Displaying 1 - 50 of 465

2006 Census Housing Series: Issue 9—Inuit Households in Canada

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Highlight. Socio-economic Series ; 10-019
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Includes general profile and information on housing characteristics and level of core housing need.
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Aboriginal Identity (8), Housing Suitability (6), Condition of Dwelling (4), Number of Persons per Room (5), Registered or Treaty Indian Status (3), Area of Residence (10) and Age Groups (10) for the Population in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2011 National Household Survey

Alternate Title
2011 National Household Survey: Data Tables: Aboriginal Peoples
Data » Tables
Statistics Canada
Statistical table. Each variable can be searched.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Mining in Canada: Six Case Studies

Documents & Presentations
Christine Cleghorn
Case studies provide an overview of how aboriginal communities have come to terms with mining and mineral exploration in their territories. They are: Innu Nation and Inco's Voisey's Bay Nickel Mine/Mill; Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation and BHP Diamonds Inc.; Tahltan First Nation, the mining industry, and environmental assessment; Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation and B.Y.G. Mt. Nansen Gold Mine; Makivik Corporation and Falconbridge's Raglan Mine; and Nishnawbi-Aski Nation and Ontario's living legacy.
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Aboriginal Quality of Life under a Modern Treaty: Lessons from the Experience of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee and the Inuit of Nunavik

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Quality of Life [Series]
Articles » General
Martin Papillon
IRPP Choices, vol. 14, no. 9, August 2008, pp. 1-26
Reviews changes that have taken place since the signing of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement using various indicators such as income, education, and life expectancy.
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Alterations of Visual Evoked Potentials in Preschool Inuit Children Exposed to Methylmercury and Polychlorinated Biphenyls From a Marine Diet

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dave Saint-Amour
Marie-Sylvie Roy
Célyne Bastien
Pierre Ayotte
Éric Dewailly
Christine Després
et al.
Neurotoxicology, vol. 27, no. 4, July 2006, pp. 567-578
Looks at the relationship between contaminants and visual brain processing in Inuit children.
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The Annanacks

Media » Film and Video
René Bonnière
Documentary about the formation of the first cooperative venture in the Inuit community of George River in Northern Quebec. Duration: 29.15.
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Arctic Food Security

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 58
Gérard Duhaime
Nick Bernard
Sophie Thériault
Ghislain Otis
Christopher Furgal ... [et al.]
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The Arctic: Gender Issues

Alternate Title
Info Series (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; PRB 08-09E
Documents & Presentations
[Clara Morgan]
Looks at relationship between gender issues and the environment, economic conditions, domestic violence, health, housing, homelessness and politics.
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The Arctic: Northern Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
InfoSeries (Library of Parliament)
Publication (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; PRB 08-10E
Documents & Presentations
[Tonina Simeone]
Comments on some of the key challenges for northerners and their governments.
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Arctic Wildlife

Documents & Presentations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Presents an ecological and nutritional overview of Inuit food sources.
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Background to the Nunavik Commission Health Recommendations

Articles » General
Marc-Adélard Tremblay
Pimatziwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health, vol. 1, no. 2, Winter, 2003, pp. 73-85
Summary of the background and main recommedations of the Commission in the area of health and social services.
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Being Outside of the Box: Audiology in Northern Québec

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hannah Ayukawa
Andrea Makiuk Roy
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, vol. 38, no. 2, Service Delivery to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada: Part 2, Summer, 2014, pp. 218-223
Comments on the high prevalence of hearing loss due to otitis media and noise exposure.
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Between Two Worlds

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rhonda Kokiapik
Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, Women of the North, Fall, 1994, pp. 21-22
Presents a college student's thoughts on living in a big city compared to a remote village.
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Birth Outcomes in the Inuit-Inhabited Areas of Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zhong-Cheng Luo
Sacha Senécal
Fabienne Simonet
Éric Guimond
Christopher Penney
Russell Wilkins
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 182, no. 3, February 23, 2010, pp. 235-242
Discusses the high rates of preterm birth, stillbirth and infant death in Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada compared with the rest of the country and the interventions necessary to improve maternal and infant health.
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A Brief History of Inuktitut Writing Culture

Articles » General
Ray Taylor
Inuktitut, no. 93, 2003, pp. 68-[?]
Reports on the adaptability of Inuit writing systems in reaction to the emergence of office automation and the Internet.
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Brief Respecting Social Housing in Nunavik

Documents & Presentations
Makivik Corporation
Kativik Regional Government
Report to Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development about Canada's failure to address housing needs in Nunavik.
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Brief Respecting Social Housing in Nunavik

Documents & Presentations
Makivik Corporation
Report presented to the Standing Committee on Finance concerning pre-budget consultations on the housing crisis and lack of action by Canadian government.
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Building Inuit Nunaat: The Inuit Action Plan

Documents & Presentations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada)
Looks at linkages between issues affecting Inuit and the existence of shared and overlapping responsibilities.
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Building on Success: Strategies for Promoting Economic Development in the North: Written Submission for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Alternate Title
Documents & Presentations
National Aboriginal Economic Development Board
Discussion on the development of the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development; recent Federal measures including the Northern Strategy; a series of agreements between government and Aboriginal communities, including self-government and Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements; and examines how they can play a central role in strengthening the northern economy.
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Canadian Inuit Art and Coops: Father Steinman of Povungnituk

Alternate Title
Canadian Inuit Art and Co-ops
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nelson Graburn
Museum Anthropology, vol. 24, no. 1, Spring/Summer, 2000, pp. 14-25
Discusses the missionary's influence on the arts and his role in the creation of the Povungnituk Sculptures Society and La Fèdèration des Coopèratives du Nouveau Quèbec.
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Canadian Inuit Perspectives on Climate Change (Unikkaaqatigiit)

Alternate Title
Unikkaaqatigiit: Perspectives From Inuit In Canada
Documents & Presentations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Initial descriptive page links to five reports 1) Unikkaaqatigiit: Perspectives From Inuit In Canada 2) Inuvialuit Regional Report 3) Nunavut Regional Report 4) Nunavik Regional Report 5) Nunatsiavut Regional Report.
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Les Cérémonies de Remise de Diplômes au Nunavik

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fabien Pernet
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 33, no. 1-2, Education and Transmission of Inuit Knowledge in Canada, 2009, pp. 225-243
Discusses how Inuit worldviews and customs were incorporated into graduation ceremonies.
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The Changing Circumpolar World for Canada, Quebec, Nunavik, and the Arctic Council

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Bone
American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 47, no. 2, Makippugut (We Are Standing Up): Public Policy and Self-Determination in Nunavik, 2017, pp. 162-175
Looks at the evolution of Nunavik status as a member of the circumpolar and Canadian world, as well as the need for Quebec to adopt an Arctic policy after a history of neglect.
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