Alternate Names
Sweetgrass First Nation
First Nation Location
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Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
D. G. Mandelbaum
Indian History Film Project
A document that lists various Cree bands and excerpts from annual reports for the period 1883 to 1925. Note: Mandelbaum is not the author, but this document is part of his file.
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Cree Council on Sweetgrass Reserve

Alternate Title
Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-west Rebellion
Images » Photographs
Photograph of council held near Battleford. People; horses and terrain in foreground; buildings on extreme left and right of image. Caption "The Battleford-bound Cree held a council on the Sweetgrass reserve in late March 1885; the meeting was interrupted by two Metis messengers who wanted the Indians to capture the fort." From the book Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-west Rebellion by Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser.
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"Indian Music of the Canadian Plains"

Archival » Archival Items
This oversize file is divided into two parts for this data base. Part one (A-792-1) contains a 33 1/3 record titled "Indian Music of the Canadian Plains," copyright 1955 Folkways Records and Services Corp. There is a booklet accompanying the record that explains the various songs and Indian customs.
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"Indians, 1923-1962."

Articles » General
Cecilia Wetton
This folder contains a large number of articles, mainly by Mrs. Wetton, describing Native people, their way of life, and problems they were experiencing in the post-contact period. Only a portion of the articles and two brochures were scanned, however there are many articles that contain multiple photographs and interpretations of how Aboriginal people lived on reserves in the 1940s, 50s and 60s.
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"Iskwĕwak Mīwayawak": Women Feeling Healthy: A Photovoice Project: Draft Final Report Summary

Documents & Presentations
Joelena Leader
Phase two looks at local cultural knowledge and visual ways of thinking about a healthy body weight and image from First Nations women. Part of a larger project "The Cultural and Visual Context of Healthy Body Weight and Body Image Among Aboriginal Women in the Battlefords Tribal Council Region".
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"Miss J. M. Morton, Edwin Wuttunee, Sam Swimmer, Dr. P. W. Head, Archdeacon H. E. Hives."

Images » Photographs
One photograph taken at North Battleford Indian Hospital that appeared in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, 22 December 1953. It is found on page 13 of the scrap book (A-792-2). The caption reads: "Chief Swimmer is shown here addressing the assembly before the initiation. Left to right are: Miss J. M. Morton, RN, head of the nursing staff; Edwin Wuttunee, Red Pheasant reserve, interpreter; Chief Sam Swimmer; Dr. P. W. Head, superintendent of the Indian hospital; Archdeacon H. E. Hives, Bishop-elect of Keewatin."
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"North Battleford Indian Hospital"

Articles » General
This oversize file is divided into two parts for this database. Part two (A-792-2) contains a large scrap book of newspaper clippings and photographs compiled by Jessie M. (Mary) Morton. These give a summary of events at the Battleford Indian Hospital where she was a nurse from 1949 to 1956. Only a few select articles were scanned. The many pictures in the book were scanned and described as separate files (A-792-2-pic).
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by James Favel and Bill Swimmer

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
James Favel
Bill Swimmer
File contains a presentation by James Favel and Bill Swimmer, both of the Strike Them on the Back band, currently part of the Sweetgrass First Nation. Favel remarks that the Department of Indian Affairs forced the Strike Them on the Back Band to amalgamate with the Sweetgrass Band, and gave control to the Sweetgrass council which now ignores the Strike on the Back members concerns.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Tony Murdoch and Con Graham, Battlefords Adult Diversion Project

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Tony Murdoch
Con Graham
File contains a presentation by Tony Murdoch and Con Graham of the Battlefords Adult Diversion Project. Murdoch delivers a presentation describing the project which exists to reconcile non-dangerous adult offenders with their victims under the direction of a mediator. Murdoch describes the program and its success, as well as the ethnic makeup of the participants (roughly 50% Non-Aboriginal and 50% Aboriginal). Following the presentation Murdoch discusses the program and its particulars with Commissioners Blakeney and Erasmus.
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Sacred Stories of the Sweet Grass Cree

Alternate Title
Bulletin (National Museum of Canada) ; no. 60
Bulletin (National Museum of Canada). Anthropological series ; no. 11
L. Bloomfield
Bulletin (National Museum of Canada)
Text in English and Cree.
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Sakaweo, a Cree man from Sweetgrass

Images » Photographs
Sakaweo, a Cree man from the Sweetgrass band armed with a lever action repeater rifle. No date provided: likely late nineteenth, early twentieth century.
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Sakaweo, a Cree man with Shotgun

Images » Photographs
Sakaweo, a Cree man from the Sweetgrass band wearing a hat and sporting a shotgun. No date given but apparently late nineteenth early twentieth century.
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Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Act

Web Sites » Governmental
Canada. Government of Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan
Statute regarding settlement of land entitlement of select First Nations in Saskatchewan including: Keeseekoose, Muskowekwan, Ochapowace, Okanese, Piapot, Star Blanket, Yellowquill, Beardy's & Okemasis, Flying Dust, Little Pine, Moosomin, Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head, Muskeg Lake, One Arrow, Pelican Lake, Red Pheasant, Saulteaux, Sweetgrass, Thunderchild, Witchekan Lake, Canoe Lake and English River and Nekaneet First Nation.
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Three Mounties stand beside Chief Sam Swimmer and son Andrew

Images » Photographs
Snapshot of three Mounties standing beside two Indians in ceremonial dress, and a (white?) man in suit and Indian headdress. This was retirement ceremony at Sweetgrass reserve for S. L. McDonald (far right), Indian agent at Battleford (---- to 1950?). Third from right is Chief Swimmer (Yanyahnum), chief of the Sweetgrass, and 2nd from right, his son Andrew Swimmer. (Source: Wes Fineday)
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