Lewis, Diana
Diana Lewis
I-Portal Content
Governmental Fiduciary Failure in Indigenous Environmental Health Justice: The Case of Pictou Landing First Nation
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Diana Lewis
Heather Castleden
Richard Apostle
Sheila Francis
Kim Francis-Strickland
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 61-72
Examines the correlation between the dumping of pulp and paper mill effluent near the Pictou Landing First Nation and the high levels of cancer amongst its Indigenous population.
Making Connections: Key Economic Drivers in Aboriginal Rural and Remote Communities - Aboriginal Youth, Colleges and Industries
Documents & Presentations
Sharon Taylor
David Perley
Diana Lewis
Looks at barriers faced by Aboriginal students trying to acquire post-secondary education and move into the skilled labour force. Study consisted of interviews/focus groups in three case study communities located in Atlantic Canada, a literature search, and identification of promising practices.