Displaying 1 - 50 of 218

Aboriginal Rights Versus the Deed of Surrender: The Legal Rights of Native Peoples and Canada's Acquisition of the Hudson's Bay Company Territory

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Frank J. Tough
Prairie Forum, vol. 17, no. 2, Native Studies, Fall, 1992, pp. 225-250
Outlines the transfer of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory to the Dominion of Canada, and compares the Hudson Bay Company's claim versus the Aboriginal claim.
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Alfred Durocher #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alfred Durocher
Victoria Racette
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes a discussion of Alfred Durocher's life.
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Averkieva, Julia, "The Tlingit Indians" (Barron's notes).

Documents & Presentations
Julia Averkieva
Barron's notes on Julia Averkieva's article "The Tlingit Indians" from North American Indians in Historical Perspective / edited by Eleanor Burke Leacock & Nancy Oestreich Lurie. Published New York: Random House, c1971, page 317 to 342. Barron's notes break the article down into sections. These include origins, economic base, transition from a clan community to a class society etc. The article appears to be a fairly comprehensive look at the history of the social life of the Tlingit as explained by the stratification of their society.
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Various authors
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 24, no. 1, 2004, pp. 223-226
Book reviews of 4 books: A Recognition of Being: Reconstructing Native Womanhood by Kim Anderson. Firewater: The Impact of the Whisky Trade on the Blackfoot Nation by Hugh A. Dempsey. Tales of Ghosts: First Nations Art in British Columbia by Ronald Hawker. Indian Nations of Wisconsin: Histories of Endurance and Renewal by Patty Loew.
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
William J. Stilwell
E. Peers
Agnes Grant
Lynn Whidden
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, 1985, pp. 277-282
Book reviews of 4 books: Treaties on Trial by Fay G. Cohen. The Canadian Prairies: A History by Gerald Friesen. New Native American Drama: Three Plays by Hanay Geiogamah. The three plays are entitled Foghorn, 49, and Body Indian. A Homeland for the Cree by Richard F. Salisbury.
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Canadian Arctic Shipping: Issues and Perspectives

Alternate Title
Occasional Paper Series (International Centre for Northern Governance and Development) ; v.11-01
Documents & Presentations
Adam Lajeunesse
Will Russell
A. E. Johnston
Assessment of Arctic shipping potential in Canada, the benefits of potential increases in Arctic shipping and growth in Arctic cruise tourism.
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The Canoe: Portraits of the Great Fur Trade Canoes

Web Sites » Organizations
Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Story of the Montreal canoe, the largest birchbark vessel ever used in Canada, and its role in the fur trade. Includes links to Aboriginal canoe styles, transportation, voyageures and portaging, Sir George Simpson's Travels
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The Case For Francis Noel Annance

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Morag MacLachlan
The Beaver, vol. 73, no. 2, April/May 1993, pp. 35-?
Depicts the life of a servant in the Hudson Bay Company (b. 1789) compared to the stereotypes of mixed blood peoples depicted by Hollywood.
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Castoreum and Steel Traps in Eastern North America

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robin F. Wells
American Anthropologist, vol. 74, no. 3, New Series, June 1972, pp. 479-483
Argues that contrary to what is generally accepted, the practise of trapping beaver using this method was in use long before the 1790s, but came into use in the Northeast Indians at that time as First Nations tried to compensate for the lower price of pelts by increasing the number they traded.
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The Catholic Clergy and the Fur Trade 1585-1685

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cornelius J. Jaenen
Journal of the Canadian Historical Association: Historical Papers, vol. 5, no. 1, 1970, pp. 60-80
Examines missionary work and the possibility that the clergy were clandestinely involved in the fur trade to help finance their missions.
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The Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin : A Study of the Trading Post as an Institution

Subtitled a "Study of the trading post as an insitution", this monograph is a reworking of an address to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in 1889 and published by Johns Hopkins Press. Turner discusses the great influence trade has had on the many great civilizations throughout history and narrows his focus from North American settlements to Wisconsin. Various comments surrounding the presence and participation of indigenous people are included.
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Commerce de Fourrures et Competition a Betsiamites de 1850 a 1880

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jacques Frenette
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, 1987, pp. 41-56
(Abstract in French and English, article in French) Examines how the Montagnais benefitted from competition between the Hudson's Bay Company and independent fur traders in this region and the methods employed by the Company while trying to control the market.
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Company Of Adventurers: The Story Told in Pictures

Book Reviews
Helen Burgess
The Beaver, vol. 70, no. 1, February/March 1990, pp. 50-?
Book review of: Empire of the Bay: An Illustrated History of the Hudson's Bay Company by Peter C. Newman, edited by John Geiger with photographs by Kevin Fleming.
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The Difficulties of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Penetration of the West

Articles » General
R. Glover
Saskatchewan History, vol. 2, no. 1, Winter, January 1949, pp. 30-32

Discusses the history of the HBC between 1774 (the founding of Cumberland House) and 1821 (the merger between the HBC and the Northwest Company), including: transportation of goods and labour shortages. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 30.

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Early Days in the Hudson's Bay Coy

Archival » Archival Items
Reginald Bird Beatty
This chapter of Reginald Beatty's diary describes how Beatty and a small crew taking a small group of people from Cumberland House to Grand Rapids and the difficulties encountered, including stormy river travel and the scourge of mosquitoes. Item found within folder 'Reginald Bird Beatty Papers.'

Historical note:

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Enabling Women to Live the Life They Choose: Women’s Work

Articles » General
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, The Electronic Drum: Community Radios Role in Indigenous Language Revitalization, March 2013, p. [?]
Discusses the benefits of fair trade crafts made by the San Bushmen women of southern Africa.
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Experiences Conducting a Store in the '80's.

Articles » General
James Clinkskill
This article describes James Clinkskill's arrival, with a business partner, in Battleford in the early 1880s . Also lists prices for furs of fox, lynx and other animals. Also contains mention of the Northwest Resistance, 'halfbreed freighters', trading with trappers and traders for furs and with Indians for seneca root, and providing flour for the Indian Department.
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The Face Pullers: Ch. 1 Images - Big Bear Trading at Fort Pitt

Alternate Title
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939
Images » Photographs
Otto B. Buell

Indigenous and Caucasian men trading furs and other items at Fort Pitt, including (left to right) Four Sky Thunder, Sky Bird, Matoose, Napasis, Big Bear, Angus McKay, Otto Dufresne, Louis Goulet, Stanley Simpson, Mr. Rowley, Alex McDonald, Captain R. B. Sletch, Mr. Edmund and Henry Dufrain.

From the book The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 by Brock Silversides.

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The Face Pullers - SAB pictures - Indigenous woman outside of shop

Alternate Title
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939
Images » Photographs
Black and white photograph of an indigenous woman standing outside of a shop with sacks. From the book The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 by Brock Silversides.
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