Alternate Names
Sandy Bay First Nation
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Smoking Trends in a Manitoba First Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalie D. Riediger
Virginia Lukianchuk
Lisa M. Lix
Lawrence Elliott
Sharon G. Bruce
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 106, no. 4, May/June 2015, pp. 184-188
Estimates and compares smoking prevalence over two time periods: 2002/2003 and 2011/2012. Sample was 482 community members in first study and 596 in the second.
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Diabetes-related Weight Change in Canadian First Nation Cohort

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
N. D. Riediger
V. Lukianchuk
J. Roulette
L.M. Lix
L. Elliott
S.G. Bruce
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 76, 2017, p. article no. 1340548
Study conducted in the community of Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation uses data collected in 2002/2003 and compares it to a follow up done in 2011/2012.
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Fasting Triglycerides as a Predictor of Incident Diabetes, Insulin Resistance and B-Cell Function in a Canadian First Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalie D. Riediger
Kirsten Clark
Virginia Lukianchuk
Joanne Roulette
Sharon Bruce
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 76, 2017, p. article no. 1310444
Looks at fasting serum triglycerides and incident diabetes, changes in insulin resistance in Sandy Bay First Nation.
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Incident Diabetes, Hypertension and Dyslipidemia in a Manitoba First Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalie D. Riediger
Virginia Lukianchuk
Sharon G. Bruce
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, 2015, p. article no. 27712
Comments on the high incidence levels in young people and need for additional public health and primary care efforts to address this issue.
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Manitoba First Nations Regional Health Survey Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Centre for Aboriginal Health Research
Provides information on background of the national survey, recommendations of feasibility study, development Manitoba survey and questionnaire, and presents results of key variables in graphic form.
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Periodontal Health Status of the Sandy Bay First Nation in Manitoba, Canada

Alternate Title
Periodontal Health of the Sandy Bay First Nation
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Doug Brothwell
Edmond Ghiabi
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 68, no. 1, February 2009, pp. 23-33
Argues that the prevalence of periodontitis in the Sandy Bay population require community-based dental services.
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Première Nation Ojibway de Sandy Bay Enquête sur les Droits Fonciers Issus de Traité

Alternate Title
Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry (French Version)
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Focuses on the outstanding treaty land entitlement claim and examines the history including the 1913 and 1930 Order in Councils and problems regarding historical population counts. (French language version) Commissioners include: Renée Dupuis, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Alan C. Holman. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Frank McKay, Chief of Police, Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Police Department

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Frank McKay
This file contains a presentation by Frank McKay that first gives the history of the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Police Department that has policed eight reserves since 1974; Birdtail Sioux, Dakota Plains, Long Plain, Oak Lake Sioux, Roseau River, Sandy Bay, Sioux Valley and Swan Lake, Manitoba. He calls on the Commission to ensure an Aboriginal police training academy situated either in Manitoba or a centrally-located area on the Prairies. McKay then introduces Clarence Daniels, Health Director, Dakota Ojibway Health Services.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentations by Eight Students from Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School, Brandon, Manitoba

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Dennis Peters
Sandy Bunn
Russell Beaulieu
Verna McDougall
Sam Gott
Trena Raven
Marcelline Mason
Lorne Bunn
This file contains presentations by eight students from Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School in Brandon, Manitoba. The students are: Dennis Peters, Sandy Bunn, Russell Beaulieu, Verna McDougall, Sam Gott, Trena Raven, Marcelline Mason and Lorne Bunn. The presentations focus on issues such as Aboriginal-controlled schools on reserves, loss of Aboriginal culture and language, learning from elders as part of their daily curriculum, prejudice and racism in urban schools, and hopelessness and substance abuse among Aboriginal youth.
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Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Focuses on the outstanding treaty land entitlement claim and examines the history including the 1913 and 1930 Order in Councils and problems regarding historical population counts. Commissioners include: Renée Dupuis, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Alan C. Holman. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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