Displaying 1 - 43 of 43

Aboriginal Cultural Tourism: Land of the Fog

Documents & Presentations
Joanne Pyke
Keith G. Brown
David Johnson
Discusses sustainable cultural tourism and the value of product authenticity on Cape Breton Island and provides an overview of some Mi'kmaq First Nations tourism initiatives.
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Barriers to Success for Indigenous Female Entrepreneurs in Cape Breton - Unama'ki

Documents & Presentations
RISE Results Business Services
Summarizes results of discussions held in focus groups involving 27 entrepreneurs and survey completed by 25 of those participants. Some of the challenges identified were disparity in funding opportunities, lack of awareness of support systems, credit and financial literacy, and issues of access to business services, training, internet service and workspace.
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Beothuk and Micmac

Alternate Title
Indian Notes and Monographs: A Series of Publications Relating to the American Aborigines
Frank G. Speck
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Cape Breton Home Care Discharge Planning Program: Evaluation Findings

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Health Transition Fund Project
Improving the Provision of Home Care for First Nations Living on Reserve in Nova Scotia
Documents & Presentations
Nova Scotia Aboriginal Home Care Steering Committee
Looks at pilot program for handling First Nations clients living on reserve, themes arising from interviews about program, and gaps in services and challenges.
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Eskasoni First Nation Governance 1 of 4

Media » Film and Video
Eskasoni First Nation Governance
Talks about governance and not losing any of the privileges and rights from the Royal Proclamation to the Indian Act and getting out from its legacy. Answers questions about what will happen to Indian Affairs funding of initiatives already in place. (7 minutes).
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Eskasoni First Nation Governance 2 of 4

Media » Film and Video
Eskasoni First Nation Governance
Looks at the Choctaw Nation in Mississippi with an unemployment rate of zero percent and a language retention rate of 90 %. It describes how things could change in Eskasoni and looks at the process of economic development. Duration: 9:00.
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Eskasoni First Nation Governance 4 of 4

Media » Film and Video
Eskasoni First Nation Governance
Looks at capable Governing Institutions, stable government and the legacy of Indian Affairs and the Indian Act. Duration: 8:00.
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Families Learning Together: A Family Literacy Program with Mi'kmaw Communities in Atlantic Canada

Alternate Title
Families Learning Together: A Family Literacy Program with Micmac Communities in Atlantic Canada
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Vianne Timmons
Fiona Walton
Alaina Roach O'Keefe
Maryam Wagner
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 31, no. 2, 2008, pp. 94-109, 174
Research evaluation from the Mi'kmaw Family Literacy Program which was designed, developed, piloted and implemented in several Atlantic communities.
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Indian Maiden Maple Syrup A

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Janice Esther Tulk
[Mary Louise Bernard]
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief background on the entrepreneur behind Native Trail Tours and the story told to tourists which prompted the development of the Indian Maiden product.
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Indian Maiden Maple Syrup B

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Janice Esther Tulk
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Continuation of business case study describing marketing the product and the subsequent idea of publishing a book of Mi'kmaw stories as told to the entrepreneur by her mother.
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Indian Maiden Maple Syrup C

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Janice Esther Tulk
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Final part of business case study describes development of a children's storybook which could be purchased as a complement to the maple syrup.
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Indigenizing the University: Panel Discussion

Alternate Title
Nation2Nation Speaker Series
Media » Film and Video
Stephen Augustine
Janice Basque
Albert Marshall
Panel asked to answer three questions regarding Cape Breton University: why is it important to indigenize? what are the top 3-5 priorities to indigenizing? and what are the barriers to indigenizing? Duration:1:00:17.
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Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: Enriching the Discussion Framework for Healthy Communities

Alternate Title
Ecosystems, Society, and Health: Pathways through Diversity, Convergence, and Integration
Documents & Presentations
Cheryl Bartlett
Murdena Marshall
Albert Marshall
Marilyn Iwama
Pre-publication version of chapter to be published in Convergence, and Integration edited by Lars K. Hallstrom, Nicholas P. Guehlstorf and Margot W. Parkes.
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[Legends VI]: Legends of the Mi'kmaq

Alternate Title
Ideas (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Kluskap's People: Stories of the Mi'kmaq
Legends Project
Media » Sound Recordings
The Legends Project is a compilation of traditional oral stories, legends and histories of Canada's Inuit and First Nations. They are transcribed, dramatized, and cast within the communities. This audio recording is from Eskasoni, Cape Breton. Duration: 54:32
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Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Stephanie McCormick
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief case study looks at cultural significance of the ancient burial ground, and how the Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources considered applying for designation as a national historic site as part of a larger preservation strategy.
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Membertou Hotel

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Keith G. Brown
Janice Esther Tulk
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief business case study describes community's economic development initiatives and considerations involved in deciding where the hotel, which was meant to attract more business to the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre, would be located.
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Membertou Museum A

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Mary Beth Doucette
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief case study describes activities of the Membertou Development Corporation and criticisms leveled at it about neglecting cultural and social needs of the community.
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Membertou Museum B

Documents & Presentations
Mary Beth Doucette
Brief case study discusses community concerns about a facility that would serve its cultural and social needs.
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Eleanor V. Johnson
Cultural Anthropology Thesis (M.A.)--Cape Breton University, 1992. Text in Mi'kmaq.
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Mi'kmaq Women and Our Political Voice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patricia Doyle-Bedwell
Atlantis, vol. 27, no. 2, Health Panic and Womens Health, 2003, pp. 123-127
Comments on the issues facing Mi'kmaq women and the healing process that needs to occur.
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The Micmac Mission

Documents & Presentations
Silas T. Rand
Presents a letter to the editor of the Christian Messenger.
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Morbidity and Mortality Rates in a Nova Scotia First Nations Community, 1996-1999

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Duncan Webster
Swarna Weerasinghe
Peter Stevens
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 95, no. 5, September/October 2004, pp. 369-374
Data gathered from Eskansoni, a large Mi'kmaq community located on Cape Breton, suggests that health promotion should target respiratory ailments, circulatory disease and diabetic management.
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Presentation by Will Basque

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Will Basque
File contains a presentation by Will Basque of Eskasoni, Nova Scotia. Micmac is a Smoganist or soldier veteran in Micmac, and represents all the combat veterans of the Micmac nation. Basque fought in both the Dominican Republic, and twice during the Vietnam War. Basque relays a history of the Micmac nation, with particular emphasis on its Catholic nature, and recognition as the "first state" of Canada. He also discusses legal developments in Canada and the United States, as well as residential schools, the Indian Act, and other matters.
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Progressive Conservative Party - Publicity

Archival » Archival Items
Progressive Conservative Party
File contains a page from a speech making reference to the banishment of 118 indigenous persons from the Hobbema Reserve; from "Two Years of Great Achievement - A summary of Accomplishments of the Progressive Conservative Party" referring to achievements of the Department of Indian Affairs, the Indian Act, and housing assistance; a pamphlet and a memorandum also highlighting achievements in the area of indigenous affairs; a memorandum highlighting accomplishments in the area of Indian and Northern Health Services; and a page out of the Conservative Canadian with mention of scholarships present
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Promising Practices In Eskasoni

Media » Film and Video
Ken Clement
Merv Thomas
Darko Sikman
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Members of the Eskasoni Mi'Kmaw Nation talk about their community's experience with harm reduction and addictions treatment and recovery. Duration: 36:38.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Albert Marshall

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Albert Marshall
File contains a presentation by Albert Marshall. Marshall lists some of his concerns with the governance system in the Eskasoni area ranging from education, policing, economic development and criminal justice, to taxation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dr. Marie Battiste

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Marie Battiste
File contains a presentation by Dr. Marie Battiste, Micmac Cultural Curriculum Coordinator for the Eskasoni School Board. Battiste dicusses Micmac culture, the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation, and the history of educational policy in Canada as it pertains to her people. Following the presentation is a discussion between Commissioners Georges Erasmus, Paul Chartrand, and Viola Robinson.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Pauline Lewis

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Pauline Lewis
File contains a presentation by Pauline Lewis, a Micmac woman from the Eskasoni First Nation. Lewis discusses her experience with the Indian Act and Bill C-31, having been re-listed to the Band in 1991. She discusses spousal abuse, provincial-federal jurisdictional issues in criminal law, and her part in a National Film Board presentation. Following the presentation is a comment from Commissioner Georges Erasmus.
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[Week 11: Indigenizing the University]

Alternate Title
MIKM 2701: Learning From Knowledge Keepers of Mi'kma'ki
Media » Film and Video
Stephen Augustin
Ashlee Cunsolo Willox
Eleanor Benard
Dan Christmas
Discusses moving forward with education on all levels. Inspirational story by Eleanor Bernard about successful Indigenous controlled educational approaches. Presentation begins at 21:40. Duration: 2:42:25.
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[Week 8: From Challenges to Strengths and Resilience]

Alternate Title
MIKM 2701: Learning From Knowledge Keepers of Mi'kma'ki
Media » Film and Video
Ashlee Cunsolo Willox
Daphne Hutt-MacLeod
Sharon Rudderham
Daphne Hutt-MacLeod and Sharon Rudderham from Eskasoni Health Centre speak about how their community is responding to the health and wellness of their residents. Presentations begin at 27:45. Duration: 2:46:33.
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Wksitnuow Wejkwapniaqewa - Mi'kmaq: A Voice From the People of the Dawn

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna-Lee Smith
Josephine Peck
McGill Journal of Education, vol. 39, no. 3, 2004, pp. 342-353
Looks at the development of the Certificate in Aboriginal Literacy Education program and follow-up workshops for creating children's books in-order to preserve the Mi'kmaq language in the community of Wagmatcook, Cape Breton.
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