Smith, Linda Tuhiwai

I-Portal Content

Investigating Māori Approaches to Trauma Informed Care

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leonie Pihama
Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Tessa Evans-Campbell
Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan
Ngaropi Cameron
Tania Mataki
Rihi Te Nana
Herearoha Skipper
Kim Southey
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing - Te Mauri: Pimatisiwin, vol. 2, no. 3, December 2017, pp. 18-31
Provides an overview of the three-year Health Research Council funded research project, He Oranga Ngākau: Māori Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care, and its intended outcomes.
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MAI Te Kupenga: Supporting Māori and Indigenous Doctoral Scholars within Higher Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leonie Pihama
Jenny Lee-Morgan
Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Sarah Jane Tiakiwai
Joeliee Seed-Pihama
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 1, March 2019, pp. 52-61
Article highlights some of the challenges Māori and Indigenous (MAI) scholars face in the mainstream university context, and the role of the MAI Te Kupenga (a support program for Indigenous doctoral students) in supporting scholars in these contexts.
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