Displaying 1 - 50 of 189

$1.14 Billion Strong: Indigenous Economic Performance in Atlantic Canada

Alternate Title
Final Report: Promoting Atlantic Indigenous Economic Performance and Business Partnerships
Documents & Presentations
[Corinne MacLellan
Darlene McCulloch
Ron L'Esperance
Thomas McGuire]
Report's objective was to quantify the financial contributions of communities, businesses and economic development activities to provincial Gross Domestic Product in the region.
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Aboriginal Cultural Connections: A Child Protection Resource Guide

Documents & Presentations
Child Protection Services
Department of Community Services and Seniors
Prince Edward Island First Nations
Resource guide includes information on: Aboriginal Communities and Services, Spirituality, Aboriginal Culture, Cultural Beliefs and Practices, Mi'kmaq Language, Mi'kmaq History and Band Governance and Identity.
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Aboriginal Economic Development in Atlantic Canada: Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Understanding Conditions for Successful Economic Development in Aboriginal Communities

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development
Profiles select initiatives developed by the Eel River Bar First Nation, Labrador Inuit Development Corporation, Lennox Island First Nation, and Membertou, a Mi'kmaw community.
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Aboriginal-Held Forest Tenures In Canada: 2002-2003

Documents & Presentations
Looks at the results of research undertaken to assess forest tenure as one indicator of Aboriginal participation in the management and economic aspects of forestry. The document also assess the progress made in achieving increased Aboriginal participation in the forest sector.
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Aboriginal Households in Canada, by Aboriginal Identity, Location and Tenure, Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2011, [2006, 2001]

Alternate Title
Canadian Housing Observer
[Aboriginal Housing Conditions]
Data » Tables
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Statistical table broken down into on-reserve and in Census Metropolitan Areas, and by owners, renters, band housing for Canada as a whole and provinces/territories. Each Census year on separate tab. Source: CMHC (National Household-based housing indicators and data).
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Aboriginal Labour Market Database

Documents & Presentations
[Centre for the Study of Living Standards]
Presents 33 tables showing economic indicators by Canada, by province, by gender, by age group, and employment by industry, occupation and educational attainment.
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Acceptance of Manufactured Housing in First Nations’ Communities in Atlantic Canada

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Highlight. Socio-economic Series ; 05-017
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Ausra Burns
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Project's goal was to identify barriers, opportunities, and economic and social development derived from adoption of prefabricated houses. Includes research highlight and full report.
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After Bernard and Marshall

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Margaret McCallum
University of New Brunswick Law Journal, vol. 55, 2006, pp. 73-85
Issues of land rights and resources litigated in these two important law cases.
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APCFNC Elders Project: Honouring Traditional Knowledge, 2009-2011

Alternate Title
Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat Elders Project
Documents & Presentations
Gwen Bear
Isaac Metallic
Frank Augustine
Clarence Gould
Ben Sylliboy ... [et al.]
Maurice Sacobie ...
Albert Marshall ...
John Henry Isaac ...
Josie Augustine ...
Gilbert Sewell ...
Murenda Marshall ...
John R. Sylliboy ...
Doug Knockwood ... [et al.]
Transcripts of speeches delivered at two Elders gatherings.
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Appendix Table 2: The Adequacy, Suitability, and Affordability of Off-reserve Status Indian Households, Canada, Provinces and Territories; 2011

Alternate Title
[Appendix Tables for 2011 Census/National Household Survey Housing Conditions Series: Issue 10: The Housing Conditions of Off-reserve Status Indian Households]
[Off-reserve Housing Conditions Online Appendix Tables]
Data » Tables
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Source: CMHC (National Household Survey-based housing indicators and data).
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Assessing the Effectiveness of Labour Force Participation Strategies

Alternate Title
Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program, AAEDIRP
Documents & Presentations
Lori Ann Roness
Five components: literature review, surveys of Aboriginal service providers and employees/non-employees and non-Aboriginal employers, data review of strategies/programs, best practices, and evaluation and recommendations.
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The Atlantic Aboriginal Post-Secondary Labour Force

Alternate Title
Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program (AAEDIRP)
Documents & Presentations
David Bruce
Amanda Marlin
Mary Beth Doucette
Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat (APCFNC) is a policy research organization that analyzes and develops culturally relevant alternatives to federal policies that impact on the Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy and Innu Aboriginal communities and peoples.
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Atlantic Indigenous Labour Market Initiative: Preparing Today's Youth for Future Employment

Alternate Title
Atlantic Indigenous Labor Market Initiative: Preparing Today's Youth for Future Employment
Documents & Presentations
Ron L’Esperance
Darlene McCulloch
Stephen Coyle
Corinne MacLellan … [et al.]
Presents key findings and conclusions resulting from research and an outreach and engagement process with relevant stakeholders. Includes findings from an online survey, an analysis of current and future labour supply and demand dynamics in the region, and the implications for an Aboriginal Employment Strategy.
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Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat

Alternate Title
Web Sites » Organizations
Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs
Website offers an events calendar, Atlantic Policy Congress files, current news, media releases, employment opportunities, and links to First Nations organizations regionally and nationally.
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Beothuk and Micmac

Alternate Title
Indian Notes and Monographs: A Series of Publications Relating to the American Aborigines
Frank G. Speck
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Best Practices in Indigenous Recruitment and Retention: Challenges and Opportunities for the Canadian Coast Guard - Atlantic Region: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Michael Hennessey
Karen Travers
Identifies systemic and individual barriers and presents a cross-section of qualitative and quantitative research conducted by government, academics, and non-profit organizations, as well as those similar in structure to the Coast Guard. Best practices, trends and key strategies for engaging, attracting, hiring and retaining Indigenous peoples are also discussed.
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Building Healthy Mi'kmaq Communities in Prince Edward Island

Alternate Title
Building Healthy Micmac Communities in Prince Edward Island
Building Healthy Micmaq Communities in Prince Edward Island
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kim A. Critchley
Vianne Timmons
Fiona Walton
Janet Bryanton
Mary Jean McCarthy
Jennifer Taylor
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, 2007, pp. 1-17
Results of interviews conducted to examine aspects of health including childhood development, personal health practices, and coping.
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Canada - Indian and Inuit Communities - Atlantic Provinces

Alternate Title
National Atlas Data Base Map Series ; map no. NADM-2
Documents & Presentations
Geographical Services Division
Surveys and Mapping Branch
Mines and Resources Canada
Shows inhabited and uninhabited Indian reserves, and other communities (distinct centres of population) by size.
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Confronting Language Ambivalence and the Language Death: The Roles of the University in Native Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert M. Leavitt
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, 1985, pp. 262-267
Examines the unique role that universities can play in helping to maintain both the Micmac (Mi'kmaq) and Maliseet languages in Indigenous communities in the Maritimes to assist in the preservation of culture and communication between generations.
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COVID-19 Impact Assessment on Maritime First Nation Fishing Industry

Documents & Presentations
TriNav Fisheries Consultants Inc.
Includes timeline of major events, statistics on pre-pandemic and current market status of lobster, snow crab, northern shrimp, oyster, scallop, and Atlantic halibut, federal government aid overview, projections for state of the industry in the near and moderate future, and recommendations.
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Early Childhood Education and Care: Next Steps

Alternate Title
Parliament of Canada ; 2nd Session, 40th Parliamanet
Documents & Presentations
Art Eggleton
Wilbert Joseph Keon
Overview of early learning policies and programs in provinces and territories as well as from other countries.
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