Innes, Robert
Innes Robert Alexander
University of Saskatchewan, Indigenous Studies
I-Portal Content
"I'm On Home Ground Now. I'm Safe": Saskatchewan Aboriginal Veterans in the Immediate Postwar Years, 1945–1946
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Alexander Innes
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3/4, The Recovery of Indigenous Knowledge, Summer/Autumn, 2004, pp. 685-718
Argues that, contrary to popular belief, veterans did not directly influence the formation of new political organizations in the province.
"Wait a Second. Who Are You Anyways?" The Insider/Outsider Debate and American Indian Studies
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Alexander Innes
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 4, Fall, 2009, pp. 440-461
Comments on issues concerning insider Indigenous research, the advantages of being both an insider and outsider when researching, and a brief overview of the author's dissertation research.
Scroll down to read article.
[Mapping Narratives of Métisness and Communities]
Alternate Title
Reconciliation and the Métis Conference [Session Two]
Media » Film and Video
Brenda MacDougall
Mike Evans
Robert Innes
Signa Daum Shanks
MacDougall and Evans discuss their work developing a Métis digital archive database. Innes discusses culturally-mixed bands and cultural similarities of First Nation and Métis peoples. Signa Daum Shanks speaks about using community stories to improve modern community relationships.
Duration: 1:18:18
A People and a Nation : New Directions in Contemporary Métis Studies
Chris Andersen
Jennifer Adese
Robert L.A. Hancock
Daniel Voth
Robert Alexander Innes
Jesse Thistle
June Scudeler
Paul L. Garneau
Adam Gaudry
Aboriginal Healing in Canada: Studies in Therapeutic Meaning and Practice
James B. Waldram
Naomi Adelson
Amanda Lipinski
Aaron Denham
Jo-Anne Fiske
Christopher Fletcher
Joseph P. Gone
Robert Alexander Innes
Marusia Kaweski
Calvin Redman
All My Relations (Identity and Indigeneity)
Alternate Title
Daniels: In and Beyond the Law
All My Relations: Making Kin and Kindred in a Postgenomic World
Ancestry, Genes, and a Colony Chief: Peguis’ People and the Red River Métis
Kinship vs. Race: Reconciling Metis-First Nations Historical Relations
Reflections on Daniels v Canada, Reconciliation and Redress: Setting the Agenda
Media » Film and Video
Robert Innes
Harold Robinson
Rick Smith
Jessica Kolopenuk
Emphasis on racial distinctions between Métis and First Nations, ignores intermarriage, kinship ties, and shared cultural understandings; recommendations for agenda items for changes in Canada-Indigenous relations in light of the Daniels decision
Duration: 1:50:08.
Presentations are part of the conference "Daniels: In and Beyond the Law" held at University of Alberta, Jan. 26-27, 2017.
American Indian Studies Research is Ethical Research: A Discussion of Linda Smith and James Waldram's Approach to Aboriginal Research
Book Reviews
Robert Alexander Innes
Native Studies Review, vol. 15, no. 2, 2004, pp. 131-138
Book review of: Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples by Linda Smith.
Elder Brother, the Law of the People, and Contemporary Kinship Practices of Cowessess First Nation Members: Reconceptualizing Kinship in American Indian Studies Research
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Alexander Innes
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 34, no. 2, 2010, pp. 27-46
Study probes the importance of kinship relations, with respect to individual and collective identity, for members of the Cowessess First Nation, Saskatchewan.
Historians and Indigenous Genocide in Saskatchewan
Web Sites » Organizations
Robert Alexander Innes
Following the final report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls the author examines historians approach to identifying genocide against Indigenous people.
Indigenous Celebrity : Entanglements with Fame
Jennifer Adese
Robert Alexander Innes
Renée E. Mazinegiizhigoo-kwe Bédard
David Lakis
Katerina Teaiwa ...
Kahente Horn-Miller ...
Kim Anderson
Brendan Hokowhitu
Jenny L. Davis ...
Sherly Lightfoot ... [et al.]
Indigenous Men and Masculinities: Legacies, Identities, Regeneration
Robert Alexander Innes
Kim Anderson
Bob Antone
Scott L. Morgensen
Leah Sneider ...
Erin Sutherland ...
Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair
Philip Borell
Robert Henry
Allison Piché
Lloyd L. Lee
Ty P. Kāwika Tengan
Richard Van Camp
Warren Cariou
Gregory Scofield
Daniel Heath Justice
Sasha Sky
John Swift
Keetsahnak / Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters
Christi Belcourt
Kim Anderson
Debra Leo
Beatrice Starr
Stella August
Beverly Jacobs
Sandra Lamouche
Ann-Marie Livingston
Sarah Hunt
Robyn Bourgeois
Michelle Good
Kelsey T. Leonard
Maya Ode'amik chacaby
Helen Knott
Alex Wilson
Robert Alexander Innes
Waaseyaa'sin Christine Sy
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Darlene R. Okemaysim-Sicotte ...
Rita Bouvier
Pahan Pte San Win
Laura Harjo
Jenell Navarro
Kimberly Robertson
Maria Campbell
Mohawk Interruptus: Life Across the Borders of Settler States
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Alexander Innes
Journal of Colonialism & Colonial History, vol. 16, no. 2, Summer, 2015, p. [?]
Book review of Audra Simpson's book Mohawk Interruptus: Life Across the Borders of Settler States that provides an Indigenous perspective on Indigenous related academia.
Moose on the Loose: Indigenous Men, Violence, and the Colonial Excuse (With Errata)
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Alexander Innes
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 2015, pp. 46-56
Looks at incarceration rates for Aboriginal men and women, the RCMP report on missing and murdered Indigenous women, and statistics from Canada's Homicide Survey.
More On One Arrow, the Métis and Canadian History
Articles » General
Brenda Macdougall
Robert Alexander Innes
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 12, December 2007, p. 20
Comments on the responsibility of Aboriginal scholars to reinterpret historical events and delve into "where it went wrong".
Article located by scrolling to page 20.
Native Studies and Native Cultural Preservation, Revitalization, and Persistence
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Alexander Innes
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 34, no. 2, 2010, pp. 1-9
Introduction to themed issue of journal.
Oral History Methods in Native Studies: Saskatchewan Aboriginal World War Two Veterans
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rob Innes
Oral History Forum, vol. 19-20, Indigenous Voices from the Great Plains, 1999-2000, pp. [63]-88
Discusses different approaches to oral history, illustrates three different communication styles and excerpts of interviews with three individuals.
Should Indigenous People Vote in Canada's Federal Election?
Alternate Title
Weweni Indigenous Scholars Speaker Series
Media » Film and Video
Leah Gazan
Rob Innes
Pamela Palmater
Panelists discuss whether engaging with Canadian political process and voting undermines Indigenous sovereignty. Followed by question and answer period.
Duration: 1:14:28.
Taking the Pulse of Saskatchewan: Aboriginal Issues in Saskatchewan: October 2012
Documents & Presentations
[Eric Howe
Ron Laliberte
Ralph Innes
Trisha Keatings]
Data drawn from 1,750 15-minute telephone surveys conducted from March 5, 2012 to March 19, 2012.
The Arts of Indigenous Health and Well-Being
Nancy Van Styvendale
J.D. McDougall
Robert Henry
Robert Alexander Innes
Gail MacKay
Andrea Riley-Mukavetz ...
Jo-Ann Episkenew ...
Louise Halfe ... [et al.]
The Importance of Family Ties to Members of Cowessess First Nation
Robert Alexander Innes
American Indian Studies Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Arizonia, 2007.
The Red Man's On the Warpath: The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War
Book Reviews
Robert Alexander Innes
Great Plains Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 2, Spring, 2006, pp. 132-133
Book review of: The Red Man's On the Warpath by R. Scott Sheffield.
The Socio-Political Influence of the Second World War Saskatchewan Aboriginal Veterans, 1945-1960
Robert Alexander Innes
Native Studies Thesis (M.A.)--University of Saskatchewan, 2000.
Toward Indigenous Planning? First Nation Community Planning
in Saskatchewan, Canada
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
S. Yvonne Prusak
Ryan Walker
Robert Innes
Journal of Planning Education and Research, vol. 21, no. 3, 2015, pp. 1-11
Evaluation of pilot project undertaken from 2006 to 2011 on 11 reserves. Based on results of interviews with 36 key informants.
Treaty Promises, Indian Reality: Life on a Reserve
Book Reviews
Robert Alexander Innes
Great Plains Research, vol. 17, no. 2, 2007, pp. 226-227
Book review of: Treaty Promises, Indian Reality by Harold Lerat with Linda Ungar.