Beatty, Bonita

University of Saskatchewan, Indigenous Studies

I-Portal Content

[Northern Politics in Northern Manitoba]

Alternate Title
U2011: Understanding the Manitoba Election
Media » Film and Video
Bonita Beatty
Bonita Beatty discusses the political culture found in the north. Duration:10:02.
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Aboriginal Federal Turnout in Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Bonita Beatty
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012, pp. 26-41
Research conducted, based on quantitative survey data, suggests reasons for lower electoral participation.
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Aboriginal Political Culture in Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 32, no. 2, 2012, pp. 121-139
Examines and explains how the aboriginal political culture in Northern Saskatchewan is a blend of organizational networks and family systems.
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Aboriginal Voter Turnout in Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Bonita Beatty
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012, pp. 26-41
Suggests local context and history should be used as a voting resource variable to understand why Aboriginal groups differ from each other in federal turnout levels.
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Engaging Northern Aboriginal Youth Key to Sustainable Development

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Dana Carriere
Kelton Doraty
Northern Review, no. 39, Consultation and Resource Development in Northern Communities: Russia, Scandinavia & Canada, 2015, pp. 124-135
Argues collaboration between governments, industry and educational institutions is needed to engage communities. Findings show development strategies should be integrated with mental health and addiction programs to keep youth in schools.
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Health Care and Aboriginal Seniors in Urban Canada: Helping a Neglected Class

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beulah Beatty
Loreen Berdahl
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, Health and Well-being, 2011, pp. 1-16
Discusses unique health care challenges facing status and non-status seniors and recommends considerations in 4 areas; socioeconomic conditions, under use of health services, jurisdiction and elder abuse.
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Indigenous Health Governance and UNDRIP

Alternate Title
Indigenous Health Governance and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights: UNDRIP in the Canadian Context: Special Report
E-Books » Chapters
Bonita Beatty
Argues that while implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples cannot be guaranteed, it can be used as a tool to influence governments, policy makers, and health providers. Chapter from The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights: UNDRIP in the Canadian Context. Entire book on one pdf. To access paper scroll to p. 49.
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Mitho-Pimatisiwin for the Elderly: The Strength of a Shared Caregiving Approach in Aboriginal Health

Alternate Title
National Research Conference on Urban Aboriginal Peoples, 2011
Well-being in the Urban Aboriginal Community: [Fostering Biimaadiziwin]
E-Books » Chapters
Bonitia Beatty
Arnette Weber-Beeds
Highlights the challenges involved in helping First Nations individuals transition into urban areas by using the example of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Health Services. Excerpt from Well-Being in the Urban Aboriginal Community: Fostering Biimaadiziwin edited by David Newhouse, Kevin FitzMaurice, Tricia McGuire-Adams, and Daniel Jetté. Originally presented at the National Research Conference on Urban Aboriginal Peoples, 2011.
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More Than Voting

Articles » General
Greg Poelzer
Bonita Beatty
Loleen Berdahl
Policy Options, vol. 35, no. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 64-66
Discussion about Aboriginal participation in federal and provincial elections, and the need to tap into Aboriginal civic and political engagement.
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Northern Voices: A Look Inside Political Attitudes and Behaviours in Northern Saskatchewan: Northern Aboriginal Political Culture Study

Alternate Title
[Northern Political Engagement Study Report 2013]
Documents & Presentations
Bonita Beatty
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Kelton Doraty
Meritt Kocday
Sara Waldbillig
Dana Carriere
[Evelyn Peters]
Looks at findings from three-year research project on voter engagement. Related material: Community Engagement Factsheet.
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Participation in the Traditional Economy in Northern Saskatchewan: The 21st Century Landscape + Anohc Nehithawi Pimachesowin Ote Kiwetinohk Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Stan Yu
Northern Review, vol. 53, Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin: Perspectives from Northern Saskatchewan, 2022, pp. 113-123

Looks at the Northern Saskatchewan Indigenous communities participation in a traditional economy that complements their culture and values. 

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The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights: UNDRIP in the Canadian Context: Special Report

Alternate Title
The Internationalisation of Indigenous Rights: UNDRIP in the Canadian Context: Special Report
Documents & Presentations
Terry Mitchell
Ken Coates
Cairin Holroyd
Yvonne Boyer
Thierry Rodon
Bonita Beatty ...
Jeff Corntassel
Members of the Internationalization of Indigenous Rights Research Group report on various aspects of Canada's failure to fully implement the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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Unpacking Pimachesowin as a Framing Concept for Indigenous Self-Determination + Eyapachitayak Pimachesowin ta Othastamasoyak Nehithaw tipethimisowin

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Northern Review, vol. 53, Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin: Perspectives from Northern Saskatchewan, 2022, pp. 7-23

Discusses how traditional Cree stories and lessons reflect the traditional Cree world view of pimatsiwin (life) and how pimatsiwin itself can better help the understanding Indigenous self-determination.


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