Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Falaj Indigenous Knowledge in Oman and Iran

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Abdullah Saif Al-Ghafri
Majid Labbaf Khaneiki
Nasser A Al Saqri
Khalifa M Al-Kindi
AlterNative, vol. 19, no. 2, 2023, pp. 484-494

Looks at Iranian Indigenous knowledge and its connection to their water resources.   

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A Toolkit to Support Conservation by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Building Capacity and Sharing Knowledge for Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs)

Documents & Presentations
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Development Programme
Documents sixteen case studies and highlights innovative tools and approaches developed to help local communities address critical challenges that affect their natural and cultural resources.
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