Displaying 451 - 500 of 1744

Engaging Northern Aboriginal Youth Key to Sustainable Development

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Dana Carriere
Kelton Doraty
Northern Review, no. 39, Consultation and Resource Development in Northern Communities: Russia, Scandinavia & Canada, 2015, pp. 124-135
Argues collaboration between governments, industry and educational institutions is needed to engage communities. Findings show development strategies should be integrated with mental health and addiction programs to keep youth in schools.
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Enhancing Indigenous Financial Capability Programs

Documents & Presentations
Heather Saunders
Martha Piper
Report aims to capture current best practice approaches to incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, knowledge and strengths into the design and delivery of financial education.
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Environment and Economic Development: Co-Managing a National Park While Stimuling Community Development in Churchill (MB)

Alternate Title
Environment and Economic Development: Co-Managing a National Park While Stimulating Community Development in Churchill (MB)
Documents & Presentations
Thibault Martin
Lisa Falvo
Mike Chotka
Examines the differing opinions on the efficiency of the co-management structure and the tensions that exist regarding the impact of the park on community development.
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The Environment of the Canadian Indian - Arthur J. Smith. - Article. - 1965.

Articles » General
Arthur J. Smith
This article details the visit of the Hon. John R. Nicholson, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, to various Aboriginal and Inuit settlements in western and northern Canada. It acknowledges that more should be done by the government to improve housing, employment opportunities and general living conditions.

Historical note:

The responsibilities of Minister of Citizenship and Immigration also included the operation of the Indian Affairs Branch.
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Environmental Governance Literature Review Report

Documents & Presentations
Christopher Paci

Discusses three main categories: Aboriginal resource management, Aboriginal economic development, and Aboriginal governance, and looks at the roles Aboriginal people play in each.

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Envisioning Cultural, Ecological and Economic Sustainability: The Cree Communities of the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter George
Fikret Berkes
Richard J. Preston
Canadian Journal of Economics , vol. 29, Special Issue: Part 1, April 1996, pp. S356-S360
Discusses the findings of a harvesting study, including data on harvesting activities, numbers of animals reported harvested, and information on Cree subsistence economy cultural sustainability.
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An Epic Battle of Whales, Rabbits & Warriors

Alternate Title
An Epic Battle of Whales, Rabbits and Warriors
Articles » General
Jeremy Torrie
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2, Indigenous Peoples Bridging the Digital Divide, Spring, 2005
Explains the need for films, about indigenous peoples, that are made by indigenous peoples.
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Eskasoni First Nation Governance 1 of 4

Media » Film and Video
Eskasoni First Nation Governance
Talks about governance and not losing any of the privileges and rights from the Royal Proclamation to the Indian Act and getting out from its legacy. Answers questions about what will happen to Indian Affairs funding of initiatives already in place. (7 minutes).
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Eskasoni First Nation Governance 2 of 4

Media » Film and Video
Eskasoni First Nation Governance
Looks at the Choctaw Nation in Mississippi with an unemployment rate of zero percent and a language retention rate of 90 %. It describes how things could change in Eskasoni and looks at the process of economic development. Duration: 9:00.
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Eskimo, Reindeer and Land

Book Reviews
Bryan C. Gordon
Arctic, vol. 34, no. 4, December 1981, p. 382
Book review of: Eskimo, Reindeer and Land by R. O. Stern, E. L. Arobio, L. L. Naylor and W. C. Thomas.
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The Eskimos and 'Airport Art'

Articles » General
Nelson Graburn
Trans-action, vol. 4, no. 10, October 1967, pp. 28-34
Looks at the history, economics and the quality of soapstone carving.
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An Ethnohistorical Analysis of Micmac Male and Female Economic Roles

Alternate Title
An Ethnohistorical Analysis of Mi'kmaq Male and Female Economic Roles
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ellice B.
Ethnohistory, vol. 29, no. 2, Spring, 1982, pp. 117-129
The impact of Western culture on roles of men and women in Mi'kmaq communities.
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Evaluating Country Food in the Northern Native Economy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter J. Usher
Arctic, vol. 29, no. 2, June 1976, pp. 105-120
Looks at three problem areas when comparing modern and traditional economy sectors: volume of production, evaluation of income in kind, and obscure components.
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Everyday Life Among the Inuit

Documents & Presentations
Mary Jane Sweetland
Fernando T. Gomez
Comment on the changes to all aspects of Inuit life and how they are managing to retain their culture.
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Examining Partnership Arrangements Between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Businesses

Alternate Title
Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program, AAEDIRP
Documents & Presentations
Lori Ann Roness
Looks at 10 partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal companies emerging in Atlantic Canada and the objectives, benefits & challenges for them to increase opportunities for community economic development.
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Experiences of Opportunity in the Northern Resource Frontier

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cynthia Amati
Brenda Parlee
Naomi Krogman
The Northern Review, no. 41, Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic, 2015, pp. 181-206
Presents interviews with immigrants, temporary workers, and refugees in either Whitehorse or Yellowknife about their daily lives and plans for the future.
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An Exploration of Economic Self-Reliance of First Nation Communities

Alternate Title
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association ; 2008
Documents & Presentations
Bert Waslander
Abeer Reza
Compares economies of First Nations communities with fewer than 5,500 residents to other local economies linked or not linked to metropolitan areas.
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False Myths and Indigenous Entrepreneurial Strategies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Craig S. Galbraith
Carlos L. Rodriguez
Curt S. Stiles
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, vol. 19, no. 1, 2006, pp. 1-20
Looks at false assumptions made by the press, academics, and policy makers and argues that these distortions have supported the development of misdirected public policies.
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The Far North Act (2010) Consultative Process: A New Beginning or the Reinforcement of an Unacceptable Relationship in Northern Ontario, Canada?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Holly L. Gardner
Stephen R. J. Tsuji
Daniel D. McCarthy
Graham S. Whitelaw
Leonard J. S. Tsuji
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2012, pp. 1-23
Explores the lack of consultation of Bill 191 beginning in 2009 and concludes that minimum standards and protocols are not being met and there has been little improvement in process.
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