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Cree Youth Engagement in Health Planning

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nickoo Merati
Jonathan Salsberg
Joey Saganash
Joshua Iserhoff
Kaitlynn Hester Moses ... [et al.]
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 73-89

Using interviews with Cree youth and Indigenous youth coordinators to look at ways to engage Indigenous youth towards healthier lifestyles.   

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Indian Notes [Vol. 5, no. 1, January, 1928]

Documents & Presentations
Frank G. Speck
D. S. Davidson
Melvin R. Gilmore
Arthur Woodward
Bruno Oetteking ... [et al.]
Quarterly magazine published by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Articles on various topics including family hunting territories of the Waswanipi of Quebec and archeological work with the Putnam Baffin Island expedition.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 32: Waswanipi, Quebec

Documents & Presentations
RCAP 32 contains files from the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples in Waswanipi, Quebec. This sitting of the Commission contains presentations on a variety of subjects such as education, health care, unemployment, child and family welfare, and the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Each presentation can be viewed individually on this site.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Allan Happyjack and Jack Blacksmith, Waswanipi Nation Council

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Chief Allan Happyjack and Jack Blacksmith that first provides a brief history of Waswanipi. Their presentation covers a wide range of issues, including the justice system and policing, hunting and trapping, the environment and health care. The speakers believe that the Canadian and Quebec governments have either ignored, set aside or in breach of major sections of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Lily Sutherland, Public Health Officer, Waswanipi First Nations

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Lily Sutherland focusing on child and family welfare issues. Sutherland discusses the need for more training of public health officers on First Nations and for workshops on parenting and substance abuse prevention. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Paul Gull, Commissioner, Waswanipi School Board (Via Translator)

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Paul Gull expressing frustration with the lack of funding for Waswanipi School and its programs. Gull calls upon the Commmission to ensure that programs such as the elder-student mentor program, Cree immersion and residential school survivor support groups continue. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners and a previous speaker, Peter Gull.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Peter Gull, Director, Waswanipi Mishtuk Corporation

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Peter Gull whose corporation's objective is to create local employment in the forestry industry and to bring economic opportunities to the community. He believes that non-fulfilment of the government's obligations with the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement "creates more damage and greater hardship to the individual." Gull calls upon the Commission to pressure the government to respect their obligations according to the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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