Displaying 1 - 24 of 24

Communities in the Global Economy: Where Social and Indigenous Entrepreneurship Meet

Alternate Title
Entrepreneurship as Social Change: A Third Movements in Entrepreneurship Book
E-Books » Chapters
Robert W. Anderson
Benson Honig
Ana María Peredo

Examines a collective approach to entrepreneurship. 

Chapter three from: Entrepreneurship as Social Change: A Third Movements in Entrepreneurship Book edited by Chris Steyaert and Daniel Hjorth.

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Community Conversations about the Good Food Junction Co-operative

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies, and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 12-03
Documents & Presentations
Emily Hurd
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives)
Reports on project to establish grocery store in Station 20 West, a community centre located in one of Saskatoon's core neighbourhoods. Focused on gathering information from area residents on current shopping practices, barriers which would discourage them from switching stores, and what they would like see in a new store.
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Formal Opinion to Support the Employment Development of First Nations and Inuits in Social Economy

Documents & Presentations
First Nations and Inuit Labor Market Advisory Committee, [Government of Quebec]

Discusses existing social enterprises generally as well as Indigenous initiatives and organizations, identifies challenges, obstacles in promoting Aboriginal participation and common characteristics of best practices, makes recommendations for courses of action and solutions, and lists specific proposals for the Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.

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Housing Solutions for Indigenous Youth Aging Out of Care in Winnipeg: Final Lab Report

Alternate Title
Housing Solutions Lab for Indigenous Youth Aging Out of Care: Final Report
Documents & Presentations
Darrien Morton
Zoë Mager
Stacy Barter

Reports on initiatives developed by those who were or had been in the system and by those working within or around it. Seven prototypes and action plans were developed and tested. They were: residential transition house, coordinated access to social housing, youth aging out website, community safety host social enterprise, kinship support initiative, independence board game, and aging out party.

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In Search of Mino Bimaadiziwin: A Study of Urban Aboriginal Housing Cooperatives in Canada

Alternate Title
Partnering for Change Community-based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-city Poverty
Documents & Presentations
Tyler Craig
Blair Hamilton

Researchers studied five housing cooperatives developed by and serving Indigenous communities in London and Simcoe County, Ontario, and Winnipeg, Manitoba. Includes recommendations to facilitate development of future cooperatives.

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Participation in the Traditional Economy in Northern Saskatchewan: The 21st Century Landscape + Anohc Nehithawi Pimachesowin Ote Kiwetinohk Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Stan Yu
Northern Review, vol. 53, Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin: Perspectives from Northern Saskatchewan, 2022, pp. 113-123

Looks at the Northern Saskatchewan Indigenous communities participation in a traditional economy that complements their culture and values. 

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The Reality of the Social Economy and Its Empowering Potential for Boreal Anishinaabek Communities in Eastern Manitoba

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 14-02
Documents & Presentations
Alon Weinberg
Research Report Series (Institute of Urban Studies)
Examines the concept of the social economy and how it can serve as a guide for Aboriginal communities looking to better their members' lives.
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Subverting the Local Food Economy Status Quo: The Intrinsic Relationship of Regionalized Ethics to the Practice and Discourse of Food Sovereignty

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies, and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 14-08
Documents & Presentations
Maximilian Aulinger

Literature review and case study of project involving Elders and youth producing a cookbook of traditional recipes.

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"They Drink Because They Don't Have Money, and They Don't Have Money Because They Drink": Relation to Alcohol and Money Within a Chukotkan Village

Alternate Title
"Ils boivent parce qu’ils n’ont pas d’argent, et ils n’ont pas d’argent, parce qu’ils boivent" : Relation à l’alcool et à l’argent dans les villages de Tchoukotka
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anastassia Yarzoutkina
Nikolai Koulik
Etudes Inuit Studies, vol. 45, no. 1/2, Chukotka: Understanding the Past, Contemporary Practices, and Perceptions of the Present, 2021, pp. 283-314

Outlines the relationship between alcohol and money as a cultural and social framework in Chukotkan villages. 

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"Together We Can Do So Much": A Case Study in Building Respectful Relations in the Social Economy of Sioux Lookout

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 14 / 12
Documents & Presentations
Sean Meades
Astrid Johnston
Gayle Broad

Discussion of the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee (SLARC).

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