Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Anti-Hero Avengers and the Not-So-Lone Ranger

Articles » General
Kathleen Buddle
Canadian Dimension, vol. 41, no. 1, Indian Country, January/February 2007, pp. 48-51
Focuses on activism in film and media arts, highlighting the ImagineNATIVE Film and Arts Festival and the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN).
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Conversations About Indigenous Counselling and Psychotherapy

Articles » General
Jeannie Wright
Sue Webb
Mary Montu
Lai Wainikesa
Counselling, Psychotherapy and Health, vol. 3, no. 2, Indigenous Special Issue, 2007, pp. 115-126

Explores some of the key issues in working with indigenous cultural traditions written by counselors and counselor educators who have worked in the South Pacific.

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The Effect of the Colonialist Terms “Orphan” and “Adoption” on the Citizenship status of Indigenous Fijian Adoptees within Their own Community

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Erica Newman
AlterNative, vol. 14, no. 4, Special Issue: Adoption and Indigenous Citizenship Orders, December 2018, pp. 309-318
Article interrogates the use of the terms “orphan” and “adoption” in contrast to traditional Fijian practices of kinship and caring for children; discusses the implications of colonial enforcement of these terms and systems on children and their status within their own communities.
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The Fiji Coup of May 2000 and The Indigenous Question

Articles » General
Steven Ratuva
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3, Indigenous Women, July/August/September 2000, pp. 52-57
Article examines some of the multi-dimensional aspects of the factors contributing to the coup. To access this article scroll down to page 52.
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Masi Methodology: Centring Pacific Women’s Voices in Research

Alternate Title
Masi Methodology: Centering Pacific Women’s Voices in Research
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sereana Naepi
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 3, September 2019, pp. 234-242
Article describes the development and use of Masi, a Pacific women centered research methodology, highlighting the work of Pacific academics, and the role of Fijian ontologies and epistemologies.
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Voices of the Canoe: For Teachers

Web Sites » Organizations
Museum of Anthropology [University of British Columbia]

Contains links to lesson plans for various levels under the themes of Indigenous Knowledge, Historical Consciousness, Evidence, Cultural Expressions, Colonialism, Ancient Civilizations, Mapping, Oral Traditions, Origin Stories, Resources, and Primary Sources.

Educators' section of website that focusses on Fijian, Haida and Squamish canoe traditions and their importance in each culture. 

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