Gaudry, Adam

University of Saskatchewan, Indigenous Studies

I-Portal Content

Are the Métis Treaty People?

Alternate Title
Weweni Indigenous Scholars Speaker Series
Media » Film and Video
Adam Gaudry
Speaker argues that negotiations between the Red River Métis and the Canadian government prior to passage of The Manitoba Act constituted treaty-making. Duration: 1:04:03.
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Decolonizing Métis Pedagogies in Post-Secondary Settings

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adam Gaudry
Robert L. A. Hancock
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 35, no. 1, Indigenous Pedagogies Resurgence and Restoration, 2012, pp. 7-22, 222
Discusses the discourses of history for Indigenous education and how reconceptualizing Métis history is important to transforming educational institutions.
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Fantasies of Sovereignty: Deconstructing British and Canadian Claims to Ownership of the Historic North-West

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adam Gaudry
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016, pp. 46-74
"This article demonstrates that Canada's political claims to ownership over the North-West lay in problematic claims of sovereignty made by British and Canadian explorers, politicians, and businessmen, using language of discovery and sovereignty to obscure Indigenous governance already in practice".
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Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education: Mapping the Long View

Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Eve Tuck
K. Wayne Yang
Sandra Styres
Naadli Todd Lee Ormiston
Kelsey Dayle John
Marissa Muñoz
Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua
Giovanni Batz
Kyle T. Mays ...
Alex Wilson
Marie Laing
Madeline Whetung ...
Kim McBreen ...
Octaviana V. Trujillo
Nicholas XEMŦOLTW¯ Claxton
Carmen Rodríguez de France
chuutsqa Layla Rorick
Erin Marie Konsmo
Karyn Recollet
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Insurgent Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adam J. P. Gaudry
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 26, no. 1, Spring, 2011, pp. 113-136
Looks at the role of research within Indigenous communities, grounded in an Indigenous knowledge system, and examines an alternative to traditional research methods that form the basis for mainstream academic research protocols.
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Métis as Treaty Parties

Alternate Title
Reconciliation and the Métis Conference [Session Four]
Media » Film and Video
Adam Gaudry
Brenda Gunn
Darren O'Toole
Gaudry discusses the concept of Wicihitowin as used to resolve a 19th century conflict between the Métis and the Dakota. Gunn discusses how international law relates to treaties signed with Indigenous peoples in Canada. O'Toole discusses whether Section 31 of The Manitoba Act constituted a treaty. Duration: 1:52:03.
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Métis Issues on @IndigenousXca

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adam Gaudry
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 2015, pp. 94-107
Commentary on contemporary Métis issues including transcripts of Twitter exchanges on IndigenousXca.
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Métis Rights, Daniels and Reconciliation

Alternate Title
"Les Métis de l'Est": Outlining the Intellectual Currents at the Basis of 'Métis" Self-identification in Québec
Daniels: In and Beyond the Law
You Cannot "Blow Hot and Blow Cold": The Contradictions of Colonialism and the Disregard for Mé Agency in Daniels]
["Get your application in!: Post-Daniels Pitfalls, Self-Identification and the Rush to Become Métis]
[Promises and Pitfalls of Daniels]
Media » Film and Video
Thomas Isaac
Adam Gaudry
Darryl Leroux
D'Arcy Vermette
Keynote speaker discusses his report A Matter of National and Constitutional Import: Report of the Minister's Special Representative on Reconciliation with Métis: Section 35 Métis Rights and the Manitoba Metis Federation Decision. Duration: 1:03:28. Second part (beginning at 1:08:32) consists of panel presentations on "Promises and Pitfalls of Daniels". Speakers discuss implications of decision for Métis self-identification, Métis in Quebec, and the Métis nation. Presentations are part of the conference "Daniels: In and Beyond the Law" held at University of Alberta, Jan.
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