Spence, Cara

University of Saskatchewan, Community-University Institute for Social Research

I-Portal Content

Evaluation of Saskatoon Urban Aboriginal Strategy: A Research Report

Alternate Title
Research Reports Series (Community-University Institute for Social Research) ; no. 08 / 03
Documents & Presentations
Cara Spence
Isobel M. Findlay
Research Reports Series (Community-University Institute for Social Research)
Evaluation of the administrative processes and structures established by UAS Saskatoon pilot project, as well as recommendations .
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Reducing the Rates: A Proposed Plan of Action for HIV / AIDS and HCV Patient Care and Research in Saskatchewan: Report on Prairie HIV / HCV Benchmark Meeting, Regina SK

Documents & Presentations
Cara Spence Gress
Stryker Calvez
Ryan Meili
Statistics for provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia as well as regional reports for La Ronge, Meadow Lake, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Regina and rural First Nations communities located in Northern Saskatchewan.
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Social Indicators in Surveys of Urban Aboriginal Residents in Saskatoon

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alan B. Anderson
Cara Spence
Social Indicators Research, vol. 85, no. 1, January 2008, pp. 39-52
Discusses the various social indicators employed in the seven Bridges and Foundations Project surveys, which probed into the views of local Aboriginal residents reguarding quality of life, living conditions and affordable housing.
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Urban Aboriginal Strategy Funding Database: A Research Report

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies, and Sustainable Communities,
Research Reports Series (Community-University Institute for Social Research) ; no. 08/04
Documents & Presentations
Karen Lynch
Cara Spence
Isobel M. Findlay
Research Reports Series (Community-University Institute for Social Research)
Paper focuses on the Saskatoon Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS) by dividing it up into four sections: overview, project scope and working relationship between UAS and the Community-University Institute for Community Research (CUISR), UAS priority pillars, and the formation of the data base and subsequent web page.
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