Alternate Names
Esketemc First Nation
Alkali Lake First Nation
British Columbia
British Columbia
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Community Healing and Aboriginal Social Security Reform

Documents & Presentations
[Michael Bopp
Judie Bopp
Phil Lane]
Discusses healing in Aboriginal communities and argues that the traditional concept of social security does not work with Aboriginal communities and must be revised to suit their needs.
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Deer Hunting: An Innovative Teaching Paradigm to Educate Indigenous Youth about Physical Literacy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sidney Paul
Gareth Jones
Jennifer Jakobi
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing - Te Mauri: Pimatisiwin, vol. 4, no. 1, Digital and Data Sovereignty, July 28, 2019, pp. 39-48
Study aims to understand the physical activity (PA) involved in deer hunting, and how that activity can be used to help Aboriginal youth learn physical literacy (PL). Results show that deer hunting can easily surpass the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines (CPAG) for maintaining health, and that it creates an opportunity for promoting PL to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth.
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Esketemc First Nation Inquiry: IR 15, 17, 18 and Claim

Indian Claims Commission
Historical background, submissions and recommendations from Indian Claims Commission (ICC) hearing to determine whether Canada failed to satisfy its fiduciary obligation to the Band for exclusion of reserves from its land base. ICC found in the Band's favour and recommended claim be accepted for negotiation under Specific Claims Policy. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Esketemc First Nation: Wright's Meadow Pre-Emption Inquiry

Alternate Title
Indian Claims Commission: Esketemc First Nation: Wright's Meadow Pre-Emption Inquiry
Indian Claims Commission
p. 103
At issue is the pre-emption of a meadow used by the Esketemc First Nation or as it was then known the Alkali Lake Band. The inquiry found that Canada breached its fiduciary duty by not protecting the meadow, which was clearly in the band's settlement lands. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (2002) 15 ICCP

Indian Claims Commission
vol. 15
Reports include the Esketemc First Nation Inquiry, the Fishing Lake First Nation, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Inquiry and the Mistawasis First Nation Inquiry. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (2009) 23 ICCP

Indian Claims Commission
Includes the reports on Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation 1903 Surrender Inquiry, Lower Similkameen Indian Band Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway Right of Way Inquiry, Fort Pelly Agency Pelly Haylands Claim (Mediation), Lucky Man Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Phase II Inquiry, Muskoday First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation Hosford Lot and Indian Reserve 7 (Mediation), George Gordon First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Sturgeon Lake First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation) and the Esketemc First Nation Wright’s Meadow P
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An Indian Perspective of Self-Esteem

Articles » General
Floy C. Pepper
Steven L. Henry
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 18, no. 2, 1991, pp. 145-197

Looks at Indigenous child development through the use of a medicine wheel.

Includes a report from the Cariboo Tribal Council, today known as the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council, entitled "Faith Misplaced: Lasting Effects of Abuse in a First Nations Community".

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The Path to Healing: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Health and Social Issues

Alternate Title
A Model for Delivery of Health and Social Services to the Atikamekw People: Theory, Practice and Necessity
Aboriginal Health Policy for the Next Century
Aboriginal People Living in Remote and Northern Areas
Anishnawbe Health
Beyond the Caregivers: Health and Social Services Policy for the 1990s
Challenging the Way We Think about Health
Community Development, Sobriety and After-Care at Alkali Lake Band
Deficits, Foundation and Aspirations Signal Need for Restructuring
Funding Policy for Indigenous Human Services
Global Nutrition and the Holistic Environment of Indigenous Peoples
Health and Social Issues of Aboriginal People with Disabilities: An Alberta Perspective
Illness Care, Health, and the Economic Base
Integrating Science and Traditional Culture
Pathways to a Dream: Professional Education in the Health Sciences
Suicide in Canadian Aboriginal Peoples: Causes and Prevention
The Inuulitsivik Health Centre and its Maternity Project
The Kahnawake Mohawk Experience: Responsibility for Controlling Our Own Health Care Services
The Nuu-Chah-Nulth Experience: A Descriptive Review of West Coast People‟s Struggle to Rebuild Healthy
Treaty Right to Health
Violence in Aboriginal Communities
[Louis T. Montour
John D. O'Neil
Rosemary Proctor
Clare Clifton Brant
Emma D. LaRocque
K. A. (Kim) Scott
W.J. (Bill) Mussell
Alma Favel-King ... [et al.]]
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Community Social Initiatives

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
File contains a portion of the transcript of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Health and Social Issues of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This file contains the opening proceedings and presentations of four community social initiatives followed by questions on Day 2.
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