Calvez, Stryker
University of Saskatchewan, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning
I-Portal Content
Being and Becoming a Helper: Illness Disclosure and Identity Transformations among Indigenous People Living With HIV or AIDS in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrew R. Hatala
Kelley Bird-Naytowhow
Tamara Pearl
Jen Peterson
Sugandhi del Canto ... [et al.]
Qualitative Health Research, vol. 28, no. 7, 2018, pp. 1099-1111
Using interviews from Indigenous people living with HIV and/or AIDS about their experiences and barriers of their disclosures.
Reducing the Rates: A Proposed Plan of Action for HIV / AIDS and HCV Patient Care and Research in Saskatchewan: Report on Prairie HIV / HCV Benchmark Meeting, Regina SK
Documents & Presentations
Cara Spence Gress
Stryker Calvez
Ryan Meili
Statistics for provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia as well as regional reports for La Ronge, Meadow Lake, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Regina and rural First Nations communities located in Northern Saskatchewan.
The Interpersonal Skills of Community-Engaged Scholarship: Insights From Collaborators Working at the University of Saskatchewan’s Community Engagement Office
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pamela Downe
Rachel Engler-Stringer
Lisa Erickson
Omeasoo Wahpasiw
Tamara Pearl ... [et al.]
Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, vol. 10, no. 1, 2017, pp. 44-58
Discusses and evaluates the importance of interpersonal skills when engaging in community based research.