Displaying 1 - 50 of 238

1st Annual Creative Leaders Aboriginal Economic Prosperity Symposium [Monique Bateman, Kelly Lendsay]

Alternate Title
[CAP Creative Leader Symposium Monique Bateman (TD Bank) and Kelly Lendsay (AHRC)
Media » Film and Video
Monique Bateman
Kelly Lendsay
Symposium held March 10th, 2015 in Ottawa, Ontario "was intended to initiate ongoing discourse between Aboriginal Peoples and the mainstream business community regarding Aboriginal economic prosperity." Speakers discuss their personal journeys to success as leaders. Duration: 1:25:19.
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1st Annual Creative Leaders Aboriginal Economic Prosperity Symposium [Nancy Villeneuve, Virginie Bronsard, Mary Jane Loustel]

Alternate Title
[CAP Creative Leaders Symposium]
[Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Creative Leaders Symposium]
Media » Film and Video
Nancy Villeneuve
Virginie Bronsard
Mary Jane Loustel
thorvick's method productions
CN Railway human resources representatives describe company's recruitment challenges and strategies, and employment opportunities. Representative from IBM discusses the company's innovative technology, collaborative initiatives, and the IGNITE program for K-12 students. Followed by question and answer period. Duration: 1:11:27.
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1st Annual Creative Leaders Aboriginal Economic Prosperity Symposium [Stephen Kakfwi]

Alternate Title
[CAP Creative Leaders Symposium Stephen Kakfwi]
Media » Film and Video
Stephen Kakfwi
Symposium held March 10th, 2015 in Ottawa, Ontario "was intended to initiate ongoing discourse between Aboriginal Peoples and the mainstream business community regarding Aboriginal economic prosperity." Speaker discusses his personal journey to success as a leader. Duration: 25:51.
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2006 Aboriginal Population Profile for Ottawa [Ontario]

Alternate Title
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities ; no. 1
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities: Ontario
2006 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Ottawa, Ontario
Article (Statistics Canada)
Marie-France Germain
Rosalinda Costa
Karen Kelly-Scott
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Blackfeet at Earnscliffe

Alternate Title
Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion
Images » Photographs
Image of a gathering of Blackfoot members and associates at Earnscliffe, residence of John A. MacDonald, located in Ottawa, Ontario. On back of photograph: "Front row, left to right: North Axe; Peigan Chief; One Spot; Blood sub-chief. Middle row: Three Bulls, half brother of Crowfoot; Crowfoot; Blackfoot Chief, died 2nd April, 1890; Red Cloud; Blood Chief. Back row: Father Lacombe; John L'Heureux, interpreter. From the book Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion by Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser.
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Book Review

Book Reviews
Ben K. Jukpor
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, 1997, pp. 360-363
Book review of: Louis 'David' Riel: 'Prophet of the New World.' by Thomas Flanagan.
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Breaking Free, Breaking Through: An Arts-Based Research Project to Examine Violence against Aboriginal Women

Documents & Presentations
Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
Ontario Native Womens' Association (ONWA)
Project to identify protective factors which led women to leave abusive relationships and stay away permanently. Research involved women from five Ontario cities: Fort Frances, Hamilton, Ottawa, Timmins and Thunder Bay.
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A Brief Guide to the James Bay Controversy

Archival » Archival Items
Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
Concerns about man-made environmental damage with the undertaking of the James Bay Project is the focus of this booklet. Also mentioned is relocation of 7000 Cree persons and flooding of land.

Historical note:

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Cabinet - Documents

Documents & Presentations
File contains a draft of a federal Cabinet meeting agenda for 21 June 1957 including a discussion of the Indian Act and the purchase and possession of liquor by status Indians.
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Canada's Tous Azimuts Arctic Foreign Policy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joël Plouffe
Northern Review, no. 33, Canadas Role in the Circumpolar World, Spring, 2011, pp. 69-94
Looks at Canada's current foreign policy discourse based on self-assertive and undefined strategic outcomes.
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Canned and Labelled: Case Closed

Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 18, no. 12, April 2001, p. 3

Comments on government and church reaction to abuse allegations at Aboriginal residential schools in Ottawa, Ontario.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.3.

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Case Study Report: When Justice Heals

Alternate Title
Odawa Native Friendship Centre: Project Number: 1291-ON
Documents & Presentations
Karen Jacobs-Williams
Description and evaluation of Odawa Native Friendship Centre project which aimed to provide alternatives to mainstream justice system for Aboriginals living in the Ottawa-Carleton region. Sources of information include project files, Aboriginal Healing Foundation National Process Evaluation Survey, interviews with members of Aboriginal Peoples Justice Circle and community service providers, and documents and data collected by community support manager.
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Churches, Government Still Squabbling Over School Issue

Articles » General
Joan Taillon
Windspeaker, vol. 19, no. 11, March 2002, p. 14

Focuses on the residential school survivors conference theme of pressure strategies for improved claim resolution

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.14.

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Civil Liberties

Documents & Presentations
File containing a newspaper article from the Globe and Mail regarding the court's underapplication of Diefenbaker's Bill of Rights, including reference to cases involving the Indian Act.
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Commission to Study Halfbreed Land Claims - 1901

Archival » Archival Items
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. This file contains a variety of documents pertaining to the Halfbreed Scrip Commission in the Saskatchewan District of the North West Territories following the Northwest Resistance. It also contains documents referring to the scrip issued to scouts who took part in suppressing the 1885 uprising.
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Copy of notes made by Hon. David Laird upon Qu'Appelle Treaty / 1874.

Documents & Presentations
David Laird
This file contains a carbon copy of a typescript of Laird's notes which give a detailed account of the individuals and incidents involved in the negotiations of the Qu'Appelle Treaty. The notes record the events, beginning on 8 September 1874 and concluding on 6 October 1874, which surrounded the treaty-making process.
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"D" for Disturbance - Mrs. C. Wetton. - Newspaper articles. - January-February 1965.

Articles » General
C. Wetton
A series of 16 articles written by Mrs. C. Wetton of North Battleford relating to the daily reports of the House of Commons of the activities of Louis Riel and others. The articles relate to events beginning on 16 March 1885, and ending on 1 March 1886.

Historical note:

Mrs. C. Wetton was a staff correspondent for the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix at North Battleford for 37 years.
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Electronic Powwow is Music Made for Dancing

Articles » General
David P. Ball
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 8, November 2012, p. 15

Brief profile of a band, A Tribe Called Red, whose blend of powwow songs with a dance beat has been nominated for a Canadian Polaris Prize.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.23.

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Ellen Fairclough on Mistawasis Petition, Funding Cuts to Indian Affairs

Documents & Presentations
File contains correspondence by Ellen Fairclough and John Diefenbaker. Includes a letter from Diefenbaker mentioning a petition from the people of Mistawasis signed by members of the Dreaver family, and a letter from Fairclough to Donald Fleming protesting cuts to her Departmental Budget, stating that such cuts will hurt the Indian Affairs branch.
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Evaluation of the Acceptability of a CD-Rom as a Health Promotion Tool for Inuit in Ottawa

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kelly E. McShane
Janet K. Smylie
Paul D. Hastings
Conrad Prince
Tungasuvvingat Inuit Family Health Team
Connie Siedule
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, 2013, p. article no. 20573
Study used community approach based on Inuit preferences for sources of health knowledge and distribution methods.
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Exploring the Link between Crime and Socio-Economic Status in Ottawa and Saskatoon: A Small-area Geographical Analysis

Alternate Title
Methodological Series (Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Division)
Documents & Presentations
Peter Kitchen
Saskatoon portion of study found that Aboriginal people, lone-parents and low income families were vulnerable to violent and major property crimes. High Crime Areas were clustered on west side of inner city.
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A Feasibility Study to Overcome Barriers for Aboriginal Home Ownership

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
D. V. York
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Focused on the socio-economic characteristics of the Aboriginal population of the Ottawa-Hull region, with particular attention to households occupying rental properties owned and operated by Gignul Non-Profit Housing Corporation or on their waiting list.
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Federal-Provincial Welfare Services -- Indian and Eskimo Welfare -- Newfoundland

Archival » Archival Items
File containing correspondence related to the indigenous people of Labrador. The correspondence between various government officials surrounds the current and past level of assistance given the Inuit and Indigenous people in the area. In particular, the amount of funding to be given for housing. Also included is an article entitled "The Bitter Plight of Labrador's Indians", sent to the PM's office in the hope that it might initiate action.
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Framing Canada's Aboriginal Peoples: A Comparative Analysis of Indigenous and Mainstream Television News

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brad Clark
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 34, no. 2, 2014, pp. 41-64
Compares coverage of events on Global Television, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), and CTV to that of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN). Stories covered: shooting of Chelsea Yellowbird, vote buying at Esgenoopetitj First Nation, Air Canada, Winnipeg and First Nation flood evacuees, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Keystone XL pipeline protest.
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General Correspondence

Documents & Presentations
A telegram from Michael Keewatin of the Native Counselling Service in Lethbridge, Alberta requesting an extension of the Drug and Alcohol Education Program.
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General Correspondence - W

Documents & Presentations
Correspondence between Mrs. A. Warner and John Diefenbaker regarding Diefenbaker's remarks at the opening ceremonies at Inuvik and regarding a sculpture there.
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General Correspondence - W

Documents & Presentations
C. W. Watt
Telegram from C.W. Watt of the PQ Inuit Association noting refusal of residents to vote in October 11th election until given proper representation in the House of Commons. Also pg. 26 of a brochure by the French government describing an exhibition in that country of Canadian Inuit art.
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General F.D. Middleton

Alternate Title
Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion
Images » Photographs
Photograph. Caption: "A triumphant Middleton poses in a buckskin outfit in an Ottawa photo studio." .
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Guiding Health Promotion Efforts with Urban Inuit: A Community-Specific Perspective on Health Information Sources and Dissemination Strategies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kelly E. McShane
Janet K. Smylie
Paul D. Hastings
Carmel M. Martin ... [et al.]
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 97, no. 4, July-August 2006, pp. 296-299
Study found that that health information process included visual learning, community Elders, and cultural interpreters.
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