Displaying 1 - 50 of 428

Aboriginal Cultural Identity

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. W. Berry
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 19, no. 1, 1999, pp. 1-36
Argues that for problems of identity the strategy for change requires committed leadership, populations that demand change, and changes to institutions and bureacracies.
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Aboriginal Peoples of Chukotka

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Larisa Abryutina
Études/Inuit/Studies, vol. 31, no. 1-2, Tchoukotka/Chukotka, 2007, pp. 325-341
Article provides an historical overview of of Aboriginal peoples of Chukotka.
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Adult Education and Indigenous Peoples in Norway

Alternate Title
International Survey on Adult Education for Indigenous Peoples: Country Study: Norway
Documents & Presentations
Svein Lund
Looks at adult education for Sami people including professional education for job qualification, unemployment reduction, and maintenance of Sami language and culture.
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AMAP Assessment 2015: Human Health in the Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Øyvind Odland
Shawn Donaldson
Alexey Dudarev
Anders Carlsen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 75, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, 2016, p. article no. 33949
Overview of Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme reports starting with the 1998 report Arctic Pollution Issues; A State of the Arctic Environment Report. Provides an update on contaminant levels and health effects.
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Arctic 2014: Who Gets a Voice and Why It Matters (Part 1)

Alternate Title
Polar Initiative Policy Brief Series
Media » Film and Video
Anne-Marie Brady
Heather A. Conley
Marlène Laruelle
Rob Huebert
Willy Østreng
Aki Tonami
Speakers discuss polar policies of United States, Russia, Canada, Nordic states, China, and Japan, Korea and Singapore. Followed by question and answer among presenters and with audience.
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Arctic 2014: Who Gets a Voice and Why It Matters (Part 2)

Alternate Title
Polar Initiative Policy Brief Series
Media » Film and Video
Anne-Marie Brady
Heather A. Conley
Marlène Laruelle
Rob Huebert
Willy Østreng
Aki Tonami
Speakers discuss polar policies of United States, Russia, Canada, Nordic states, China, and Japan, Korea and Singapore. Followed by question and answer among presenters and with audience.
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The Arctic Council and “Law-Making”

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalia Loukacheva
Northern Review, no. 50, Law in the Canadian North, April 07, 2020, pp. 109-135
Article describes the Arctic Counsel as a “high-level international intergovernmental forum founded by the Ottawa Declaration of 1996” and examines its role in supporting and contributing to international laws that pertain to the arctic.
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Arctic Energy Development and Best Practices on Consultation With Indigenous Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dwight Newman
Michelle Biddulph
Lorelle Binnion
Boston University International Law Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, Summer, 2014, pp. 101-160
Looks at some of the challenges associated with energy development in the Arctic which include environment, underdeveloped infrastructure and legal issues surrounding consultation.
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Arctic Food Security

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 58
Gérard Duhaime
Nick Bernard
Sophie Thériault
Ghislain Otis
Christopher Furgal ... [et al.]
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Arctic Governance

Alternate Title
Inside the Issues (Centre for International Governance Innovation) ; [5.16]
Inside the Issues: A Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Online Podcast
Media » Film and Video
Michael Byers
Andrew Thompson
Discussion of ramifications of climate change, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Arctic Council, prospects for economic development in light of falling oil prices, cooperation, diplomacy and maritime disputes. Duration: 21:31.
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Arctic Governance

Alternate Title
Inside the Issues (Centre for International Governance Innovation) ; [4.25]
Inside the Issues: A Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Online Podcast
Media » Film and Video
John Higginbotham
Andrew Thompson
Topics include consequences of polar icecap melting, devolution of responsibilities to territorial governments, significance of Russian actions, and importance of the Northwest Passage as an international seaway. Argues that federal government should be treating Arctic as maritime economy. Duration: 25:34.
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Arctic Health in Russia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kue Young
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Special Issue: Arctic Health in Russia, 2013, p. article no. 20724
Brief editorial for themed section.
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The Arctic Indigenous Language Initiative: Assessment, Promotion, and Collaboration

Alternate Title
Endangered Languages Beyond Boundaries: Proceedings of the 17th FEL Conference
E-Books » Chapters
Lenore A. Grenoble
Comments on the AILI project which is Indigenous-initiated and driven. Excerpt from Endangered Languages Beyond Boundaries: Proceedings of the 17th FEL Conference edited by Mary Jane Norris, Erik Anonby, Maire-Okile Junker, Nicholas Ostler and Donna Patrick. .
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Arctic Peoples and Beyond: Research Opportunities in Neuroscience and Behaviour

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lawrence Duffy
Abel Bult-Ito
Marina Castillo
Kelly Drew
Michael Harris
et al.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 66, no. 3, 2007, pp. 264-275
Presents a set of recommendations which are related to research opportunities to help give the development of future health research in circumpolar neuroscience and behaviour.
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Arctic Research at Three Levels

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Steven McNabb
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 13-18
Article reviews a paper presented in 1993 by the late Steven McNabb urging northern researchers to be open minded for better science.
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Arctic Security: Different Threats and Different Responses: A Discussion Paper

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum ; 2004
The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change
Documents & Presentations
Rob Huebert
Looks at historical understandings of security and the Arctic: traditional, environmental, and human. Presentation from: Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum: The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change, Yellowknife, NWT, 2004.
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Arctic Tourism: Realities & Possibilities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patrick T. Maher
Hans Gelter
Kevin Hillmer-Pegram
Gestur Hovgaard
John Hull ... [et al.]
Arctic Yearbook, 2014, pp. [1]-17
Discusses the positive and negative repercussions that arise as a result of tourism.
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Art and Technique of Inuit Clothing

Web Sites » Virtual Exhibits
McCord Museum
Betty Kobayashi Issenman
Virtual exhibition contains images of 32 items, each accompanied by a brief explanation.
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Assessment of Climatic Conditions for Siberian Reindeer Herding on the Basis of Heat Balance Modelling

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Konstantin B. Klokov
Vladimir V. Mikhailov
Arctic, vol. 72, no. 1, March 31, 2019, pp. 28-42
Research uses a computer simulation calculate Reindeer’s heat balance, and then assess the climate conditions at 70 different locales, results show that thermal and climatic factors are very important in Indigenous reindeer herding styles.
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Assimilation and Identity Among the Kodiak Island Sugpiat

Alternate Title
Inuit Studies Conference ; 17th, 2010
[Inuit People and the Aboriginal World]
Documents & Presentations
Gordon L. Pullar
Discusses the early years of Russian occupation and education on Kodiak Island, and the suppression of language and culture by the American education system.
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The Authenticity of Cultural Properties in the Russian Far East

Alternate Title
Properties of Culture - Culture as Property: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia
E-Books » Chapters
Alexander D. King
Looks at ethnic dancing in Kamchatka, Russia. Chapter in book: Properties of Culture - Culture as Property: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia edited by Erich Kasten.
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Babinski and Ekostrovski: Saami Pogosty on the Western Kola Peninsula, Russia from 1880 to 1940

Alternate Title
Babinski and Ekostrovski: Sami Pogosty on the Western Kola Peninsula, Russia from 1880 to 1940
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert P. Wheelersburg
Natalia Gutsol
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 45, no. 1, January 1, 2008, pp. 79-96
Project chronicles the changes encountered during Soviet rule concerning relocation and centralization of reindeer herding communities.
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Behavioural Risk Factors of Arterial Hypertension in the Evenk Population of the Russian Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Svetlana Semenovna Shadrina
Anna Innokentievna Sivtseva
Elena Nikolaevna Sivtseva
Ara Andreevna Donskaya
Olga Nikolaevna Ivanova
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 78, no. 1, 2019
Article examines the behavioural risk factors for arterial hypertension (AH)—including tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, and a lack of physical activity—among Evenk people. Also notes that incidence of AH is also influenced by marital status, employment, education, and housing conditions.
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Being Outside of the Box: Audiology in Northern Québec

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hannah Ayukawa
Andrea Makiuk Roy
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, vol. 38, no. 2, Service Delivery to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada: Part 2, Summer, 2014, pp. 218-223
Comments on the high prevalence of hearing loss due to otitis media and noise exposure.
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Blood Concentrations of Persistent Toxic Substances in the Indigenous Communities of the Russian Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
A.A. Dudarev
A.V. Konaplev
T.M. Sandanger
S.V. Vlasov
G.I. Miretsky ... [et al.]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 179-182
Investigations revealed that toxins in blood samples from Russian Arctic citizens were similar to those in coastal areas of Greenland and Canada.
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Bois Flottés et Archéologie de l'Arctique: Contribution à la Préhistoire Récente du Détroit de Béring

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Claire Alix
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 28, no. 1, Art et Représentation / Art and Representation, 2004, pp. 109-132
Argues that the driftwood found in Arctic archaeological sites has not been adequately analyzed and that a database should be developed to improve interpretation of wood remains.
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