Alternate Names
Tahltan Indian Band
British Columbia
British Columbia
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Aboriginal Peoples and Mining in Canada: Six Case Studies

Documents & Presentations
Christine Cleghorn
Case studies provide an overview of how aboriginal communities have come to terms with mining and mineral exploration in their territories. They are: Innu Nation and Inco's Voisey's Bay Nickel Mine/Mill; Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation and BHP Diamonds Inc.; Tahltan First Nation, the mining industry, and environmental assessment; Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation and B.Y.G. Mt. Nansen Gold Mine; Makivik Corporation and Falconbridge's Raglan Mine; and Nishnawbi-Aski Nation and Ontario's living legacy.
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Blackdome Gold Mine and Skeena Resources

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Erin Bragg
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief business case study looks at factors which led to Skeena Resources' acquisition of Sona Resources Corp., the company which managed the mine.
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First Nations Food, Nutrition & Environment Study: Results from British Columbia 2008/2009

Alternate Title
FNFNES Results from British Columbia 2008/2009
Documents & Presentations
Laurie Chan
Olivier Receveur
Donald Sharp
Study involves five components: household interviews collecting information on dietary patterns, lifestyle and general health status, environmental concerns and food security; sampling traditional foods for contaminants; sampling water for trace metals; hair sampling for mercury; and surface water sampling for pharmaceuticals.
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"Tahl-tan Indian Bride"

Images » Photographs
An portrait of an Aboriginal woman. She wears an elaborate western style gown, and is sitting on a rock. There is a short note on the postcard, but no postmark.
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