Cuthand, Doug

I-Portal Content

Indian Agent Set a Bad Precedent

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, April 19, 2004, p. B1
Historical overview of the destructive policies of Hayter Reed, who spent much of his career in Indian Affairs was deputy superintendent of Indian Affairs in 1893-1897.
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Indian Control Over Health Care Emerging Issue

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Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, September 11, 2009, p. A11
Brief comments on the Medicine Chest Task Force, Phil Fontaine's life after politics, Colin Thatcher's book, and an Australian governments admission.
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Indian Governance Law Doomed to Failure

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, May 2, 2003, p. A15
Supports a grassroots approach to self-government rather than federally imposed rules of governance.
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Indian Leaders Must Speak Up to Save FNUC

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, August 5, 2005, p. A9
Commentary on the continuing staff turnover, inner turmoil, and backroom politics by the FSIN over the First Nations University of Canada (FNUC).
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Indian Life Unfolds in Typical American Fashion

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Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, April 24, 2009, p. A15
Brief comments on stories from United States regarding law cases, the economy, a reality show, and a facebook incident.
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Indian Summer Games Creating Living History

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, July 12, 1996, p. A5
Comments on some great Saskatchewan athletes like Paul Acoose and Alex Wuttunee Decoteau. Also discusses the 1996 Indian Summer Games at Ahtahkakoop Reserve in Saskatchewan.
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Indian Summer Games Now On

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, July 7, 2003, p. B1
Discusses the spiritual, social and cultural importance of the Saskatchewan Indian Summer Games held in 2003 at the Flying Dust First Nation.
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Intent of Treaties Should be Examined

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, July 4, 2006, p. B1
Looks at the "spirit and intent" of Treaty and that rules of interpretation should be in the context of current reality, e.g., 1993 Treaty Land Entitlement Agreement.
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Isolation of FSIN Chiefs Erodes Credibility

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, March 4, 2005, p. A11
Commentary about the apparent "public be damned" approach to decision making by the Chiefs contends that such an approach is damaging in the long term.
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It's Time To Again Be One With Nature

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, October 28, 2002, p. B1
Advocates that to address climate change, western opinions about nature should align more closely to Aboriginal philosophies.
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Joint Efforts of Natives, Municipalities

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 6, 1996, p. A5
Meeting of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN), Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) and Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) and their discussion of areas of common concern.
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Jordan's Principle a Lesson Learned

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, March 10, 2008, p. A3
History and explanation of "Jordan's Principle" where the welfare of the child comes first, and governments work together for the benefit of the weakest citizens.
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Justice Shouldn't be about Revenge

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, June 28, 2004, p. B1
Reflects on the human rights of prisoners in Canada's correctional system.
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Keepness Aboriginal Newsmaker of the Year

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 31, 2004, p. A11
Reflection on some of the tragedies during 2004, like the Tsunami in Southeast Asia, a fatal Canada Day accident near Cochin, SK and the disappearance of Tamra Keepness in Regina.
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Kelowna Accord Proving Tough to Put on Shelf

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, April 25, 2008, p. A13
Comments on the non-implemention of the Kelowna Accord and the belief that treaties agreeing to obey the laws must be honoured.
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Kelowna Accord Should Get Passed

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, April 28, 2008, p. A3
Argues that the federal/provincial/First Nation agreement should be honoured. Also comments on the Kitchenuhmayboosib Inninuwug First Nation's refusal to comply with a court order to give a mining company permission to drill on traditional land.
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Kisiskâciwan: Indigenous Voices from Where the River Flows Swiftly

Saukamappee (Young Man)
James Settee
Charles Pratt
kā-kišīwē (Loud Voice)
atakawinin (The Gambler)
mistawāsis (Big Child)
atāhkakohp (Star Blanket)
wīhkasko-kisēyin (Sweet Grass)
mistahi-maskwa (Big Bear)
kā-miyēstawēsit (Beardy)
wāwikanihk kā-otāmahoht (Strikes Him on the Back)
tatanka iyotake (Sitting Bull)
peopeo kiskiok hihih (White Bird)
Gabriel Dumont
pīhtikwahānapiwiyin (Poundmaker)
Louis Riel
kā-papāmahcahkwēw (Wandering Spirit)
piyēsiw-awāsis (Thunderchild)
nāh-namiskwākāpaw (Louis Moosomin)
kā-kīsikāw-pīhtukāw (Coming-Day)
kā-wīhkaskusahk (Maggie Achenam)
Abel Watetch
Edward Ahenakew
Michel Benjamin
Charlie Janvier
Charles Ryder
Peter Vandall
Marie Merasty
Eleanor Brass
nêhiyaw (Glecia Bear)
John F. Cote
Alice Ahenakew
Berta O'Watch
Arsene Fontaine
Howard Adams
Annie Benonie
George Klyne
Alexander Wolfe
Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw
Augie Merasty
Helen Francis
Herbert Walker
Freda Ahenakew
Hubert Gunn
Vicki Wilson
Bernelda Wheeler
Maria Campbell ...
Gloria Mehlmann
Doug Cuthand
Margaret Reynolds
Tom Jackson
Priscilla Settee
Beth Cuthand
Blair Stonechild
Rita Bouvier
SkyBlue Mary Morin
Jo-Ann Episkenew
Erroll Kinistino
Sky Dancer Louise Bernice Halfe
John Cuthand
Solomon Ratt
Janice Acoose
Joseph Naytowhow
Kim Soo Goodtrack
Harold Johnson
Bevann Fox
Paul Seesequasis
Winona Wheeler
Connie Fife
Yvette Nolan
Ernie Louttit
James Tyman
Carol Daniels
Floyd Flavel Starr
Gregory Scofield
Warren Cariou
Randy Lundy
Joely BigEagle-Kequahtooway
Andrea Menard
Jessie Archibald-Barber
Lisa Bird-Wilson
Merelda Fiddler
Kevin Wesaquate
Brad Bellegarde
Thomas Roussin
Mika Lafond
Tenille Campbell
Shannon McNabb
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Lack of Money Impedes First Nations' Progress

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Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, March 9, 2007, p. A11
Reports that the Department of Indian Affairs capped First Nation funding for core services at two percent a year and its impact.
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Lagging Education Levels Must be Fixed Quickly

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Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, October 31, 2008, p. A13
Looks at the dissimilar percentages of high school student graduates attending First Nation communities and those who attend provincial schools.
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Land-Titles Fiasco Hurts First Nations

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Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, February 3, 2003, p. B1
Explains how the Treaty Land Entitlement Framework Agreement has created problems with land transfered to reserve status.
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Leaders Need to Shed Egos, Work to Save FNUC

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Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, February 26, 2010, p. A13
The Begay report recommends changes to governance of the First Nations University of Canada if the University is to survive.
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