Miller, Jim

Jim Miller, JR Miller, Miller, J. R. James Rodger
University of Saskatchewan, History

I-Portal Content

Dealing with Residential School Survivors: Reconciliation in International Perspective

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J.R. Miller
Australasian Canadian Studies, vol. 26, no. 1, Conference Issue, 2008, pp. 59-90
Focuses on the history of the State/Church relationship in terms of the administration of Canadian schools and the reparations for survivors. Compares the Australian experience. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p. 59. Paper presented at "ACSANZ (Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand) 08".
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Desperately Seeking Absolution: Responses and a Reply

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Douglas Cole
J. R. Miller
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 76, no. 4, December 1995, pp. 628-643
Critical commentary on the article "Desperately Seeking Absolution: Native Agency as Colonist Alibi?" by Robin Brownlie and Mary-Ellen Kelm, published in Canadian Historical Review Vol. 75, No. 4, December 1994, pp. 543-557.
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Duck Lake Indian Agency Office Records (E19)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
[W.E. Jones
C.P. Schmidt
N.J. McLeod]
Saskatchewan History, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring, 1995, pp. 36-41
These selections from the Duck Lake Indian Agency records illustrate a pattern of negative government attitudes and policies of fiscal austerity towards First Nations peoples and communities. Introduction and commentary by J.R. Miller. Entire issue on one .pdf, scroll to page 36.
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Fishing Lake First Nation, 1907 Surrender Claim

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Consists of historical documents, maps, correspondence/letters, bulletins, legal documents, transcripts, submissions and the English and French versions of the Final Report. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]

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From Riel to the Métis

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. R. Miller
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 69, no. 1, 1988, pp. 1-20
Discusses greater emphasis that is currently placed on social history of Métis communities and concludes that further investigations should consider the importance of class as well as comparisons of relevant experience of parallel peoples in other lands.
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Handbook of North American Indians

Book Reviews
J. R. Miller
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 84, no. 4, December 2003, pp. 650-654
Review of the book: Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 13, Parts 1 and 2: Plains edited by Raymond J. Demallie.
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History, the Courts and Treaty Policy: Lessons from Marshall and Nisga'a

E-Books » Chapters
J.R. (Jim) Miller
Aboriginal Policy Research, vol. 1

Discusses landmark court cases dealing with fishing rights in Nova Scotia and a dispute involving Aboriginal title which took place in British Columbia. Chapter two from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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Jim Miller: Canada Research Chair Native-Newcomer Relations

Alternate Title
Engaging Minds: Profiles of Discovery and Creativity at the University of Saskatchewan
Media » Film and Video
Jim Miller
U of S Research Communications
and the Division of Media and Technology
Short video about research on treaty rights and the abuse that occurred at residential schools.
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Native Life

Alternate Title
CANADIANHISTORY.CA: The Many Histories of Canada
Documents & Presentations
J .R. Miller
Overview of Aboriginal history from the 1850s to 2000. Could be used as an educational resource for high school students.
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On the Case: Explorations in Social History: A Roundtable Discussion

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mariana Valverde
J. R. Miller
Doug Owram
Shirley Tillotson
Bryan D. Palmer
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 81, no. 2, June 2000, p. 266
Five Canadian historians comment of the contents of the anthology entitledOn the Case: Explorations in Social History.
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Owen Glendower, Hotspur, and Canadian Indian Policy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. R. Miller
Ethnohistory, vol. 37, no. 4, Fall, 1990, pp. 386-415
Discusses cultural suppression and resistance recorded through oral history and historical documentation.
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Reconciliation with Residential School Survivors: A Progress Report

E-Books » Chapters
Jim R. Miller
vol. 7

Brief discussion of how schools functioned, abuses that took place, churches and government's response to law suits, settlement agreements and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Chapter eight from A History of Treaties and Policies, which is vol. 7 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the third annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.

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Reconsidering Confederation: Canada's Founding Debates, 1864 - 1999

Alternate Title
Compact, Contract, Covenant: The Evolution of First Nations Treaty-Making
Resisting Canada’s Will: Manitoba’s Entry into Confederation
“A More Accurate Face on Canada to the World”: The Creation of Nunavut
J. R. Miller
Daniel Heidt
Marcel Martel
Colin M. Coates
Martin Pâquet
... [et al.]


Chapter Two: Compact, Contract, Covenant: The Evolution of First Nations Treaty-Making by J.R. Miller.

Chapter Six: Resisting Canada’s Will: Manitoba’s Entry into Confederation by Robert Wardhaugh and Barry Ferguson.

Chapter Eleven: “A More Accurate Face on Canada to the World”: The Creation of Nunavut by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Andr&ecaute Légar&eacute.

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Review Essay: Education by Hardship: Native American Boarding Schools in the U.S. and Canada

Book Reviews
Scott Riney
Oral History Review, vol. 24, no. 2, Winter, 1997, pp. 117-123
Book reviews of: They Called it Prairie Light: The Story of Chilocco Indian School by K. Tsianina Lomawaima To Change Them Forever: Indian Education at the Rainy Mountain Boarding School, 1893-1920 by Clyde Ellis Shingwauk's Vision: A History of Native Residential Schools by J.R. Miller.
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