Displaying 151 - 200 of 293

Legal Protection of Sami Traditional Livelihoods From the Adverse Impacts of Mining: A Comparison of the Level of Protection Enjoyed by Sami in Their Four Home States

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Timo Koivurova
Vladimir Masloboev
Kamrul Hossain
Vigdis Nygaard
Anna Petrétei ... [et al.]
Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 6, no. 1, 2015, pp. 11-51
Looks at legislation protecting Sami land rights and customary usage in different countries.
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The Logic of the Gift: Reclaiming Indigenous Peoples' Philosophies

Alternate Title
Re-Ethnicizing the Mind? Cultural Revival in Contemporary Thought
E-Books » Chapters
Ruana Kuokkanen
Looks at the notion of philosophy from the perspective of Indigenous peoples. Chapter 14 from Re-Ethnicizing the Mind? Cultural Revival in Contemporary Thought edited by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, Jürgen Hengelbrock.
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Module 1: Self-Determination as a Contemporary Characteristic

Alternate Title
Module One: Self-Determination as a Contemporary Characteristic
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 322: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World II]
[Section One: Introduction to Peoples and Cultures II]
Documents & Presentations
Tamara Andreyeva
Greg Poelzer
Heather Exner
Discusses concepts of self-government and self-determination, looks at developments in specific countries, and gives overview of international organizations which address problems in common across the circumpolar North. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 10: Education, Recreation, and Family

Alternate Title
Module Ten: Education, Recreation, and Family
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 322: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World II]
[Section Four: Expressions of Self-Determination in Greenland, the North Atlantic, and Northern Scandinavia]
Documents & Presentations
Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe
Overview of the importance of kinship relations, attitudes about child-rearing, education systems, and leisure activities in Greenland, the North Atlantic, and northern Scandinavia. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 4: People of the Tundra and Mountains

Alternate Title
CS 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I
Module Four: People of the Tundra and Mountains
University of the Arctic – CS 321
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321]
Documents & Presentations
[Michel Bouchard
Greg Poelzer
Heather Exner
Ludmilla Zhukova
Jeremei Gabyshev
Ken Coates ... [et al.]]
Discusses the switch from small-scale to large-scale reindeer herding and reasons for the change. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 4: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North

Alternate Title
BCS 100: Introduction to the Circumpolar North
Module Four: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 100]
Documents & Presentations
Tuula Tuisku
Kathleen Osgood
Describes the peoples of the North, making distinctions between settlement patterns, migration, and assimilation of different ethnic groups. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 4: Peoples of the Reindeer

Alternate Title
Module Four: Peoples of the Reindeer
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I]
[Section Two: Primary Societies]
Documents & Presentations
Michel Bouchard
Jeremei Gabyshev
Overview of reindeer biology, life style of herders, circumstances which led to intensification of herding and subsequent changes in Sami social organization. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 5: Changes Prior to Modern State Formation: Migration, Exploration, Trading and Taxation

Alternate Title
CS 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I
Module Five: Changes Prior to Modern State Formation: Migration, Exploration, Trading and Taxation
University of the Arctic – CS 321
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321]
Documents & Presentations
[Michel Bouchard
Greg Poelzer
Heather Exner
Ludmilla Zhukova
Jeremei Gabyshev
Ken Coates ... [et al.]]
Overview of the impact European explorers, traders and settlers had on traditional livelihoods of Indigenous peoples of the circumpolar North. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 7: Modern State–Building and Indigenous Peoples

Alternate Title
Module Seven: Modern State–Building and Indigenous Peoples
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I]
[Section Three: Secondary Societies]
Documents & Presentations
Greg Poelzer
Heather Exner
Overview of emergence and characteristics of the Russian, Canadian, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish states and how the different regimes impacted the peoples of the circumpolar North. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 8: Identity and Language

Alternate Title
Module Eight: Identity and Language
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 322: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World II]
[Section Four: Expressions of Self-Determination in Greenland, the North Atlantic, and Northern Scandinavia]
Documents & Presentations
Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe
Discusses social construction of language with emphasis on the influence of living conditions, lifestyle, population changes and national policy. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 8: Reindeer Herding and Traditional Resource Use

Alternate Title
Module Eight: Reindeer Herding and Traditional Resource Use
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 331: Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar World I]
Documents & Presentations
Andrei Golovnev
Discusses reindeer husbandry as a system of northern adaptation and traditional circumpolar resource use, its ecological and historical roots, and ethnic and geographic diversity. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 8: Self-Determination throughout History

Alternate Title
CS 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I
Module Eight: Self-Determination throughout History
University of the Arctic – CS 321
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321]
Documents & Presentations
[Michel Bouchard
Greg Poelzer
Heather Exner
Ludmilla Zhukova
Jeremei Gabyshev
Ken Coates ... [et al.]]
Discusses northern movements for regional and Indigenous autonomy and cultural self-determination. Includes three examples: Greenland, Nunavut, and the Sami people of Northern Europe. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 9: Sami Media, Arts, and Literature

Alternate Title
Module Nine: Sami Media, Arts, and Literature
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 322: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World II]
[Section Four: Expressions of Self-Determination in Greenland, the North Atlantic, and Northern Scandinavia]
Documents & Presentations
Vuokko Hirvonen
Brief explanation of how identity and culture are expressed in each of these areas. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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[Module 9]: The Well-being of Northern Peoples and Communities

Alternate Title
Module Nine: The Well-being of Northern Peoples and Communities
University of the Arctic – BCS 100
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 100: Introduction to the Circumpolar World]
[Section Two: Contemporary Issues]
Documents & Presentations
Larissa Riabova
Discusses the concept and assessment of well-being, compares major trends in health status, income, unemployment, etc. internationally and nationally, and looks at problems in social services delivery. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Mortality of the Sami in Northern Finland 1979-2005

Alternate Title
Sami Mortality in Finland
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leena Soininen
Eero Pukkala
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 67, no. 1, 2008, pp. [44]-57
Findings showed that Sami men had lower disease mortality rates than the overall Finnish population.
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Multiculturalism Policy Index: Indigenous Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Adrienne Davidson
Veldon Coburn
Nine indicators used: recognition of land/title, self-government rights, cultural rights, and customary law, upholding historic treaties and/or signing new treaties, guarantees of representation/consultation in central government, affirmation of distinct status, support/ratification for international instruments, and affirmative action. 2nd edition.
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Multiculturalism Policy Index: Indigenous Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Veldon Coburn
Nine indicators were used: recognition of land/title, self-government, customary law, and culture; legal affirmation of distinct status, support/ratification for international indigenous rights instruments, affirmative action, upholding and/or signing new treaties, and guarantees of representation/consultation in central government.
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No Beginning, No End: The Sami Speak Up

Alternate Title
Circumpolar Research Series ; no. 5
Kirsti Paltto
Kerttu Vuolab
Eino Guttorm
Inger-Mari Aikio
Nils-aslak Valkeapää
Elina Helander
Kaarina Kailo ... [et al.]
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No Past, No Name, No Place? Urban Sámi Invisibility and Visibility in the Past and Present

Alternate Title
No Past, No Name, No Place? Urban Sami Invisibility and Visibility in the Past and Present
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mikkel Berg-Nordlie
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 9, no. 2, 2021, pp. 96-113
Discussion of Sami urbanization, urbanity, and their absence in the local culture in Scandinavia. Focuses on resistance to including Sami place names on signage and lack of public monuments which acknowledge their existence and contributions to society.
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Nomadic Circle of Life

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kaarina Kailo
Elina Helander
ReVision, vol. 28, no. 1, 1998, pp. [14-?]
Sociolinguist explains Sámi traditional knowledge systems, spirituality and culture.
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Nomadising Sami Collections

Documents & Presentations
Eva Silvén
Discusses three national museums in Stockholm with different but interconnected collections. Paper from Conference Current Issues in European Cultural Studies organized by the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden, 2011.
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Nordic Saami Convention

Alternate Title
Nordic Sami Convention
Documents & Presentations
[Expert Committee of the Draft Nordic Saami Convention?]
Text of the Convention in English (unofficial translation).
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North to North: The New Discourse

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Aron Senkpiel
Northern Review, no. 21, Summer, 2000, pp. 11-18
Comments on the changes in the world during the twelve years this journal has been published.
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Off-Campus Nurse Education Supported by On-Site Mentoring in Lapland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Outi Hyry-Honka
Eija Jumisko
Sirkka Saranki-Rantakokko
Northern Review, no. 43, Nursing Education in the Circumpolar North, December 2016, pp. 23-38
Comments on creating a training model that can be used to improve the availability and adequacy of skilled workers in four municipalities in Lapland.
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On the Fringe: News Representations of the Sami

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sari Pietikäinen
Social Identities, vol. 7, no. 4, December 2001, pp. 637-657
Looks at how the Sami are represented in Finnish mainstream media using the newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat as an example.
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One Health: A Strategy for Resilience in a Changing Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bruce A. Ruscio
Michael Brubaker
Joshua Glasser
Will Hueston
Thomas W. Hennessy
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, 2015, p. article no. 27913
Comments on the impact of climate change on the health of Arctic inhabitants and looks at ways of assessing the interface between human-animal-environment.
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Outlaws and Citizens: Indigenous People and the ‘New Media Nation’

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Valerie Alia
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, vol. 5, no. 1 & 2, 2009, p. 39–54
Discusses the evolution of technologies used to restore and create space to preserve languages and cultures while communicating across cultural, political, and geographical boundaries.
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Overview of Ongoing Cohort and Dietary Studies in the Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pál Weihe
Peter Bjerregaard
Eva Bonefeld-Jøgensen
Alexey Dudarev
Jónrit Halling ... [et al.]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 75, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, 2016, pp. 1-12
Overview of primary results from several research studies on population health from Russia, Norway, Greenland, Finland, Sweden and Canada.
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Perceiving the Environment in Finnish Lapland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tim Ingold
Terhi Kurttila
Body & Society, vol. 6, no. 3-4, November 2000, pp. 183-196
Looks at how the Sami see their environment and their life experiences with the weather.
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Perspectives on Sámi Mathematics Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anne Birgitte Fyhn
Ellen J. Sara Eira
Bharath Sriraman
Interchange, vol. 42, no. 2, Circumpolar Indigenous Issues, Knowledge, Relations to Education, Science and Mathematics, May 2011, pp. 185-203
Discusses three examples of Sámi mathematics which could be part of a possible Sámi mathematics syllabus.
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Philosophy of Law in the Arctic

Documents & Presentations
Dawid Bunikowski
Jaakko Husa
Diana Ginn
Ko Husegawa
Karol Dobrzeniecki ... [et al.]
Articles cover five themes: Arctic cosmologies, beliefs, art and shamanism; Arctic lands, waters, and environment; Indigenous rights and customary law; topics for future teaching.
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Physical Activity and Fitness in 8-Year-Old Overweight and Normal Weight Children and Their Parents

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anna-Kaisa Karppanen
Sanna-Mari Ahonen
Tuija Tammelin
Marja Vanhala
Raija Korpelainen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 71, 2012, p. article no. 17621
Study subjects who were overweight tended to have impaired performance abilities. Methods to increase physical activity through positive family influences are recommended.
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Points of Departure

Alternate Title
Commentary Article: Points of Departure
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arthur Asa Berger
Journal of Multicultural Discourses, vol. 9, no. 1, March 2014, pp. 20-26
Commentary on the article, "Welcome to the End of the World and discussion on Sámi culture and tourism.
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