Displaying 401 - 450 of 474

'The Sieidi is a Better Alter/The Noaidi Drum's a Purer Church Bell': Long-Term Changes and Syncretism at Sámi offering sites

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tiina Äikäs
Anna Kaisa Salmi
World Archaeology, vol. 45, no. 1, Archaeology of Religious Change, March 2013, pp. 64-82
Investigates the evolution of Sámi ethnic religious practices in northern Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia) through the amalgamation of different religious traditions into a new one.
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The Silent Language of Ethnicity

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Britt Kramvig
European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, February 2005, pp. 45-64
Argues that the symbolic practice of gift exchange in Sami coastal communities represents identity.
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Skiing and Divergent Ethnic Identities in the Multiethnic Northern Norway

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Helge Chr. Pedersen
National Identities, vol. 16, no. 4, special Issue: Sporting Nations without States, December 2014, pp. 365-376
Looks at the state's use of skiing to assimilate Indigenous Sámi people and how it became part of their identity in the 1970s.
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Somatic Health in the Indigenous Sami Population: A Systematic Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christina Storm Mienna
Per Axelsson
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 78, no. 1, 2019
First systematic review of somatic health among Indigenous Sami; results indicate that the incidence of many diseases are similar to those for non-Sami peoples, and that there is a need for longitudinal studies.
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Stones in the Snow: A Norse Fur Traders' Road into Sami Country

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ingela Bergman
Lars Östlund
Olle Zackrisson
Lars Liedgren
Antiquity, vol. 81, no. 312, 2007, pp. 397-408
Archaeological survey of trail marked by standing stones at regular intervals in the mountains between Norway and Sweden. Concludes road was built by Norse chieftan.
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Striving to Unite: The Russian Sámi and the Nordic Sámi Parliament Model

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mikkel Berg-Nordlie
Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 2, no. 1, 2011, pp. 52-76
Describes efforts to establish comparable political representation in Russia. Discusses key initiatives and their origins, effects of activists' approach and certain functions of the original institutions.
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Suicide Among Indigenous Sami in Arctic Norway, 1970-1998

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
A. Silviken
T. Haldorsen
S. Kvernmo
European Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 21, no. 9, September 2006, pp. 707-713
Investigates the suicide mortality between subgroups according to age, gender, cultural context, and traditional Sami core management.
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Suicide in Circumpolar Regions: An Introduction and Overview

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
T. Kue Young
Boris Revich
Leena Soininen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, Special Issue: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations , 2015, p. article no. 27349
Editorial introducing the special section on suicide and resilience in circumpolar regions which focuses on the extent and magnitude of the problem of suicidal behaviours. Special section: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations
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The Sun, the Thunder, the Fires of Heaven

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nils-Aslak Valkeapaa
ReVision, vol. 21, no. 1, Summer, 1998, pp. [4]-
Compares culture of the Native North American Indians to the Sami people of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
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Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka (SLICA)

Alternate Title
InfoNorth: Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Sami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka (SLICA)
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas Andersen
Jack Kruse
Birger Poppel
Arctic, vol. 55, no. 3, September 2002, pp. 310-315
Describes a project comparing the living conditions of people in 13 Arctic regions within seven countries.
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Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in the Circumpolar North: Proceedings of the 8th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference & University of the Arctic Inaugural Food Summit

Alternate Title
Circumpolar Agricultural Conference ; 8th, 2013
Miscellaneous Publication (Alaska Agricultural & Forestry Experimental Station) ; MP 2014-16
Documents & Presentations
[M.P. Shipka
J.E. Rowell
S.C. Gerlach
J. Greenberg
T. Paragi ... Tom Allen ... [et al.]]
Abstracts and selected papers. Topics were grouped in four areas: global food policy and food safety issues; food production and economic development; food production and sustainable practices; and global perspectives in advancing food security in the Circumpolar world.
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Sustainable Reindeer Husbandry

Documents & Presentations
Johnny-Leo L. Jernsletten
Konstantin Klokov
Analysis of situation in Russia, Norway, Finland, Alaska, and Sweden for Sami herders in terms of management systems, economic efficiency, external conditions, and legislation. Summary Report.
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Sustainable Reindeer Husbandry: Summary Report

Documents & Presentations
Johnny-Leo L. Jernsletten
Konstantin Klokov
Analysis of situation in Russia, Norway, Finland, Alaska, and Sweden for Sami herders in terms of management systems, economic efficiency, external conditions, and legislation. Full Report.
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Territoriality and State-Sami Relations

Documents & Presentations
Scott Forrest
Looks at the interpretation of territoriality, state assimilation of the Sami, and the increase of state regulation in herding.
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Tertiary Education and its Association with Mental Health Indicators and Educational Factors Among Arctic Young Adults: the NAAHS Cohort Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elisabeth Valmyr Bania
Siv Eli Kvernmo
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 75, 2016, p. article 32086
Study shows the need for gender-specific interventions to encourage, support and empower young people to attend and complete postsecondary education.
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"They Take Care of Their Own": Healthcare Professionals' Constructions of Sami Persons with Dementia and Their Families' Reluctance to Seek and Accept Help through Attributions to Multiple Contexts

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bodil Hansen Blix
Torunn Hamran
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 76, 2017, p. article no. 1328962
Using data from focus groups in northern Norwegian municipalities, looks at consequences of healthcare professionals assessing service users' needs.
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Towards an "Indigenous Paradigm" from a Sami Perspective

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rauna Kuokkanen
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, 2000, pp. 411-436
Using the Sami people as an example, argues that political decolonization is important for realizing self-determination, reconnecting with culture, and becoming intellectually self-governing.
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Transnational Autonomy: Responding to Historical Injustice in the Case of the Saami and Roma Peoples

Alternate Title
Transnational Autonomy: Responding to Historical Injustice in the Case of the Sami and Roma Peoples
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lukas H. Meyer
International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, vol. 8, no. 2/3, Special Issue on Sami Rights in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, 2001, pp. 263-301
Discusses importance of transnational autonomy in the context of the Indigenous people of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia and the non-Indigenous people living in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
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