Alternate Names
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29

Alternative Justice Issues for Aboriginal Justice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donald Clairmont
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, no. 36, Popular Justice: Conflict Resolution within Communities, 1996, pp. 125-157
Argues that there must be internal community development of structures and institutions before initiatives can be effectively carried out. In addition, the article discusses four specific programmes in: Indian Brook, Nova Scotia, Sandy Lake and Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario, and Metropolitan Toronto.
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Attawapiskat Students Await a New School

Articles » General
Chereise Morrise
Windspeaker, vol. 26, no. 6, September 2008, p. 11

Relates the determined effort of International Children’s Peace Prize nominee, Shannen Koostachin, who lobbied successfully for a new school for her remote Cree community.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.11.

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Case : School Nutrition Programs in Remote First Nations Communities of the Western James Bay Region: Impact, Challenges and Opportunities

Alternate Title
Empowering Communities to Support School Nutrition
Population Health Intervention Research Casebook
E-Books » Chapters
Rhona Hanning
Kelly Skinner
Michelle Gates
Allison Gates
Len Tsuji
Project was a collaboration with the communities of Fort Albany, Kashechewan and Attawapiskat First Nations and involved three distinct programs designed to address high rates of obesity and low diet quality. Chapter from Population Health Intervention Research Casebook.
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[Drinking Water in Ontario First Nations Communities: Present Challenges and Future Directions for On-Reserve Water Treatment in the Province of Ontario]

Alternate Title
Chiefs of Ontario: Part II Submissions to the Walkerton Inquiry Commission
Documents & Presentations
Jonathon W. Kahn
Allison A. Thornton
Topics include: Aboriginal and Elders' perspectives on water, jurisdiction over water-works, comparison of federal and provincial water treatment regulation, progress report for improving water quality and treatment issues (1995-2001), case studies (Attawapiskat, Beausoleil, and Sandy Lake First Nations and Six Nations of the Grand River Territory), and findings and recommendations. Submission to the Walkerton Inquiry Commission.
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"Educational Apartheid" Remains Despite New School at Attawapiskat

Articles » General
David P. Ball
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 5, August 2012, p. 24

Examines federal government's promise to provide funding that would ensure First Nations schools be on par with other provincial schools.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.36.

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The Fiscal Body of Sovereignty: To 'Make Live' in Indian Country

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shiri Pasternak
Settler Colonial Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, October 2016, pp. 317-338
Examines how Canada investigated and distorted Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence's band finances as a way to discredit her demands that governments respect her community's treaty rights.
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Industry, First Nations Allies With Shared Vision

Articles » General
Marla Tomlinson
Northern Ontario Business, vol. 22, no. 1, November 01, 2001, p. 5
Analysis of De Beers Canada-Attawapiskat First Nation communications regarding the discovery of a number of diamondiferous kimberlites near Attawapiskat, Ontario.
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Keenebonanoh Keemoshominook Kaeshe Peemishikhik Odaskiwakh = We Stand on the Graves of Our Ancestors: Native Interpretations of Treaty No. 9 with Attawapiskat Elders

Alternate Title
Keenebonanoh Keemoshominook Kaeshe Peemishikhik Odaskiwakh = We Stand on the Graves of Our Ancestors: Native Interpretations of Treaty 9 with Attawapiskat Elders
Keenebonanoh Keemoshominook Kaeshe Peemishikhik Odaskiwakh = We Stand on the Graves of Our Ancestors: Native Interpretations of Treaty Nine with Attawapiskat Elders
Keenebonanoh Keemoshominook Kaeshe Peemishikhik Odaskiwakh = We Stand on the Graves of Our Ancestors: Native Interpretations of Treaty No. Nine with Attawapiskat Elders
Jacqueline Hookimaw-Witt
Canadian Heritage and Development Studies Thesis (M.A.)--Trent University, 1998.
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Legal and Policy Tools for Source Water Protection in Indigenous Communities: A Tri-First Nation (Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Munsee-Delaware First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames) and Canadian Environmental Law Association Initiative

Alternate Title
Tri-Nation Source Water Protection Project
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
Munsee-Delaware First Nation
Oneida Nation of the Thames
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Meet "The People of the Kattawapiskak River"

Articles » General
Barb Nahwegahbow
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 8, November 2012, p. 23

Discusses a state of emergency at Attawapiskat First Nation due to a severe housing crisis and introduces a documentary by Alanis Obomasawin showcasing the trials of this community.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.31.

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The People of the Kattawapiskak River

Media » Film and Video
Alanis Obomsawin
National Film Board (NFB)
Ravida Din
Documentary examines the housing crisis facing Attawapiskat First Nation, which precipitated Chief Theresa Spence's declaration of a state of emergency. Duration: 50:14.
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Pinpinayhaytosowin [The Way We Do Things]: A Definition of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in the Context of Mining Development on Lands of the Attawapiskat First Nation and its Effects on the Design of Research for a TEK Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Norbert Witt
Jackie Hookimaw-Witt
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 23, no. 2, 2003, pp. 361-390
Discussion of why TEK studies are needed, how to proceed, and impact of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) regulations on traditional land use.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Individual Presentation by Emile Nakogee, Attawapiskat First Nation (Via Translator)

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Emile Nakogee
File contains an individual presentation by Emile Nakogee stating that Aboriginal peoples should "conserve our lifestyles, our culture, our languages and follow what our Creator created for us within the lands." He is concerned for the problems facing Aboriginal youth and states that parents need to involve elders and the community in raising children.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Reg Louttit

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Reg Louttit
File contains a presentation by Reg Louttit of the Attawapiskat First Nation, Nation Justice Project. Louttit discusses the project on his First Nation, its origins, aims and difficulties encountered.
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Still Waiting at Attawapiskat

Articles » General
Linda Goyette
Canadian Geographic Magazine, December 2010, p. [?]
Discusses the community 's ongoing fight to have Indian and Northern Affairs replace the elementary school which was shut down in May 2000 due to contamination.
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"A Tragedy to Be Sure": Heteropatriarchy, Historical Amnesia, and Housing Crises in Northern Ontario

Alternate Title
Arts in Action ; no. 1
Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide
E-Books » Chapters
Travis Hay
Kristin Burnett
Lori Chambers
Looks at media coverage of the Declaration of Emergency which was issued for the housing crises in the communities of Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, and Fort Albany in 2012, with particular attention to the backlash that occurred against Chief Teresa Spence's hunger strike. Chapter six from Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide edited by Scott W. Murray.
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What Other Canadian Kids Have: The Fight for a New School in Attawapiskat

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Karl Reimer
Native Studies Review, vol. 19, no. 1, 2010, pp. 119-136
Discussion, at the structural level, about the kind of education that is provided to Canada’s Indigenous peoples. The article also discusses a social activist, Shannen Koostachin, and her campaign to engage in social action in order to pressure the federal government to build a new school.
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The Winter of Our Discontent

Articles » General
Drew Hayden Taylor
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 11, February 2013, p. 12

Comments on media coverage of Idle No More events, hunger strike regarding horrid conditions in Attawapiskat, police abuse towards First Nation people in Thunder Bay and more.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.12.

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