To Our Readers

Articles » General
John Cawte
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, June 1980, p. 3
Editor briefly reports on his role organizing a section of the, First Pan-Pacific Conference on Drugs and Alcohol held at Canberra, Australia February-March 1980.
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To Tell the People: Wawatay Radio Network

Alternate Title
A Passion for Radio: Radio Waves and Community
E-Books » Chapters
Lavinia Mohr
Discusses the history and operations of the Network which serves the Nishnawbe Aski Nation in northern Ontario.
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"Together We Can Do So Much": A Case Study in Building Respectful Relations in the Social Economy of Sioux Lookout

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 14 / 12
Documents & Presentations
Sean Meades
Astrid Johnston
Gayle Broad

Discussion of the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee (SLARC).

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Tom Fiddler Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Tom Fiddler
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Tom Fiddler discusses the early meetings of the Metis Association and his impressions of Malcolm Norris.
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Toward a New Research Ethic for Greenland

Alternate Title
Inuit Studies Conference ; 17th, 2010
[Inuit People and the Aboriginal World]: Inuit Studies Conference : 17th]
Documents & Presentations
Lene Kielsen Holm
Lenore A. Grenoble
Ross A. Virginia
Argues a code of ethics is needed for the development of a science policy.
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Toward Thriving Northern Communities

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada) ; December 2010
[Conference Board of Canada Publication ; 11-128]
Documents & Presentations
Ashley Sisco
Carole Stonebridge
Insights into how sustainable prosperity can be achieved in the North.
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Toxic Legacies at Giant Mine

Articles » General
John Sandlos
Arn Keeling
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 4, no. 1, Reshaping the Northern Imaginary, February 2016, pp. [23-25]
Discusses the Toxic Legacies research project focusing on community concerns around understanding remediation and its regulation and continuing care for the Giant mine site.
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Traditional Healing Circle of Elders

Alternate Title
Traditional Healing Circle of Elders, Elsipogtog First Nation, September 19th, 2007
Documents & Presentations
Comments on the First Nations Centre's Traditional Healing Circle of Elders event held to discuss needs and priorities related to traditional health, healing and related knowledge.
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Traditional Knowledge Background Briefs

Web Sites » Organizations
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Series of brief documents which provide information on issues and topics relating to intellectual property, genetic resources, and traditional cultural expressions and knowledge.
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Traditions: National Gatherings on Indigenous Knowledge: Final Report

Canadian Heritage
p. 52
Summary of discussions, during May and June of 2005, between the Department of Canadian Heritage and Aboriginal people to develop practical strategies for working in areas where the mandate, expertise and experience of the Department coincide with Aboriginal aspirations.
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Transforming First Nations Health Care in British Columbia: An Organizational Challenge

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephen Wilmot
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, January 2018, p. article 4
Looks at the formation of the First Nations Health Council, First Nations Health Directors Association, and the First Nations Health Authority and identifies issues that need to be addressed in order for the tripartite system to function effectively.
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Transnational Progressivism: African Americans, Native Americans and the Universal Races Congress of 1911

Alternate Title
American Indian Quarterly ; vol. 37, no. 3, Summer 2013
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kyle T. Mays
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 25, no. 2, The Society of American Indians and Its Legacies, Summer, 2013, pp. 241-261
Explores the link between the two groups' histories and their responses to colonialism. Special combined issue of Studies in American Indian Literatures and American Indian Quarterly. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 241.
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Tribal Colleges: An Overview

Documents & Presentations
Amy Fann
Highlights the unique benefits colleges offer their students to meet cultural, health and social needs.
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Tribal Colleges and Universities: A Tradition of Innovation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gerald E. Gipp
Susan C. Faircloth
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 42, no. 1, American Indian Higher Education Consortium, 2003, pp. 2-5
Introductory article to special issue focusing on, the history of Tribal Colleges and Universities and the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC).
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Troubling History, Troubling Law: The Question of Indigenous Genocide in Canada

Alternate Title
Arts in Action ; no. 1
Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing, and Teaching Genocide
E-Books » Chapters
Adam Muller
Discusses the meaning of genocide and whether or not genocide occurred based on two underlying issues. Chapter 3 from Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing, and Teaching Genocide edited by Scott W. Murray.
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Alternate Title
Trudell Full Documentary
Media » Film and Video
Heather Rae
John Trudell
Documentary about the life of John Trudell, as an American Indian activist, musician and poet. Duration: 1:18:22.
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Tungasuvvingat Inuit

Web Sites » Organizations
Tungasuvvingat Inuit
"Tungasuvvingat Inuit provides Inuit specific programs, services, and support to empower and enhance the lives of Inuit. in Ontario." Includes newsletter, links to Ottawa Inuit organizations and information about non-insured health benefits.
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Turtle Island Blues: Climate Change and Failed Indigenous Securitization in the Canadian Arctic

Alternate Title
The Emerging Arctic Security Environment
Working Papers on Arctic Security ; no. 2
Documents & Presentations
Wilfrid Greaves
Working Papers on Arctic Security
Looks at attempts by Arctic Athabaskan Council, Gwich’in Council International, Inuit Circumpolar Council, and the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) to frame Arctic climate change as a security issue.
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The Two Journeys of Dianne Westmacott

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Read
Aboriginal History, vol. 11, no. 1, 1987, pp. 82-90
Presents the story of a woman finding her natural mother with the help of Link-up, an organization established to help Aboriginal fostered or adopted adults find their families.
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The UN Decade on Indigenous Peoples

Articles » General
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3, The UN Decade: Expectations and Realities, 2004, pp. 8-18
Looks at the effect the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People had on the world's Indigenous people as well as their impact on the United Nations. To access this article, scroll to page 3.
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The UN Declaration: Hopes and Challenges

Articles » General
Paul Chartrand
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 1, January 2011, p. 6
Discusses the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples finally being endorsed by the United States, and what it will mean to Canada and the rest of the world. Article found by scrolling to page 6.
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UN Steps Up Action on Traditional Knowledge

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Clare Kapp
Lancet, vol. 362, no. 9391, October 11, 2003, p. 1206
Discussion of an agreement to increase efforts in protecting traditional knowledge and genetic resources.
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Understanding Indigenous Children's Gifts of Toronto: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council
Part I discusses historical and colonial context, provides snapshot of general communities and statistical indicators of families accessing services, and looks at the Indigenous Outcomes model found in Raising the Village. Part II explores needs of families with children requiring specialized services, perspectives on partnership-building, and eight themes which emerged from discussions with non-Indigenous service providers.
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Understanding Success in Indigenous Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Investigation

Alternate Title
Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange ; 1st, 2004
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004: Proceedings of the Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange
E-Books » Chapters
Robert b. Anderson
Robert J. Giberson
Kevin Hindle
Bobby Kayseas

Discussion of characteristics of Aboriginal economic development followed by analysis of the success of Lac la Ronge Indian Band and its Kitsaki Development Corporation.

Paper from: AGSE 2004: Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004: Proceedings of the First Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange edited by L. Murray Gillin, Frank La Pira, and John Yencken.

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Unifying and Strengthening the Response to HIV and AIDS in Aboriginal Communities in BC: Final Report March 2009

Documents & Presentations
[First Nations Health Council]
Results of gathering of representatives from several AIDS organizations, funders, federal and provincial governments, Tripartite First Nations Health Plan staff, and researchers which discusses and identifies strategies and challenges faced in ending the HIV epidemic.
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Union of BC Indian Chiefs

Web Sites » Organizations
Brad Hornick Communications
Provides links to resources, First Nations Digital Document Source, issues/campaigns and action centre.
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