Displaying 651 - 700 of 1789

Bill C-20: First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-495E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which proposes establishment of an institutional framework to provide First Nations who decide to opt in with tools to address economic development and fiscal issues on-reserve. Includes provision for governments to establish their own financing through property tax and borrowing regimes. Incorporates amendments to Bill C-23 that were adopted by the House of Commons at Report Stage.
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Bill C-23: First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Research Branch) ; LS-475E
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Opt-in legislation proposes Establishment of four financial institutions: First Nations Finance Authority, First Nations Tax Commission, First Nations Financial Management Board, and the First Nations Statistical Institute. Targets mechanisms aimed at enhancing fund-raising capacity through taxation of leasehold interests on reserve land and access to long-term loans for community development.
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Bill C-71: First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-520E
Documents & Presentations
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which provides a regulatory framework for projects undertaken on reserve lands.
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Billy Simpson Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Billy Simpson
J. Deranger
Indian History Film Project
A brief account of the treaty negotiations at Fort MacKay and of the subsequent failure to obtain a reserve at Peace Point.
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"Blood Squaws in War Dress"

Images » Photographs
Note: The title of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. An image of three Aboriginal men on horseback dressed in ceremonial regalia and each wearing a head dress. Unidentified buildings and people in the background.
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Blueberry River First Nation, Doig River First Nation: Highway Right of Way IR 172 Inquiry

Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and issues involved in Indian Claims Commission (ICC) hearing regarding 1995 claim that the Crown transferred land to province of British Columbia without notification or compensation. No determination by the ICC as Canada accepted the specific claim for negotiation. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Book Review

Book Reviews
Mark Mercer
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, 1998, pp. 193-197
Book review of: Standing Bear and the Ponca Chiefs by Thomas Henry Tibbles.
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Robert E. Florida
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 17, no. 1, 1997, pp. 178-179
Book review of: Black Elk and Flaming Rainbow: Personal Memoirs of the Lakota Holy Man and John Neihardt by Hilda Neihardt.
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Christopher Paci
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 175-177
Book review of: The Campo Indian Landfill War: The Fight For Gold in California's Garbage by Dan McGovern.
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Bronchitis and Its Associated Risk Factors in First Nations Children

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chandima P. Karunanayake
Donna C. Rennie
Vivian R. Ramsden
Mark Fenton
Shelley Kirychuk
Children, vol. 4, no. 12, 2017, pp. [1]-10
Discusses the relationship between bronchitis and environmental factors that increase the likelihood of contracting the illness amongst Indigenous populations.
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Buffalo River Band, Flying Dust No. 105, Joseph Bighead Band, and Waterhen Lake First Nations - Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range Inquiry II - Public Release

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Consists of reports, maps, correspondence/letters, legal documents, submissions, oral transcripts, and the French and English versions of the Final Report. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]

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Building Library Communities: Skawenni:io Tsi Iewennahnotahkhwa

Articles » General
Madeleine Lefebvre
Feliciter, vol. 49, no. 5, [Information Resources for Aboriginal Peoples], 2003, pp. 228-229
Comments on creation of a community library in the territory of Kahnawake, due to a letter written by a thirteen year old student to her local paper.
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Building the First Nations E-Community

E-Books » Chapters
Judy Whiteduck
Aboriginal Policy Research, vol. 6

Discusses issues such as capacity and human resources development, connectivity, information management, and service delivery. Chapter six from Learning, Technology, and Traditions, which is vol. 6 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the third annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.

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Campaigning in the North West Territories

Documents & Presentations
James Mortimer Austin
A write up on the experiences of James Austin, a member of the Ontarian Midland Battalion involved in the suppression of the 1885 uprising. Austin relates the story of his trek west from Ontario, but missed all major actions. Austin later became a Presbyterian minister.
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Canada – Indian and Inuit Communities – British Columbia

Alternate Title
National Atlas Data Base Map Series; map no. NADM-5
Documents & Presentations
Geographical Division
Surveys and Mapping Branch
Energy Mines and Resources Canada
Shows inhabited and uninhabited Indian reserves, and settlements situated on Crown lands by size.
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Canada - Indian and Inuit Communities – Ontario

Alternate Title
National Atlas Data Base Map Series; map no. NADM-1
Documents & Presentations
Geographical Services Division
Surveys and Mapping Branch
Mines and Resources Canada
Shows inhabited and uninhabited Indian reserves, settlements situated on Crown lands, and other communities (distinct centres of population) by size.
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Canada – Indian and Inuit Communities – Prairie Provinces

Alternate Title
National Atlas Data Base Map Series ; map no. NADM-4
Documents & Presentations
Geographical Services Division
Surveys and Mapping Branch
Mines and Resources Canada
Shows inhabited and uninhabited Indian reserves, settlements situated on Crown lands, and other communities (distinct centres of population) by size.
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Canada - Indian and Inuit Communities - Quebec

Alternate Title
National Atlas Data Base Map Series ; map no. NADM-3
Documents & Presentations
Geographical Services Division
Surveys and Mapping Branch
Mines and Resources Canada
Shows inhabited and uninhabited Indian Reserves, other Indian lands, settlements situated on Crown lands, and other communities (distinct centres of population) by size.
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Canada Knows Better and Is Not Doing Better: Federal Government Documents Show Ongoing Discrimination Against First Nations Children Receiving Child Welfare Services on Reserve and in the Yukon

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada
Submitted to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 55 Pre-Sessional Working Group Consideration of List of Issues, Sixth Periodic Report, Canada.
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Canada's Country Ghettos / Indian and Metis Communities on the Prairies - Anthony A Kennedy and Ove C. Simonsen. - Article. - September 1968.

Articles » General
Anthony A Kennedy and Ove C. Simonsen
This article describes the findings of a study of isolated communities and reserves in the prairie provinces conducted for the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, with the co-operation of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. The study finds that housing conditions for aboriginals are sub-standard and properly constructed houses and housing groups would be beneficial.
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"The Canadian Indian"

Documents & Presentations
File contains a report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1948 for the Indian Affairs Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources. It is a comprehensive report that includes demographic data and the activities or "progress" of Indians in each region of Canada (enfranchisement, land sales etc). There is also an editorial titled "The Canadian Indian" that appears to be an educational press release about the departments view on misconceptions about Canadian Indians.
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The Canadian Indian / A Reference Paper. - 1959.

Documents & Presentations
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Indian Affairs Branch
This document describes aspects of Aboriginal life in Canada, including history, settlement location, administration, treaties, legal status, economic development and education.
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The Canary Effect

Media » Film and Video
Robin Davey
Yellow Thunder Woman
Looks at the genocide of the Indigenous population over the past 300 years in the United States. Duration: 1:03:10.
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Cancer Incidence among First Nations Adults in Canada: Follow-up of the 1991 Census Mortality Cohort (1992–2009)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Maegan V. Mazereeuw
Diana R. Withrow
E. Diane Nishri
Michael Tjepkema
Loraine D. Marrett
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 109, no. 5-6, December 2018, pp. 700-709
Uses data from the 1991 Long Form Census linked to national mortality and cancer databases to estimate site-specific rates and compare them to non-Aboriginal population.
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Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Inquiry Turtle Mountain Surrender Claim

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and submissions to Indian Claims Commission (ICC) on whether a 1909 surrender vote was improperly conducted and therefore invalid. ICC concluded a valid surrender occurred; but recommended consideration be given to existence of burial grounds. Commissioners include: Roger J. Austine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Sheila G. Purdy. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Turtle Mountain Surrender Claim - Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Contains historical documents, memos, reports, correspondence/letters, maps and submissions regarding validity of the 1909 surrender claim. Commissioners include: Roger J. Austine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Sheila G. Purdy. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]

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Cape Breton Home Care Discharge Planning Program: Evaluation Findings

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Health Transition Fund Project
Improving the Provision of Home Care for First Nations Living on Reserve in Nova Scotia
Documents & Presentations
Nova Scotia Aboriginal Home Care Steering Committee
Looks at pilot program for handling First Nations clients living on reserve, themes arising from interviews about program, and gaps in services and challenges.
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Caregivers’ Perspectives on the Determinants of Dietary Decisions in Six First Nation Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lorrilee McGregor
Pamela Toulouse
Marion Maar
Nancy L. Young
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 1, A Barrier-free Health System for Indigenous Communities, August 27, 2018, pp. 122-139
Through analysis of interviews with 33 caregivers, research team identified several factors that affect food systems, dietary decisions and food sovereignty. They included wage economy, low income, hunting and fishing regulations, availability of fish and game, and prevalence of inexpensive processed foods.
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Carry The Kettle - 1905 Surrender - Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Contains historical documents, reports, legal submissions, correspondence/letters, transcripts, and maps regarding the specific land claim, concerning the surrender of reserve land, by Carry the Kettle First Nation. Commissioners include : Sheila Purdy, Alan Holman, and Jane Dickson-Gilmore. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]

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Census Numbers May Hurt Some First Nations

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, March 16, 2007, p. A11
States that Statistics Canada figures on the number of people living on reserve are considerably lower than Indian Affairs statistics and discusses how this may negatively affect formula funding.
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The Challenges of Delivering Continuing Care in First Nation Communities: Report of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs

Documents & Presentations
MaryAnn Mihychuk
Cathy McLeod
Rachel Blaney
William Amos
Mike Bossio … [et al.]
Discusses main barriers that seniors and those with chronic illness face in accessing services and facilities and the need for programs and practices which are adapted to First Nations culture and values. Committee conducted eight public hearings, heard 48 witnesses, and were presented five briefs. "42nd Parliament, 1st Session"
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