The Aborigines' Protection Society: Humanitarian Imperialism in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada, South Africa, and the Congo, 1836-1909
Anti-Hero Avengers and the Not-So-Lone Ranger
Conversations About Indigenous Counselling and Psychotherapy
Explores some of the key issues in working with indigenous cultural traditions written by counselors and counselor educators who have worked in the South Pacific.
Decolonising Framings in Pacific Research: Indigenous Fijian Vanua Research Framework as an Organic Response
The Effect of the Colonialist Terms “Orphan” and “Adoption” on the Citizenship status of Indigenous Fijian Adoptees within Their own Community
The Fiji Coup of May 2000 and The Indigenous Question
Indigenous Knowledge for Social Cohesion, Ecological and Community Well-being, and Climate Resilience: Reviving Indigenous Salt Crafting in Vusama, Fiji
Examines the use of Indigenous knowledge as an intervention and community rally against climate change.
Land-based Healing Through Adventure: Wise Practices from Indigenous Peoples
Examines the combining of adventure, culture and, land as tools for healing Indigenous trauma across the world.
Masi Methodology: Centring Pacific Women’s Voices in Research
The Qoliqoli in Town: Traditional Fishing Grounds and Squatting in Urban Fiji
Reconciliation as Public Theology: Christian Thought in Comparative Indigenous Politics
Strategies for Success of Indigenous Businesses on Customary Land: Case Studies of Three Itaukei (Indigenous Fijian) Enterprises
Examines the idea of success for Pacific Indigenous business groups. which engage their communities and use it to retain their land ownership.
Touring Pacific Cultures
Travelling Miniatures: Kerry & Co.'s Postcards of the Pacific (1893-1917)
Voices of the Canoe: For Teachers
Contains links to lesson plans for various levels under the themes of Indigenous Knowledge, Historical Consciousness, Evidence, Cultural Expressions, Colonialism, Ancient Civilizations, Mapping, Oral Traditions, Origin Stories, Resources, and Primary Sources.
Educators' section of website that focusses on Fijian, Haida and Squamish canoe traditions and their importance in each culture.