George, Ningwakwe Priscilla

George, Ningwakwe

I-Portal Content

Foreword: Honoring Who We Are

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ningwakwe Priscilla George
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 32, no. suppl., Aboriginal Englishes and Education, 2010, pp. 1-3, 154
Discusses Aboriginal English and the multiple strategies in the process of cross language transfer.
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Nourishing the Learning Spirit: A Review of Literature and Promising Practices

Alternate Title
CSSE 2009
Learning Spaces, Places, and Connections: Promising Practices for Aboriginal Learners in Post-Secondary Education and Training with Recommendations for Policymakers
[Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference ; 2009]
Documents & Presentations
Marie Battiste
Ningwakwe (Priscilla) George
Jonathan Anuik
Focuses on foundations of Aboriginal learning, programs where these principles are used, and how the knowledge of Elders and traditional teachers can be applied in the classroom.
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Reclaiming the Learning Spirit: Roundtable Report 2008

Alternate Title
Overview of Reclaiming the Learning Spirit Project and a Snapshot of Results
Documents & Presentations
Verna St. Denis
Jim Silver
Brenda Ireland
Ningwakwe George
Rita Bouvier
Story of the collaboration between the Aboriginal Learning Knowledge Centre and the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre to bring together a roundtable meeting with more than 50 experts who would share stories of transformation, hope, and success.
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The Rainbow/Holistic Approach to Aboriginal Literacy

Alternate Title
Symposium: Native Literacy and Learning, Aboriginal Perspectives, OISE/UT, May 2002
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ningwakwe Priscilla George
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 27, no. 1, Advancing Aboriginal Languages and Literacy, 2003, pp. 29-40
Looks at research to promote the whole person approach to literacy, literacy learners, and innovative techniques.
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