Kentilson, Lou Hammond
University of Saskatchewan, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives
I-Portal Content
A Report on Aboriginal Co-operatives in Canada: Current Situation and Potential for Growth
Documents & Presentations
Lou Hammond-Ketilson
Ian MacPherson
Case studies of 13 of the approximately 133 Aboriginal co-operatives in Canada. Describes the background, emerging themes, socio-economic profile, and policy environment.
Aboriginal Co-operatives in Canada: Case Studies
Documents & Presentations
Lou Hammond Ketilson
Ian MacPherson
Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Looks at various case studies that explore how Aboriginal people have developed financial, fishery, housing and consumer co-operatives.
Financing Aboriginal Enterprise Development: The Potential of Using Co-operative Models
Alternate Title
Occasional Paper Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives)
Documents & Presentations
Lou Hammond Ketilson
Kimberley Brown
Goal of study was to explore the possibility of Aboriginal Financial Institutions expanding beyond their developmental role to full-service financial providers, perhaps modelled on credit unions.
Partnering to Finance Enterprise Development in the Aboriginal Social Economy
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lou Hammond Ketilson
Canadian Public Policy, vol. 40, Supplement 1: Strengthening Communities Through Government and Social Economy Partnerships, April 2014, pp. S39-S49
Examines the potential for Aboriginal Financial Institutions to become full-service financial providers.