Displaying 1 - 16 of 16

Aboriginal Labour Market Information in Canada: An Overview

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2015-15
Documents & Presentations
Fanny McKellips
CSLS Research Report
Identifies and assesses sources of statistical information which would assist Friendship Centres in fulfilling their mandate to provide training and employment opportunities, enhance social development, and build human resource capacity.
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Aboriginal Labour Market Performance in Canada: 2007-2011

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2012-04
Documents & Presentations
Centre for the Study of Living Standards
CSLS Research Report
Examines market performance using data from the Labour Force Survey and discusses the implications of future labour market developments for Aboriginal Canadians.
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Benchmarking Métis Economic and Social Development

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CSLS Research Report ; 2015-07
Documents & Presentations
Jasmin Thomas
CSLS Research Report
Comparison with non-Aboriginals using statistics on employment, income and education, as well as suggestions for developing three new indicators: governance, land and resources, and entrepreneurship and business development.
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Closing the Education Gap in Canada: Assessing Progress and Estimating the Economic Benefits

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2015-03
Documents & Presentations
Matthew Calver
CSLS Research Report
Assessment of educational attainment and labour market outcomes between 2001 and 2011 and updated estimates of benefits accrued by eliminating the gap. Statistics broken down by province, sex, age, Aboriginal identity, registered Indian status, and residence on- and off- reserve. Appendix.
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The Contribution of Métis to Future Labour Force Growth in Canada

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2017-08
Documents & Presentations
Myeongwan Kim
Andrew Sharpe
CSLS Research Report
Population projections were made for the period 2011-2036. Concluded that given the young age, faster rate of growth, and current gap in participation rates when compared to non-Aboriginals, there is the potential for significant contributions.
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Impact of the Model Schools Literacy Project on Literacy and Fiscal Outcomes in First Nations in Canada

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2021-01
Documents & Presentations
Simon Lapointe
CSLS Research Report
Contains a review of the literature discussing socio-economic outcomes associated with improved literacy in the areas of employment, wages, crime, health and social engagement, and projections about the effects of expanding the Martin Family Initiative to communities across Canada.
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