companies and Aboriginal communities. Part of: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute (2013)
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The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights: UNDRIP in the Canadian Context: Special Report

Alternate Title
The Internationalisation of Indigenous Rights: UNDRIP in the Canadian Context: Special Report
Documents & Presentations
Terry Mitchell
Ken Coates
Cairin Holroyd
Yvonne Boyer
Thierry Rodon ... Bonita Beatty ... [et al.]
Members of the Internationalization of Indigenous Rights Research Group report on various aspects of Canada's failure to fully implement the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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Intersection and Integration of First Nations in the Canadian Forestry Sector: Implications for Economic Development

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adam M. Wellstead
Richard C. Stedman
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 6, no. 1, Fall, 2008, pp. 30-43
Reports results of survey which focused on attitudes towards programming, policy, and barriers to First Nation involvement in the sector. Sample of 375 participants included senior provincial and federal government personnel, band employees, Chief and Councilors, economic development officers, and consultants, managers and directors of forest industry organizations.
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Introduction [Aboriginal Peoples and Canada]

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kenneth McRoberts
International Journal of Canadian Studies, no. 12, Aboriginal Peoples and Canada, Fall, 1995, pp. [5]-9
Introduction to special issue, Aboriginal Peoples and Canada. Scroll down to page 5 to read article.
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Introduction to Document One

Alternate Title
[Document One]: Sections Pertaining to Aboriginal Peoples in the Consensus Report on the Constitution [Charlottetown Accord] August 28, 1992
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James B. Waldram
Native Studies Review, vol. 8, no. 2, 1992, pp. 115-128
Introduction and document on meetings with the federal, provincial and territorial governments as well as representatives of Aboriginal peoples, to recognize and identify First Nations’ powers of self-government and to reach consensus on a set of constitutional amendments.
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Introduction to Documents One Through Five: Nationalism, the League of Nations and the Six Nations of Grand River

Alternate Title
[Document Five]: The Canadian Government's Final Statements on the Six Nations' Claim
[Document Four]: The Canadian government's Reply to the League of Nations and the Six Nations' Claim (Excerpt)
[Document One]: Six Nations' Appeal to the Government of The Netherlands
[Document Three]: Van Hamel's Reply [to League of Nations Secretariat]
[Document Two]: League of Nations Secretariat to Dr. Joost van Hamel, Dutch Jurist, Head of League's Legal Section
Archival » Archival Items
Laurie Meijer Drees
Native Studies Review, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 75-79

Introduction and five archival documents chronicle Chief Levi General's attempts to have his petition regarding Iroquois nationalism heard at the Assembly of the League of Nations, the predecessor to the United Nations.

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Introduction to Documents Two and Three

Alternate Title
[Document Three]: Métis Nation Accord
[Document Two]: History and Background to Metis Nation Accord
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James B. Waldram
Native Studies Review, vol. 8, no. 2, 1992, pp. 129-133
Introduction and documents pertaining to the development of the Métis Nation Accord.
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Introductory Timeline of Settler Colonialism in Saskatchewan

Alternate Title
Settler Colonial History and Indigenous People in Saskatchewan: A Gladue Rights Research Database
Documents & Presentations
[Community-engaged History Collaboratorium
History Department
University of Saskatchewan]
Significant events from the 1540s to 2004.
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Inuit Gift to John Diefenbaker

Documents & Presentations
File contains correspondence relating to the gift of a polar bear skin rug to Prime Minister Diefenbaker by the Inuit of Northern Quebec.
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Inuit Relations Secretariat

Web Sites » Governmental
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Created in 2005 the secretariat had two purposes: to be the Government of Canada's main point of contact for co-operation with Inuit organizations and to be an internal source of information, advice and expertise for the Federal government.
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Inuit Suicide Prevention Strategy Strives To Save Lives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 188, no. 12, September 06, 2016, pp. 861-862
Reports on a meeting held in Kuujjuaq, Quebec where national, provincial, territorial and regional leaders released a strategy that was two years in the making.
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[Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Aboriginal Roundtable Documents]

Alternate Title
Backgrounder on Economic Opportunities
Backgrounder on Inuit and Education
Backgrounder on Inuit and Housing
Backgrounder on Inuit Health
Backgrounder on the Environment
Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable, 2004
Inuit Specific Sessions, Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable
Roundtable on Aboriginal Issues
Sectoral Sessions, Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable
Documents & Presentations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Jose A. Dusugak
Includes speaking notes for president of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, text of partnership agreement between the Canadian government and the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, paper on Inuit-specific needs in the area federal government programming, and background papers on health, education, housing, economic development, etc.
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Inuit Today

Articles » General
Inuktitut, no. 98, Fall, 2005, pp. (S)1-(S)16
Supplement commemorates the Partnership Accord signed between the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the government of Canada (Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada) in 1995.
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An Inventory of Collaborative Arrangements Between Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Forest Sector: Linking Policies to Diversification in Forms of Engagement

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean-François Fortier
Stephen Wyatt
David C. Natcher
Margaret A. (Peggy) Smith
Martin Hébert
Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 119, April 15, 2013, pp. 47-55
Provides empirical data on the extent of the collaboration between Aboriginal peoples, state agencies and forestry companies in Canada.
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Investigating the Inuit-Canadian Government Relationship. Claiming about the Fate of Inuit Dogs and Inuit Leadership

Alternate Title
Inuit Studies Conference ; 17th, 2010
[Inuit People and the Aboriginal World]
Documents & Presentations
Francis Lévesque
In-depth look at the process and strategy of claims made against the Federal government by the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) and the Makivik Corporation for the killing of Inuit sled dogs between 1950 and 1970.
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Involve First Nations in Combating Climate Change

Articles » General
Isha Thompson
Windspeaker, vol. 27, no. 11, February 2010, p. 9

Discusses the need for evaluating climate change and the importance of ensuring First Nations involvement in the process.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.9.

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The Ipperwash Inquiry

Alternate Title
Landmark Case (Ontario Justice Education Network)
[Ontario Justice Education Network Courts and Classrooms Resource
Documents & Presentations
Background to the protest, synopsis of events of which lead to the death of Dudley George, and key recommendations from the report. Accompanied by discussion questions for use in Grade 11 and 12 classrooms.
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[Is Australia Big Enough for Reconciliation?]

Alternate Title
The Annual ANU Reconciliation Lecture ; 2014
Media » Film and Video
Fred Chaney
Presenter discusses how reconciliation is about more than equality but also about recognizing the possibility of continuing difference. Duration: 31:44.
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Is it Time to Build a Road to Prosperity in the Far North?

Articles » General
Mark Quinn
Inside Policy, June/July 2013, pp. 14-15
Discusses the improved quality of life a road, power and broadband would bring to remote northern Ontario communities. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 14.
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Is the Crown at War with Us?

Media » Film and Video
Alanis Obomsawin
Looks at conflict between Federal fishery officers fought against the Mi'gmaq fishermen of Esgenoopetitj, or Burnt Church, New Brunswick during the summer of 2000. Duration: 96:31. This film contains scenes of violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Item 7: Human Rights - Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Eradicating Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls

Alternate Title
Fourteenth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Documents & Presentations
Dawn Lavell Harvard
Brief statement by President of the Native Women's Association of Canada addresses violence in general, murdered and missing women, and Canadian government's failure to respond to these issues.
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