Ne Karoron Ne Teyerkhwahkwatha Igen Ne Enyontste Ne Yagorihwiyohston Igen Kanyengehaga Kawennondahkon Oniskayestonh Dohka Nikarennage Ne Oneniodeaka Kawennondahkon Tehawennate Nyon Shonyowane
A. W. Sickles
Contents include Methodist hymns in Oneida and English, and some in Oneida only.
COPA (Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions)
Resource developed to encourage involvement in children's education and school, foster a positive environment for school-caregiver interactions, and suggest ways to prevent bullying and violence.
Accompanying Videos:
A Circle of Caring: 21 Short videos
Michif Version.
Inuktitut Version.
Mohawk Version.
Includes phonemic lexicon, translation of a series of questions and answers about characters from the Bible, catechism, prayers, and translations of other scriptural teachings, e.g., Ten Commandments, Lord's Prayer.
Documentary about the role clan mothers played in the conflict that took place near Caledonia, Ontario over a proposed housing development on Six Nation traditional territory.
Access study guide.
Duration: 43:24